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[BBC News] Big beer glass promotes campaign


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The scheme called "Pop in and drive home" is similar to that used at Christmas,


hope this scheme is more cost effective than that farce they had going a christmas,a similar plastic piss pot with a dummy inside would be transported by

5 DOT Workers attendies would deliver it to Tesco mid morning then sit around in the cab of a DOT wagon till 1ish then move then it in to Strand street and would hang out in the wagon for the rest of the day claiming 9 hours @ overtime rate + 1day holiday in lue :o

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Working on this logic, perhaps the dog mess issue could be resolved by exhibiting a huge plastic dog turd at various locations?

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What a complete waste of time and money, that glass is so large it would not fit through a pub door , so therefore your average drink driver will be totally unaware of its existence whilst sat on his/her bar stool getting rat arsed only to drive home oblivious to their ridiculous message, "you couldn't make it up"

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Parading an unfeasibly large beer glass around the Island as a means of warning against the dangers of drink driving seems a bit patronising to say the least.


Like that giant cigarette that I think they had in the Sea Terminal a bit ago.


What next a massive hypodermic needle proppped up against the Laxey Wheel to warn against the use of illegal drugs?



(Or a massive seagull on the harbour bridge, purpose as yet to be determined)


It's like living in Land of the bloody Giants!

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If I see a giant empty beer glass it's just going to make me think of beer even more . Likewise if they tried to run a thing for healthy eating and had a giant bacon sandwich on disply it wouldn't make me think oh no I eat too much unhealthy food , I would most likely start salivating in a Homer Simpson stylee and wonder which shop was selling the monster bacon butties .

If they used the giant plastic dog shite idea I would probably just think it was another piece of "art" in a similar vein to the big shitehawk.

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