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Praying Man Let His Daughter Die


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One thing, how can a court prosecute a man who was only following the teachings of a nation?


Interesting, that. America is technically an atheist nation in that there is no official state religion because the constitution does not permit it, (unlike England which is nominally an Anglican state, though there is a lower percentage of christians) but the christian element is definately very influential and pervasive.


Why should children be taught about anything in the Bible?


I don't see why they shouldn't be made aware of the history of christianity including some study of the bible. Britain has been christian for 800 years or so years. They should not be taught to believe the literal truth of the stories, but to look at them critically and historiographically.

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It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories........


parent should take it upon themselves to explain to their children that these stories were invented to control the masses.


they should probably do it at the same time that they are dealing with the santa claus issue.

Whilst it is undeniably true that religions have been used to control populations this is far from their true purpose. As I've indicated, the true meaning of the miracle stories is not taught - there is actually a great deal of wisdom and good psychology in the NT. It just needs people to be taught it properly.

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"I keep telling my children not to listen to any stories about Jesus, God, Allah, who so ever, and still the education system sends them home with heads full of 'Jesus the king"


It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories in the NT but are just fed the simplistic supernatural explanations. Much of the evil attributed to religions is unfair - the real problems have always been the twisting of religious teachings to suit people and their secular objectives. In this respect the established churches have let us down badly.


I disagree, I think the real problem are those caused by people being taken-in by the idea of there being a supreme being.

Why should children be taught about anything in the Bible?

LDV - I suggest you take the time to thoroughly understand the OT and NT. Then you'd realise why children should be taught a great deal of what is in the Bible (albeit in a different way to that in which they are taught it at present).

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It is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories........


parent should take it upon themselves to explain to their children that these stories were invented to control the masses.


they should probably do it at the same time that they are dealing with the santa claus issue.

Whilst it is undeniably true that religions have been used to control populations this is far from their true purpose. As I've indicated, the true meaning of the miracle stories is not taught - there is actually a great deal of wisdom and good psychology in the NT. It just needs people to be taught it properly.


if all it needs is to be taught properly why doesnt god see to it that it is taught properly?

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"why doesnt god see to it that it is taught properly"


Good illustration of what I mean, Lao. Depends on your conception of "God", which isn't necessarily your Sky Fairy.


i dont believe in god, so really i was talking about your concept of god, that is the anthropomophic deity, a loving, personal god, the god that turned his back on the Jews, the god that had to sacrifice his own son to himself, in order to forgive the human race for a crime he manufactured.


you know, the god of the New Testament.


that fairy tale you want us to indoctrinate children with, because no self respecting adult would believe so much bullshit.

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As I've indicated, the true meaning of the miracle stories is not taught - there is actually a great deal of wisdom and good psychology in the NT. It just needs people to be taught it properly.


So you think that the bible has valuable moral messages for children? The god of the old testament is vengeful and merciless, and condones or orders at various times, rape, mass murder, infanticide, physical abuse of women and children, slavery, and human sacrifice. The bible should not be used a moral handbook.


There are some worthwhile stories in the bible, but modern stories can teach the same messages but in a more relevant and accessible way, and without the inconsistencies, contradictions, and general naughtiness and of the old testament.


Children should be aware of the bible and its historical importance, but they should be taught to approach it critically. The bible is a fascinating study in itself, but it really shouldn't be used to inform their morals of children.

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"that fairy tale you want us to indoctrinate children with, because no self respecting adult would believe so much bullshit."


And what justification do you have for accusing me of this?


i dont agree that children should be taught anything about religion.


the above is my opinion which clashes with your statement below which has prompted my last few posts.


t is a shame that children are not taught the true meaning of, for example, the miracle stories in the NT
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I suppose the Bible and history of Christianity can find a place in history lessons, that would make sense. But I don't really see how the Bible merits itself as containing tokens of wisdom and a particular psychology that is of value. And can you really detach it from the bonkers stuff about belief in God?

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