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Ronny Biggs Set Free


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About bloody time. Child molesters, mass murderers and rapists don't get as long in prison as he did.


That's not the point. Do you advocate the early release of child molesters, mass murderers and rapists?

Somebody died as a result of his activities (it has been alleged that he himself struck the blow that was to prove fatal)


He did commit a second crime by escaping from prison. had he not done that he would have been "out" for a long time now


That said, he obviously does not prove a threat to society now and I don't have any problem with his release.


I do have a problem with his status as some sort of folk hero.

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About bloody time. Child molesters, mass murderers and rapists don't get as long in prison as he did.


That's not the point. Do you advocate the early release of child molesters, mass murderers and rapists?

Somebody died as a result of his activities (it has been alleged that he himself struck the blow that was to prove fatal)


He did commit a second crime by escaping from prison. had he not done that he would have been "out" for a long time now


That said, he obviously does not prove a threat to society now and I don't have any problem with his release.


I do have a problem with his status as some sort of folk hero.



Stick him back in the slammer, hes going to stuff it any way........


Cant do the time, dont do the crime and get ill.



Its the only reason he came back, because he fell ill.



They should have turned him away and said " you were happy to be on the run and now you want help.......fuck off ".

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I do have a problem with his status as some sort of folk hero.

Amen to that. The British have a knack for creating such people - sending out all the wrong messages to others.


He escaped because of incompetence at a prison, and wasn't caught again due to further incompetence and political cock-ups.

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About bloody time. Child molesters, mass murderers and rapists don't get as long in prison as he did.


That's not the point. Do you advocate the early release of child molesters, mass murderers and rapists?

Somebody died as a result of his activities (it has been alleged that he himself struck the blow that was to prove fatal)


He did commit a second crime by escaping from prison. had he not done that he would have been "out" for a long time now


That said, he obviously does not prove a threat to society now and I don't have any problem with his release.


I do have a problem with his status as some sort of folk hero.



Stick him back in the slammer, hes going to stuff it any way........


Cant do the time, dont do the crime and get ill.



Its the only reason he came back, because he fell ill.



They should have turned him away and said " you were happy to be on the run and now you want help.......fuck off ".


er actually he isnt in the slammer he's in a hospital it just means the two guards at the end of his bed can go and guards someone else.

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I do have a problem with his status as some sort of folk hero.

Amen to that. The British have a knack for creating such people - sending out all the wrong messages to others.


He escaped because of incompetence at a prison, and wasn't caught again due to further incompetence and political cock-ups.



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