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Excellent Service


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Thought it might be good to have a thread where forum members could mention excellent service we have received. It's easy to be critical of bad service but we actually need to encourage people who give good service.


Last week had an evening meal with friends in The Garrison in Castletown. The food was nice and the evening very enjoyable.


We were looked after by a young lady called Linda. She could not have been nicer, more cheerful, more efficient or more helpful. She was also very patient with our lack of knowledge of tapas. She contributed enormously to us having a really pleasant time. If visitors here come across this quality of service they will take back a very positive image of the Island.


I have been back in and mentioned this to the manager.


PS: generally we seem to experience very good and friendly service, the times when we have had indifferent service have been few and far between.

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I think it would be a fab idea if all places had comment slips, most people do not like to complain in person and dont have the time nor the inclination to write and complain, businesses and customers would both benifit from this because the business would know where they were going wrong by what was being said on the slip, and the customer would benifit because they would feel that their complaint had actually been heard.

Whats most annoying is getting dreadfull service, standards, food or whatever and not doing anything about it except going and telling 10 friends who tell their 10 friends, well not anymore, it gets posted online for thousands of people to read.

But i guess it works both ways, if its good sevice, standards, food or whatever then thousands of people will hear about that too.

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Nick Bridge at Outboard Marine Services.


Probably the most honest and helpful bloke (in his area of expertise) i have met.


Sometimes he gives so much detail i overload and fall into a trance :blink:

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Bad service then sod 'em. I just don't go back. And then tell my friends. And vice versa. Somewhere good. I go back. And tell my friends. What amazes me is when people tell me they've had a bad experience somewhere yet still go back.

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Bad service then sod 'em. I just don't go back. And then tell my friends. And vice versa. Somewhere good. I go back. And tell my friends. What amazes me is when people tell me they've had a bad experience somewhere yet still go back.



Well....I cant speak for others but i was meeting a friend for a coffee on saturday and usually i tend to choose where we go (i was thinking Velvet Lobster) but i was running late so she went to a certain coffee house run by a short fat Kenny Rogers lookie likie (sorry Kenny Rogers), anyway i just so happen to end up in the one place i never ever wanted to go.

I still feel the same towards the little runt, he barged past me without an "excuse me", and very rudely cleared our cups before we had finished, very very slow service also, with no apology for the long wait.

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I find that too Xpert, people say that they have had problems with a company and then go back and use them again, that is just stupid. I didn't shop at Next or TK Maxx for a year following bad customer service.



OMG thebees, i dont think i could cope not going into Next (childrens clothes are the cutest), and as for TK Maxx, someone was very rude to me once in there, but i weighed up very quickly "complain or never shop in there again", and complain won. I went straight to the manager and i'm glad i did, now i can shop in there till my little heart's content and i do, i love just looking in there even when i've got no money.

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Nick Bridge at Outboard Marine Services.


Probably the most honest and helpful bloke (in his area of expertise) i have met.


Sometimes he gives so much detail i overload and fall into a trance :blink:


Ditto - He's incredibly helpful and knows his stuff inside out.


Having owned boats for many years now and dealt with some really arrogant/shambolic people over here in this industry, his level of service really is fantastic. As a strange coicidence, when he serviced the engine on my boat for me a couple of years ago, it transpired that this particular engine had been sold by him in 1999 from his business in the UK as a brand new motor - he even remembered the people who bought it!

I've resented handing over money to certain 'boat people' over here in the past (I'm not remotely going to mention names since they're probably the type to take negative comments to task), but it's a pleasure to deal with Nick instead. I hope he stays doing this for a long time to come.


Off island (I know) - I recently had a refreshing bit of good service when I bought (for the second time now) a telly from beyondtelevision.co.uk. £40 cheaper than anywhere else I could find for the same set, free delivery, and a day or two after placing the order they phoned up to say "Thanks for your order, just to let you know if you have any problems or questions once your telly arrives please just give us a call and we'll help you out with it." Superb service - it's little things like that which really make a good impression.


Sorry to sound a bit gushy.

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