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Uh Oh! We're In Trouble


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There's always people who want to be first to post "the news" and speculate on all sorts without engaging their brain first. If only they took 20 seconds to proof read their post before clicking Add Reply then MF would have 50% less crap/insensitive/libellous postings.


Also turn on spell checker. It helps.

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Maybe too much?


We're damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Mods don't actively monitor threads, we rely on people using the Report Post function responsibly. The thread in that report was removed within 15 minutes of a report being received.


It's a fine line and we sometimes over moderate and sometimes under moderate. We do our best, but as Mutley says, people do need to take some personal responsibility for the garbage they post at times.

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Maybe too much?


We're damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Mods don't actively monitor threads, we rely on people using the Report Post function responsibly. The thread in that report was removed within 15 minutes of a report being received.


It's a fine line and we sometimes over moderate and sometimes under moderate. We do our best, but as Mutley says, people do need to take some personal responsibility for the garbage they post at times.

Yes it was removed very quickly, I noticed and was pleased about that.


So should we report more, Ans? When we see something that looks like potential trouble, should we automatically report it?


Or would we seem to be a pain in the neck?


A very difficult job being a moderator. And very time consuming.

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if only there was a good taste and sensitivitity checker as well.



i once saw a post on a online gaming forum from the brother of the guy whose account he was posting on explaining to all the members of the forum that his brother had died and that he just wanted to let them all know that his brother had spent many enjoyable hours killing and looting with his online friends. it was a moving post explaining how much he would be missed and how he died, as well as thanking all the people who had befriended the brother on the game/forum.


the next poster asked "did he drop any good loot when he died?"

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Report what you think needs reporting. Nothing pisses the mods off more than finding out there's some contentious posting in the middle of a thread which everyone is bitching about but nobody thinks to bring it to our attention.


Reporting a post is far more helpful than posting "I don't think the mods will like this" in the middle of a thread.

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Maybe too much?


We're damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Mods don't actively monitor threads, we rely on people using the Report Post function responsibly. The thread in that report was removed within 15 minutes of a report being received.


It's a fine line and we sometimes over moderate and sometimes under moderate. We do our best, but as Mutley says, people do need to take some personal responsibility for the garbage they post at times.


just wanted to add to this, that in my opinion manxforums is very well moderated, these kind of things and more have happened to all the forums i am a member of, its comes with the territory, but forums cannot be held responsible for the opinions of its members.

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I've often thought that if people were only allowed to post under their real name they'd soon self-censor what they would post. But it might make the forums a little too staid.

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just wanted to add to this, that in my opinion manxforums is very well moderated, these kind of things and more have happened to all the forums i am a member of, its comes with the territory, but forums cannot be held responsible for the opinions of its members.


Can't argue with that.

I've been a mod on a couple of boards and MF is pretty good.

As Ans says, it's a balancing act and you never please everyone all the time.

Only difference I've noted is that the tendancy by certain individuals to threaten legal action seems more of an issue to be born in mind here.


Also one issue abusive newbies is a problem on most boards wherever they are.

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Maybe too much?


We're damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Mods don't actively monitor threads, we rely on people using the Report Post function responsibly. The thread in that report was removed within 15 minutes of a report being received.


It's a fine line and we sometimes over moderate and sometimes under moderate. We do our best, but as Mutley says, people do need to take some personal responsibility for the garbage they post at times.


I think that the MF moderators do a very good job. The responsibility of postings lies with the member. People should use their common sense and steer clear of making comments which are potentially upsetting or libellous. It would be a great pity if the forums were closed because of the actions of a few idiots.

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I've often thought that if people were only allowed to post under their real name they'd soon self-censor what they would post. But it might make the forums a little too staid.


i kinda agree with what you are saying, my own account is not annoymous, but sometimes the annoymous accounts say what needs to be said. that said i always pay more attention to criticisms/opinions on the martial arts boards from posters whos identity i am aware of.


freedom of speech is wonderful but with it comes abusive newbies and trolls.


forums cannot be held responsible for the opinions of its members.


I think, in some legal contexts, they can


from what i have experienced on other forums, in some cases forums came be made to remove posts or are forced to reveal any information they have that could lead to the identity of a poster, but they are not themselves responsible say in the case of libel, they just have certain legal obligations. could be wrong but it has happened a few times this way on sites i am a member of.

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