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I made it up to the island, several deaths, boat trips and marathons later. Now at the inn in the middle of that island.


That must have been some adventure to make it over!


Looked hillarious though - you must be the only knome on the island.


Shame we wandered off into the wilderness and kept getting killed!


Same again tonight cool.gif

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Only managed about 45 minutes last night - must try harder!


I chose "Herbalism" as my primary profession, and spent most of the time working on that, gatherign whatever I could find.


concrete - have you been making much yet?

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I got up to lvl 14 last night. Wondered why I kept dying all the flipping time, only realised this morning that I hadn't learned any of my new spells since level 10! What a nob!


We signed Furry Mongoose up to the guild last night, and had around 14 players on last night. I had a little guild group on the go in Darkshore, was lots of fun.


Love the game!

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Not eed at all, it's open to all. There's just a lot of EED there because thems me mates. Tell your mate to /tell Slim or /tell calodon. Do you have his char name?


Ans: Doooo it! There's loads of old quakenet folks on this server we started on, it's top :)

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