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Dog Farms


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Just watched a section on Sky News about Dog Farms in the UK.


There are few things that will bring a tear to my eye but the....words escape me but disgusting is the closest I can get to...conditions that these dogs were being breed and raised in just made me sick.


One of the pups on the footage looked very similar to my Gizmo (the Lhasa Apso in my Avatar).


Yet the worst thing is that the farms are licensed and will not be shut down.


How can a nation that calls itself "a dog loving" nation allow this?


Has anything like this ever happened here? And if so what happened?


Did not watch the programme but isn't it the case that those who wish to own exotic breeds (Lhasa Apso, my arse), or "must have" pedigrees supply the demand that these (admittedly unpleasant) dog farmers cater for?


There are plenty of nice dogs at the MSPCA, and from other sources, living humanely, which would welcome the chance to have a loving owner/family.


Crocodile tears don't wash.


Actualy my dog was brought before we moved to the IOM. I met the breeders and saw where the dog was breed. There was no mistreatment or bad breeding practices.


If these "legitimate" dog breeders had their licenses pulled and charges brought there would less supply for the demand. The fact that these dog from "legitimate" breeders are being sold legally through pet shops disgusts me even more.


And isnt the reason there are "plenty" of dogs in the MSPCA for the most part down to the owners not being fit to own the dog or simply being arsed to look after the dog.


So you can shove your "crocodile tears" up your arse.

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What do they do with them once they've farmed them?


Honestly, they can't really eat them can they? Roast Poodle and yorkshire pudding, I don't think so. Although, it kinda gives me a few ideas when the cats are a bit sparse.


I digress, if they're licensed, doesn't it mean that they're regulated, if not, perhaps you're absolutely right this time and I will have to agree with you for once.


Shut them all down and call in the retrievers...

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I know the Manx (for the most part judging by some of the patrons of this forum) have a great sense of humour, and like to take the piss out of me cos I'm a bit of a tosser.




No need for fixing, my original statment stands. You only have to look at the Dog Walking thread to see how anti-dog people are on this forum.


To be fair I think they're mostly anti-militantDogowner

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I know the Manx (for the most part judging by some of the patrons of this forum) have a great sense of humour, and like to take the piss out of me cos I'm a bit of a tosser.




No need for fixing, my original statment stands. You only have to look at the Dog Walking thread to see how anti-dog people are on this forum.


I think that in general they are just anti you. Probably because in your aggressive posts you're mostly talking through your arse and, as Mutley has pointed out, most people seem to think that you're a tosser.

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And isnt the reason there are "plenty" of dogs in the MSPCA for the most part down to the owners not being fit to own the dog or simply being arsed to look after the dog.


And your point is?


I would have thought maybe as a dog lover, one may prefer to take in one of these unfortunate creatures to show them that they can be loved, in preference to some trophy dog that may have been bred to order (in good conditions or bad).

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Another example of the "unacceptable face of capitalism".


I don't mind what kind of dog it is as long as it is friendly and not a Pit Bull or Japanese Fighting Dog. I get concerned when I see Crufts on the TV. It has become big business which allows the 'breeders' to flourish. The same things seems to be happening with cats too - you can't have a moggie it has to be an Abyssinian or a Burmese (Siamese are out this year) or a Maine Coonz (? spelling). They were saying on the BBC that there is some 'big debate' on at the moment about cross-breeding Dalmatians and Pointers to create a less disease prone breed of Dalmatian. Why have they become disease prone in the first place? In-breeding for profit?


I know that they tried to stamp out dog farms in Ireland but understand this has not been successful and there is still quite a lot of stealing pedigree animals for breeding - but all this ultimately is very much down to the fact that there is a market willing to pay silly prices IMO. Would like to see it stopped and a more sensible attitude to animals - to replace the fashion accessory or latest trend one. Maybe the recession will help?

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I wonder if they use sheep to herd the dogs on these farms? They could have a national dogsheep trials. Now the fur from a St Bernard can be spun and knitted into a good jumper, I know a few who have done this, mind you I would like to see someone milk a Doberman.

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And isnt the reason there are "plenty" of dogs in the MSPCA for the most part down to the owners not being fit to own the dog or simply being arsed to look after the dog.


And your point is?


I would have thought maybe as a dog lover, one may prefer to take in one of these unfortunate creatures to show them that they can be loved, in preference to some trophy dog that may have been bred to order (in good conditions or bad).



Oddly, VoR I agree with you. If he/she is a dog lover then should have gone to RSPCA/MSPCA and got an unwanted dog to care for.


I am a dog owner and have two dogs who were unwannted and it really pisses me off when I hear these whining tosspots going on about their particular breed of dog like some snobby bollox, and the knobheads who buy an arctic breed like a husky and bring them to the Isle of Man???wtf??? or the complete twats who buy akitas or bull mastiffs to show how 'ard they are.


I absolutely agree that it is people like MDO who perpetually provide a market for particular breeds of dog which in turn creates a need for breeders/dog farms

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They dogs are farmed because of people who demand a particular kind of dog, you know those little fluffy ones with the curly tail. Same as other animals are farmed for meat. If you object to the way they are treated you could 'go veggie' and give up your pedigree dog, and renounce the fashion that has led to the situation in the dog farms.

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