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Speckled Frost

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Shame that Heritage/Dandara/Brownville couldn't "build over" the Venue/Crescent.


Not as literaly as it sounds, but as part of planning to incorporate leisure facilities within the new build as a condition of change of zoning from leisure to residential. Then again, despite the traditional raison d'etre, they probably wouldn't want public facilities anywhere near their Promenade residential premises?


I would be worried if I owned Paramount City, seeing the nearest feeder venues moving further and further away.

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With the Cave gone, now the Venue/Crescent, the north side of the Prom is really dying a death.

  • EJ's: Closed following incident, demolished and replaced with Apartments.
  • Lido/Palace: Demolished and leveled, now used for car parking.
  • Crescent: Former home of various ammusements, currently "Slot Machine Complex" soon to be replaced by apartments.
  • Summerland: "Europes best indoor complex" when built, reopened after fire soon to be demolished with no firm plans for future.

What else used to be along the Prom?

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Obviously people want to stay in more these days


I'm happy to be corrected here as I can only summise, but would that sentiment be because the Island went trough a lean period which saw little investment in facilities and various contributing factors did mean that the public were less likely to "go out" during the week and weekends?


Rather than wanting to stay in, they simply didn't want to go out?


Not on the Prom, but...

  • White City: Closed and replaced with apartments (?)
  • Laxey Glen Gardens: Grassed over. Riverside walk to nowhere still exists.

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Rather than wanting to stay in, they simply didn't want to go out?




It all becomes a bit Catch 22. People don't go out becuase they don't like whats on offer - less people go out, more places close, people don't.... ad infinitum

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I think the government need to give us there view on the diminishing leisure facilities, the tourist board may as well shut up shop as soon they will have nothing to try and promote.

For families who still come over, what is there for the kids, there used to be a Family cabaret on all summer long packed at Summerland's Piazza level. What was it last year?.... one function room at the Villa, is this the result of nobody coming to the Island anymore or just No facilities or enthusiasm. I really don't know.

We used to have bouncy castles on the beach, no more, Donkey rides... No more. Rollerskating, No More.

To any of my Family that used to come over and visit, there was always a trip to the crescent but this is soon to be no more.

I hope somebody from the tourist board reads this and makes a comment as I for one am slowly giving up hope for the future of this Island. It is becoming a land of homes and dreams of leisure facilities.

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I won't be sorry to see the venue go.


Sadly whilst actually being a really good venue for a nightclub it's always been ruined by people behaving like utter w@nkers when they've had a few too many WKDs.


The problem now is that at least it kept them mainly confined to there and Breeze and now they'll begin infiltrating other places.


As long as they don't find the wonderful haven of Champs then things might just be ok....


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