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Beggars With Jobs


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Okay, it is the Daily Mail but they do have the most sensational stories.


It does seem to show (as with many others recent trends) how much society has been affected by the recession and what people will do to maintain their lifestyle. Though I hope their actions do not discourage people from giving money to beggars who have found it difficult to get adequate support.

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Okay, it is the Daily Mail but they do have the most sensational stories.


It does seem to show (as with many others recent trends) how much society has been affected by the recession and what people will do to maintain their lifestyle. Though I hope their actions do not discourage people from giving money to beggars who have found it difficult to get adequate support.



When i go to London i rarely hand out cash to beggers, but i have purchased them sandwiches and drinks. At least i know the sandwich won't be injected or smoked.

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I’ve found that walking around Liverpool a lot of the Big Issue sellers have better phones and clothes than I do.


Obviously there are the few that actually look desperate but then I cant help but think that they are just playing up their desperation in an attempt to get more sales. Although there is one guy who asks in the form of a rhyme or limerick I buy from him when I get the chance.


If you really want to help then give your money to the homeless shelters where it is spent on good food and heating not drink fags and drugs. Plus it will go to the needy rather than people with jobs and homes.

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"But, it was claimed last night, some 'beggars' could be office workers with homes" (my italics obviously)


They don't seem to have any proof at all. Sounds like more sensational nonsense from the Daily Mail, with their credit-crunch apocalypse horror stories.


If office workers are really begging on the streets, they are either in a desperate financial situation, or greedy.

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Officers in Leicester have launched a crackdown after discovering that none of the 20 beggars they had cautioned in the last fortnight was homeless.


Sergeant Adrian Underwood said some beggars could earn up to £200 on a Friday or Saturday night.


If they netted this amount twice every weekend, they could earn as much as £21,000 a year on top of their normal salary 'We have intelligence-there is a woman who is begging because she wants a new kitchen for her flat,' said Sergeant Underwood.


Seems like there is at least some truth to the story, although just because the 20 beggars they cautioned had homes doesn’t mean to say they have jobs and food.


Also seems like one of the officers has heard from a friend who meet this bloke whose brother in law spoke to a woman who was using the money for a kitchen, if it was actually intelligence then it would be perfectly possible for them to charge her with "obtaining funds through deception"

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I have no problem giving money to people who are genuinely homeless and want to buy drugs and fags.


You don't mind giving money to people to buy drugs and fags? You must be wealthy



If I lent or gave someone money I wouldn't be so presumptive as to dictate what they do with it.

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