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Dog Farms


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They dogs are farmed because of people who demand a particular kind of dog, you know those little fluffy ones with the curly tail. Same as other animals are farmed for meat. If you object to the way they are treated you could 'go veggie' and give up your pedigree dog, and renounce the fashion that has led to the situation in the dog farms.

I'd volunteer to go on a human farm anyday - three squares a day, free medication and all the sh*ggin they could throw at me! I'd fetch sticks for that!

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How can a nation that calls itself "a dog loving" nation allow this?


Has anything like this ever happened here? And if so what happened?



Answer to the first part is greed and people who buy them becuase of all the wrong reasons.



And yes to the second part and nothing happens for many reasons. 1 being as people still buy from the person, (please read the above) and another reason is the Mspca asking for an appointment to check the kennels.

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Well i thought it was common practise the way these farms work, you see they only see them as money and not pets.


Its only the show breeders who tend to be very caring towards the dogs they breed.

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Its only the show breeders who tend to be very caring towards the dogs they breed.



Bloody Hell, you're joking surely. Most off them are the reasons these farms exist.

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Its only the show breeders who tend to be very caring towards the dogs they breed.





What complete and utter bollocks


It's an American website, but what they've done for the hip score for German Shepherds is brilliant





Show breeders are horrible bloody people.


Unfortunately my beautiful wife has gone to bed and I dare not wake her to ask her the condition Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get - something to do with their brains not fitting their skull properly. All to do with how the Kennel Club see how an animal should look.


Wankers! They make me want to puke!

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Show breeders are horrible bloody people.


Unfortunately my beautiful wife has gone to bed and I dare not wake her to ask her the condition Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get - something to do with their brains not fitting their skull properly. All to do with how the Kennel Club see how an animal should look.


This is true. Makes them act like they are epileptic and have to be put down. All thanks to the Kennel Club. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are only show-able if they have the ridge, and that's a spinal deformity. Loads of other breeds have been deformed. Show-able Alsatians can hardly walk upright.


The BBC - in consultation with the RSPCA - has withdrawn from showing Crufts on TV for all these reasons.

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Whilst some of the jokes on this thread are amusing there is a very serious side to all this and i agree with most of the comments.


Animal lovers will get from the MSPCA NOT Bulk Breeders.



Are there any bulk breeders on the island??



Also there are farmers on the island that do breed naturally dogs and are kept in good condition..if your desperate for a puppy try them..This is NOT the same as bulk/show breeders who dont let the dogs see light of the day and kill off any unhumanly who might have slightly bigger ears etc or sell off for animal testing.

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Has anything like this ever happened here? And if so what happened?

Yes - there was an experiment with one here, but it soon closed down when it became clear that dogs didn't lay eggs and taste like crap.


I think you made an excellent point though. It would be incredibly hypocritical to moan about how dogs were treated when we allow animals to be treated as they are for the sake of getting a meal.

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I'd volunteer to go on a human farm anyday - three squares a day, free medication and all the sh*ggin they could throw at me! I'd fetch sticks for that!

LDV would lurve it too!


I'm not desperate for sex.


Yeah, but free medication!

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I will repeat for the hard of reading and hard of understanding...


I did not purchase my dog from a bulk breeder and purchased him before coming to the Isle of Man.


As a responsible owner I know that one dog is the limit with regards to time and the amount of space I have available. If more people were a bit more careful before buying a dog that was either unwanted or they were ill suited/prepared for, there would be less dogs in the RSPCA/MSPCA.


The idea of bulk breeders makes me sick.

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