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[BBC News] New posts to scrutinise ministers


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That is precisely what such roles are not meant to be, but yes you are correct, this will be a classic jobs for the boys.

This move by the Government is to try and offset the long awaited Ombudsman Bill and prevent any proper independent scrutiny of its ways.


The very last thing this Government wants is an independent ombudsman. That said, however, the very definition of an ombudsman is a complete oxymoron. How on on earth can a government appointee investigate complaints against the body that appointed him/her?


The Isle of Man needs a UK Government appointed ombudsman. It really does.


But that will never happen......or will it?

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Following the MPs' expenses scandal Tynwald looked into MHKs' expenses and there seemed to be very little or no exploitation of the system. These new roles will probably cost more then all the MHKs' expenses combined.


It is unnecessary civil service jobs like these that are the real abuse of public funds.


Having said that, closer attention needs to be given to value for money in govt.

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Agreed. It really is these pointless CS jobs that inflate the figures and drag the 'good' ones down.


Is this not the work that is carried out already by Select Committees and the Public Accounts Committee. MHK's and MLC's participate in these as part of their work in Central Govt. Does this mean they will take a pay cut as they will no longer be required to scrutinise etc.......

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From the news item/Government press release

Officials recommended an ombudsman scheme to provide "fair and impartial" assessment of complaints, independent of political involvement.

......which is not the same as having an ombudsman.


I can hear our Toney now, telling us that we already have two commissioners (or whatever they will be tagged) and so what need is there for an ombudsman.


There are two things that this government will avoid at all costs: an ombudsman and a Freedom of Information Act.

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Three things


Disability Discrimination Legislation

I thought you were going to say:


Freedom Of Information....

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