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Nick Crowe Update


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I certainly feel for these guys and all that have and will be going through :(


And this to me answers a few questions brought up in the earlier thread on this forum :


Commenting on the fundraising, Nick and Mark's families said, "We are overwhelmed at how generous people have been and we can assure everyone that the money raised so far, or the proceeds from fundraisers still in the planning, will not be used for our daily living. It will be used to buy the equipment that Nick and Mark are going to need to help them re-establish as much as a normal life as possible, as well as fund any costs incurred while the boys are injured.

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Here's a question born out of ignorance on my part (I know nowt about motorsport) - are competitors covered by some sort of sport wide insurance scheme that they contribute to and which looks after them in the case of an accident? I know the PFA has a scheme for footballers (the 90% who don't earn the megabucks and might need it if injury cut their career short).

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