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Baby Peter Connelly


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The Daily Telegraph


Reading about these dreadful people and the terror they inflicted on baby Peter and others in their life, I despair.


What on earth are we doing by allowing these situations to continue?


Because I really feel that we are encouraging the irresponsible breeding by these thoughtless, most unsuitable parasites.


A family member of mine and his wife had to jump through hoops to be allowed to adopt a child. They were very lucky and got a darling little girl. They must now wait until she is 6 before they would be allowed to adopt a sister or brother for her. But, the next child may have to be a lot older due to everyone wanting to adopt babies.


By the time some of these children have been removed from their parents, they could be irreversibly damaged emotionally and/or physically. It's just not fair to them.


So with (one assumes) long queues of responsible and loving would-be parents out there, why are the at-risk children left so vulnerably in the hands of an unfit mother and left open to the even greater risk from their mother's steady supply of unrelated, and deeply dangerous, males?


Why didn't the authorities notice that there were adult males in the house?


Why can't we change things so that children are really protected and their welfare always comes first?


What ideas does anyone have to change things?

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This kind of tragedy just cements my personal belief that there is no god. I just hope to read on the news one day soon that both the people involved have been murdered in prison.

There were three fucking despicable cunts involved , the so called mother is just as much to blame as the horrible bastards who battered that poor lad .

There was mention in one paper that they may be given new identities once their pitiful jail terms are up . So I more than agree with your statement that the fuckers get murdered in prison hopefully very painfully .

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This kind of tragedy just cements my personal belief that there is no god. I just hope to read on the news one day soon that both the people involved have been murdered in prison.


Whilst many people ( including myself) would agree ,justice must depend on the judiciary not on criminal inmates.


Judges must come from some other strange planet they are certainly removed from this one.

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I have been reading how these people will be given new identities and secure housing - but this will be very expensive to maintain. But I have to wonder whether it is right that the public pays such a large amount to prevent vigilante attacks against these people.

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I have been reading how these people will be given new identities and secure housing - but this will be very expensive to maintain. But I have to wonder whether it is right that the public pays such a large amount to prevent vigilante attacks against these people.


I read the same, and the figure to to give them new identities and security will be in the region of 150 million.

What a total waste of money.

It's a pity that our wounded coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan aren't given the same sum of money to get on with their lives. It's also a pity that the families of the men and women who won't be coming back don't get the same compensation.

To be completely honest the scum who tortured and killed baby P should be hung... Which would save the taxpayer a fortune.

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I have been reading how these people will be given new identities and secure housing - but this will be very expensive to maintain. But I have to wonder whether it is right that the public pays such a large amount to prevent vigilante attacks against these people.


You would condone vigilante attacks against these people then? Is that your idea of how justice should work?


I'm in two minds about it myself, actually. Certain crimes are so awful that removing the perpetrators freedom does not seem a severe enough punishment, and the reaction is to take away their life. I believe that for their crimes these people 'deserve' a painful death, yet, while their crimes were despicable, if we allow people to mete out their own brutal justice on them we have descended into barbarism.


By claiming that she had the right to a life free from vigilante attacks or intrusion by the media, she would be given a new name, moved to a home equipped with panic buttons and provided with round-the-clock police protection for the rest of her life at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of £1 million a year.


The same protection may also be given to Barker, 33, who could be free in 12 years.

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Horses, bolted and stable doors spring to mind here.


Revenge doesn't change one single thing, does it?


I imagine that even these dreadful creatures were innocent babies once.


Everyone concerned seems to be a victim of some kind here.


But my query was, how on earth can we help prevent other little innocent souls being tormented like this?

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Horses, bolted and stable doors spring to mind here.


Revenge doesn't change one single thing, does it?


I imagine that even these dreadful creatures were innocent babies once.


Everyone concerned seems to be a victim of some kind here.


But my query was, how on earth can we help prevent other little innocent souls being tormented like this?


I agree. I don't think vigilantism solves anything, nor can it be justified. From reading into the background of these killers it did strike me that something was seriously 'wrong' with them. I am not talking mental illness, but these men were pretty fucked up - raping a girl of two, history of animal cruelty, having relationships with very young girls, and adoration of Nazism. Does make me wonder how a person comes to be like that.

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The quickest , easiest and cheapest way to avoid any vigilante attacks would be a bullet to the back of the head . Then either donate their bodies for organ donation or just cremate them and chuck in an unmarked grave to prevent any vandalism in the cemetary or have ghoulish types visiting their graves .

I would happily pull the trigger for free .

No it doesn't change what has happened but it woud certainly prevent any of those fuckers doing anything again which given their history has to be a very high likelyhood. In these days of DNA evidence and other high tech scince that is used in the detection of crime it is less and less likely that the authorities will get the wrong person therefore for crimes such as this I see no problem at all in bringing back the death penalty , especially given previous criminal record of the people involved .

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The quickest , easiest and cheapest way to avoid any vigilante attacks would be a bullet to the back of the head . Then either donate their bodies for organ donation or just cremate them and chuck in an unmarked grave to prevent any vandalism in the cemetary or have ghoulish types visiting their graves .

I would happily pull the trigger for free .

No it doesn't change what has happened but it woud certainly prevent any of those fuckers doing anything again which given their history has to be a very high likelyhood. In these days of DNA evidence and other high tech scince that is used in the detection of crime it is less and less likely that the authorities will get the wrong person therefore for crimes such as this I see no problem at all in bringing back the death penalty , especially given previous criminal record of the people involved .


Why is there no problem at all?

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The quickest , easiest and cheapest way to avoid any vigilante attacks would be a bullet to the back of the head . Then either donate their bodies for organ donation or just cremate them and chuck in an unmarked grave to prevent any vandalism in the cemetary or have ghoulish types visiting their graves .

I would happily pull the trigger for free .

No it doesn't change what has happened but it woud certainly prevent any of those fuckers doing anything again which given their history has to be a very high likelyhood. In these days of DNA evidence and other high tech scince that is used in the detection of crime it is less and less likely that the authorities will get the wrong person therefore for crimes such as this I see no problem at all in bringing back the death penalty , especially given previous criminal record of the people involved .


to be honest anyone with that track record should just be shot, or maybe beaten first, anybody with that many black marks on there book should be put down

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Why is there no problem at all?

In a case such as this where the convicted are habitual re-offenders of violent and horrific crimes and there is absolutely no doubt that they are guilty why the hell should we spend £££££ keeping them in prison and supposedley trying to rehabilitate them for release . No amount of counselling or any other psychobabble bollocks is going to change the fucked up minds of these bastards so I would have no problem seeing them shot .

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Why is there no problem at all?

In a case such as this where the convicted are habitual re-offenders of violent and horrific crimes and there is absolutely no doubt that they are guilty why the hell should we spend £££££ keeping them in prison and supposedley trying to rehabilitate them for release . No amount of counselling or any other psychobabble bollocks is going to change the fucked up minds of these bastards so I would have no problem seeing them shot .


My question is really about how the State can then decide to kill the murderers. If murder is wrong then to me it seems rather hypocritical to then kill others who kill.


I don't really understand the whole 'rehabilitation' stuff in respect of prisons. It isn't exactly the environment to 'rehabilitate'. But those who are a certain danger to others need to kept apart, not for punishment but for society's safety.

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