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Teenager Electrocutes Himself


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By all accounts this lad came from a good family and was well liked by his school friends, he was 13 and to some 13yr olds this would be like a bit of an adventure, not all children of his age are feral scum as you put it, think back yourself to when you were 13 or have you forgotten what it was like to be a teenager. :(

We all make mistakes in life and I mean all of us, this poor lad paid the ultimate price and maybe you have just been lucky.


I remember very well what it was like being a teenager, there’s no way that I would have broken into somewhere. My ideas of adventures were very much the same as most others of my age at that time and didn’t involve even petty crime.


It wasn't a case of being lucky, it was a case of being decent and upright in society even as a child and then teenager, a principle that seems to be totally lost these days.


We all make mistakes?


Certainly we do but breaking the law isn’t a mistake, and nor is breaking into somewhere that signs specifically tell you not to and even spell out the reasons why.




Well Rog, I think you grew up around Laxey. We all had adventures as kids. Climbing over the Garwick rocks and caves, taking Mr. White's boats out far beyond what was safe, climbing for sea gull eggs on the Kern (at least one young teenager died doing that in our time)


Going out to the Dhoon - playing on the disused trams and bogies at the Dhoon loop, (just like the unfortunate lad subject of this thread), playing in the (very dangerous) quarry across the road. Sledging down the 1 in 2 Kern on sheets of corrugated iron. Climbing through the tiny cramped tunnel under the road at the bottom of Pinfold Hill. Jumping 40 feet off the Harbour breakwater. Most Laxey kids, even the most decent did that, I can name them, and all were decent and only feral in the sense that that we were able to wander free and were able to have what would now be dangerous adventures. There was an element of trespass in most of that.


Maybe you didn't have those adventures, maybe you went to KWC where of course the lads just stayed in their rooms all day and sat on their hands. In the fifties? I doubt that very much.



Children sometimes do dangerous and silly things. Forgive, not damn.

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As such we have a process wherein laws are decided upon by elected representatives of the population as a whole and we are all required to live by those laws ‘from prince to pauper’. It is the framework within which we can live our lives in relative safety and comfort because of our responsibilities to each other and to obey the agreed laws and from that derive our rights and freedoms.


It does afford rights and particular freedoms. But at the same time, the State limits our freedoms significantly. It is those few who rule us who decide what freedoms we are allowed or not.


The moment anyone rejects a law they at the same time erode the freedoms open to others.


Really? You think the simply fact of breaking a law or not recognising the authority of the State erode freedoms? I believe the opposite. Please explain.


Or it may not bbe a trivial thing such as shop lifting the consequence being that the shop owner looses from his bottom line and will probably have to hike his prices so making everyone who uses that shop pay more because of the actions of shoplifters.


Don't get me started on shoplifting. You've brought that up on purpose.

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Authority comes from our form of government wherein a representative section of the population are the body that decides on what laws shall exist for the population as a whole.


I know where the authority originates but how is it justified. I suppose it is not so worth getting into my objections to the authority of the State in total, as I don't believe that a tiny section of the population is justified in the authority to determine my freedoms but what about these young people?


Why do you believe that young people should obey this authority?


Yes there is. Any citizen of good character can stand in an election to public office


The elected legislature is an elite. It isn't their character that is the all-important quality to me. It is the fact that their interests and perspectives on society are distinct from the people they legislate over due to their position of power.

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I've never been involved in any form of criminality at any time.


Oh I think you'll find you have. For example, have you done a days archery practice this year? (or any other year)...no? then you sir are a law breaker. (as well as a pain in the arse).

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