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Praying Man Let His Daughter Die


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Sad thing is, God did answer his prayer - and provided the modern health care system.


Sometimes Christians have such tunnel vision on what they think God is saying that they fail to see the wood for the trees!


i agree that he should of used the health care system, but absent sky daddy did not create the health care system, healers have had to fight against religous every step of the way.


disease is caused by sin, "healing" miracles, exorsisms, accusations of magic and witchcraft, demonic possesion=insanity, the outlawing of dissection, predjudice again non christian healers and their methods, "the physician of the soul", banned blood transfusions, condemnation of germ theory, church contraptive ban, opposition to innoculation and vaccination,opposition to drugs for pain relief, opposition to anesthetics, numerous pseudo medical health authorities.


the above are some examples of how religion has held back the advancement of medicine.


Absent sky daddy does not want us to get better!

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Would there be grounds for sectioning these fanatical nutjobs under the Mental health Act, based on the fact that they are putting themselves or others at risk, and suffering from delusions of an invisible man in the sky who can cure them of illnesses?

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Reminds me of someone who said " i love god more than my kids", but that is what happens when you have god in your heart.

Its brainwashing of the masses but people only see a problem when something like this happens.

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Religion has killed far more people than drugs.....go figure.


One thing, how can a court prosecute a man who was only following the teachings of a nation? I keep telling my children not to listen to any stories about Jesus, God, Allah, who so ever, and still the education system sends them home with heads full of 'Jesus the king" GRRRRRRRRR! What about it? Lord of the dance and all that, with no repetitive beats, feeding the 5,000 , they'd have to get permission to have a gathering that big these days, imagine the security risk.........

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"I keep telling my children not to listen to any stories about Jesus, God, Allah, who so ever, and still the education system sends them home with heads full of 'Jesus the king"


It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories in the NT but are just fed the simplistic supernatural explanations. Much of the evil attributed to religions is unfair - the real problems have always been the twisting of religious teachings to suit people and their secular objectives. In this respect the established churches have let us down badly.

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In this respect the established churches have let us down badly.


And now many of the churches are closing and selling up, so their following is shrinking drastically, except for the people who want to get married, have a christening, or have a religious ceromony of some sort for something else, i dont actually understand why anyone would want to do any of that if they didnt believe in god, for the photos! Frigin hypocrites :ban:

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What an idiot, he was obviously praying to the wrong god, they are not all the same some are much better than others.


In fairness it can be hard to chose with all the rebranding and whitelabelling that's going on (especially with the sun religions).

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It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories........


parent should take it upon themselves to explain to their children that these stories were invented to control the masses.


they should probably do it at the same time that they are dealing with the santa claus issue.

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"I keep telling my children not to listen to any stories about Jesus, God, Allah, who so ever, and still the education system sends them home with heads full of 'Jesus the king"


It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories in the NT but are just fed the simplistic supernatural explanations. Much of the evil attributed to religions is unfair - the real problems have always been the twisting of religious teachings to suit people and their secular objectives. In this respect the established churches have let us down badly.


I disagree, I think the real problem are those caused by people being taken-in by the idea of there being a supreme being.

Why should children be taught about anything in the Bible?

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Would there be grounds for sectioning these fanatical nutjobs under the Mental health Act, based on the fact that they are putting themselves or others at risk, and suffering from delusions of an invisible man in the sky who can cure them of illnesses?


You make a good point, but the difference is that the grand and ridiculous delusions that come from being a christian, muslim, jew etc. are cpnsidered normal. He just took his beliefs farther than most.

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At the end of the day, there has never been any proof whatsoever that any religion has an actual, factual basis.


I'm not sure i would want my child to be indoctrinated into any religion.


When i think of muslims i think of terrorists and suicide bombers, when i think of catholics i think of children being molested. Can't think of anything about christianity though. Will have to think harder.


in fact, the only religion i can think of where i have heard pretty much nothing but good things, is Buddhism.

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