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Uh Oh! We're In Trouble


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People behind screens and hidden from public glare hold a greater sense of daring than those who are upfront and out in the open.





Firstly, I do think you are very sad indeed for holding onto that, and secondly, I'm not hidden behind anything and will always be out in the open and accountable for what I say and believe.


This is old news matey, and was a wind up!!


I did, mistakenly think we had all moved on from this. But, some just can't accept change can they.




Kevin M Collier



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For the sake of debate, what exactly is it about a discourse being on a forum that makes it something that someone has a right to object to and have, effectively, censored? No doubt the same brutal exchange of opinions has gone on numerous times amongst people verbally and, as harsh and tasteless as it was, nobody could stop it...


Given that such thoughts and exchange of opinions would be effectively the same, is it almost the point that an internet forum becomes journalism/a source of news itself, that it must be treated and regulated as such? (And is this right?)


If an unfounded verbal or written statement brings a person or company into disrepute, the person who made the statement can be charged with defamation. I don't know, but i assume that the owner of the forum is responsible for its content, and defamation charges are made against them and not the member who made the comments, which is why mods are necessary.


In some ways this forum is like a newspaper in that it is widely read, but the difference is that newspapers are a source of news and forums are a source of opinion. Newspapers have editors but forums don't (except the mods, but they can only moderate after a comment has been made) so we have to be our own editors, and decide for ourselves what is true or false.


I think, technically, all verbal exchanges can be subject to defamation law (slander) but they seldom reach a wide enough audience to be of any consequence; it is the wide audience of these forums that make them different. It's like a casual conversation but on a public stage.


Ideally people would just accept that comments on here are nothing more than opinion, but the law does not accept that.


How often do you mods actually have to step in?

More than you think. Admittedly it's been a lot quieter for us recently though. This time last year we were dealing with a legal threat a week, and that's not really an exaggeration.


Oh right, i didn't realise that. I think the law is at fault, in that it doesn't make a distinction between a source that is expected to be truthful (like a newspaper) and a source which is purely opinion (like a forum)

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In some ways this forum is like a newspaper in that it is widely read, but the difference is that newspapers are a source of news and forums are a source of opinion.


Sometimes news will break first here on the forum before the newspapers and sometimes before Manx Radio


ETA - although you don't always know if it's true / accurate at the time

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This is old news matey, and was a wind up!!


It's not old news. I was only aware of you using that threatening tactic on here. Seems you use it on your own forum too. How "very sad"

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This is old news matey, and was a wind up!!


It's not old news. I was only aware of you using that threatening tactic on here. Seems you use it on your own forum too. How "very sad"


Again you jump in without researching the topic/subject.


I've never used that tactic as you put it on here, and the other forum isn't mine, but one run by Duke and your Government. And it was said "Tongue in Cheek" but you haven't the intelligence to see that have you.


This has been taken way out of context, and you are just dragging up dirt for no apparent reason.


And, whilst I'm at it, have a read of your own terms and conditions, where this is stated - "Manxforums is for the exchange of views, information and opinions in a friendly non judgmental atmosphere"


I'd be hard pushed to find a topic or thread on this forum that hasn't been left alone and not been in tune with this statement!!



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And it was said "Tongue in Cheek" but you haven't the intelligence to see that have you.


You're not fooling anyone with this claim. You made a foolish response to a post and you've since tried to worm your way out of it by claiming it was a windup.


Anyway, if you don't like how this forum is run, your options are clear.

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And it was said "Tongue in Cheek" but you haven't the intelligence to see that have you.


You're not fooling anyone with this claim. You made a foolish response to a post and you've since tried to worm your way out of it by claiming it was a windup.


Anyway, if you don't like how this forum is run, your options are clear.





And for the record, I've no problem with the forum or how its run, just with you, who like a couple of others on here can't seem to let go of past assumed misdemeanors. Sad really!!


Just a shame you keep hijacking topics to keep reminding me of it.


Life is too short isn't it to worry over trivial things ;)

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Don't they have forums in Cumbria?


The secret world of double information permissions. It's ok for a policemans sister-in-law to chat shit about every crime that occurs but yer man on the street can know nothing, it's all rubbish!

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I reported the thread in question, although I assume I was not the only one.
We only had one report.
Cheers for that. I was trying to dilute my grasslike status.
For the record. I admit to reporting the offending thread.
I'm Spartacus!

I think I see where you're going with this now... :cool:

I'm beggared if I do. :rolleyes:

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stop bloody posting about it then you egomaniac.


Amen to that Miss T.


Free speech is a given right however with all rights come responsibility.


We can say pretty much what we like without fear of the authorities however if we make comments which could cause damage to someone elses business or reputation then they could take legal action against us to recover damages for any loss caused by by our comments.


Thus someone saying that I was a paedo would probably damage my reputation (for the record I'm not) and I could take action.


In the case in question however it is doubtful that the estate of the deceased could claim damage to reputation so the legal position is not quite the same. The comments made however were especially insensitive and deserved to be deleted.

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I apologise. You're right Addie, you did report it earlier. I'm not sure how it was missed by us all.


The way we deal with reports is a bit clunky really, also noting Declan's comments about a lack of response on occasion. We'll have a discussion about it and see if we can make it more efficient.

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I reported the thread in question, although I assume I was not the only one.
We only had one report.
Cheers for that. I was trying to dilute my grasslike status.
For the record. I admit to reporting the offending thread.
I'm Spartacus!

I think I see where you're going with this now... :cool:

I'm beggared if I do. :rolleyes:


Stavros 1 - Addie 0

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And it was said "Tongue in Cheek" but you haven't the intelligence to see that have you.


You're not fooling anyone with this claim. You made a foolish response to a post and you've since tried to worm your way out of it by claiming it was a windup.


Anyway, if you don't like how this forum is run, your options are clear.


You going to have to go round to his house, Ans?

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For the sake of debate, what exactly is it about a discourse being on a forum that makes it something that someone has a right to object to and have, effectively, censored? No doubt the same brutal exchange of opinions has gone on numerous times amongst people verbally and, as harsh and tasteless as it was, nobody could stop it...


Given that such thoughts and exchange of opinions would be effectively the same, is it almost the point that an internet forum becomes journalism/a source of news itself, that it must be treated and regulated as such? (And is this right?)


If an unfounded verbal or written statement brings a person or company into disrepute, the person who made the statement can be charged with defamation. I don't know, but i assume that the owner of the forum is responsible for its content, and defamation charges are made against them and not the member who made the comments, which is why mods are necessary.


In some ways this forum is like a newspaper in that it is widely read, but the difference is that newspapers are a source of news and forums are a source of opinion. Newspapers have editors but forums don't (except the mods, but they can only moderate after a comment has been made) so we have to be our own editors, and decide for ourselves what is true or false.


I think, technically, all verbal exchanges can be subject to defamation law (slander) but they seldom reach a wide enough audience to be of any consequence; it is the wide audience of these forums that make them different. It's like a casual conversation but on a public stage.


Ideally people would just accept that comments on here are nothing more than opinion, but the law does not accept that.


How often do you mods actually have to step in?

More than you think. Admittedly it's been a lot quieter for us recently though. This time last year we were dealing with a legal threat a week, and that's not really an exaggeration.


Oh right, i didn't realise that. I think the law is at fault, in that it doesn't make a distinction between a source that is expected to be truthful (like a newspaper) and a source which is purely opinion (like a forum)


The law doesn't differentiate, all you have to do is publish to a third party. It doesn't matter if it is newspaper, radio, TV, internet forum or the back of a cigarette packet, as long as you make an untrue statement (or at least something you can't prove to be true) about an individual, identifiable group, business or other organisation which would lead to the reduction of their standing in the mind of a right-thinking person (anyone who isn't P.K. basically). There are a series of defences against a defamation claim (which is a civil, not criminal matter so you wouldn't be charged), one of which is fair comment, or personal opinion fairly expressed without malice. A defamatory comment posted on the internet could be defended if it can be shown that it is a personal opinion, fairly expressed and stated without malice - but it is a hard defence to win with. The only absolute defence is the statement is true, and you can prove it.

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