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The Barn?


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Smoking is rubbish, I overheard someone talking to the smokers at Balla the other week, one lad said "You've got to die of something, might as well be lung cancer or emphysema", fair point, but what about the other smoking things, like the constant cough, the stinking smell, the yellow fingers, the brown lines on your teeth, the schizophrenic episodes when the nicotine levels drop, and the fact that your addicted to the crappiest drug ever, oh yeah you have to die of something but I would much prefer it to be something fun.


BTW I am not against smoking I just don't think its the best thing I ever did.

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Nothing to do with me.

Probably dreamt up by 2 kids who want somewhere to hold their rave, and are making a thing of it. It is in essence just a barn, all those other legal things are stuff that applies to private buildings i guess.


it could host nights for us oldies as well.

No it couldn't.

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Anyone know anything about this?




FACT: This is a dirty old barn with some paint pots in, and a few kids with a boom box! A convincing website, but all fictional. Courtyard setting? I don't think so! Underfloor heating? In an agricultural barn? Hahaha! The police were all over this tonight as all those kids were all trespassing, not one of them with permission to be there. And actually, it's Mummy's barn!

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Apparently it was a bit more than a boom box, it was about 1300watts of sound system and proper decks and shiz.

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1300 watts?

Good job this was nipped in the bud.


It would have caused the ground to shatter and the island to sink beneath the waves, leaving only a slick of petrol, cocaine, fag butts, alcohol, dog poo and dodgy book keeping to remind the world of what a great civilization once stood here.


What's wrong with young people these days?

Why do they insist on trying to have fun?


They should all be kept indooors till they get better and metamorphose into accountants with shiny trousers.

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satire (noun) A literary composition, originally in verse, which holds up follies and vices for criticism, ridicule and scorn. The use of instruments such as sarcasm, irony, wit and humour in such compositions.

ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from Latin satira mixture.

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What's wrong with young people these days?

Why do they insist on trying to have fun?


It would be great if there was a place like this for 'da yoofs' to party, but turning up on someone elses property (which you had been banned from entering) under the mistaken belief that it was unoccupied for the weekend is not really the way to go!

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