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[BBC News] Islands' autonomy to be reviewed


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ETA: I've got Allan Bell on Talking Heads on Friday - I'll ask him about it, but email me at work if anyone here on MF has any points or questions to raise.


Do Hezbollah or AQ Suicide Bombers do requests - for a donation or something?




hahaha :D


personally id like to see tynwald investigate properly and produce a document that states the FACTUAL pro's and con's of total independence.

My personal feeling is that there are far more pros to independence than cons. however im sure that there are many "hidden cons" that our rose tinted glasses are currently missing.

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I have just had a look at the Justice Committee website:


Justice Committee


It's a Commons Committee so Lord Wallace is not included. It seems to me that this guy has a bee in his bonnet about the Crown Dependencies and is flying his own Flag. The committee members are from all the parties so it would wrong, at this stage, to make any assumptions as to the outcome. Hopefully there will be good representation from the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey and this issue will die down.


However, if push came to shove I would prefer independence.

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As I understand it, the current situation is that the UK is ultimately responsible for the good governance of the IOM - hence Fish Finger being foisted on us as local Liz rep

( Please correct me if I'm wrong )


Frankly the thought of the present bunch of incompetents gaining more power post independance fills me with dread.


Presumably the runway extension will have to be tripled in length to accomodate Kipper One, the Manx Head of State Official Aircraft which will doubtless be required as befits the novus ordo.


:D :D

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The more I see from Westminster, the more I'd like this island to be devolved completely from anything to do with them. Seems like more smoke, mirrors and distraction from London though - with maybe an ounce of envy thrown in.


Independence - bring it on. If Declan wants to be President, can I be Air Vice Marshal (planes and girls to play with)?



ETA: I've got Allan Bell on Talking Heads on Friday - I'll ask him about it, but email me at work if anyone here on MF has any points or questions to raise.



I have lots to ask :)

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The more I see from Westminster, the more I'd like this island to be devolved completely from anything to do with them. Seems like more smoke, mirrors and distraction from London though - with maybe an ounce of envy thrown in.


Independence - bring it on. If Declan wants to be President, can I be Air Vice Marshal (planes and girls to play with)?



ETA: I've got Allan Bell on Talking Heads on Friday - I'll ask him about it, but email me at work if anyone here on MF has any points or questions to raise.



I have lots to ask :)


unlucky stu :D

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I have just had a look at the Justice Committee website:


Justice Committee


It's a Commons Committee so Lord Wallace is not included. It seems to me that this guy has a bee in his bonnet about the Crown Dependencies and is flying his own Flag. The committee members are from all the parties so it would wrong, at this stage, to make any assumptions as to the outcome. Hopefully there will be good representation from the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey and this issue will die down.


However, if push came to shove I would prefer independence.


The Justice Committee Call For Evidence indicates that this call for evidence relates to a follow-up to their last session on Crown Dependencies.

The inquiry will focus on:


i) How, in practice, the UK Government represents the Crown Dependencies internationally;


ii) The role of the Ministry of Justice in managing the United Kingdom's relationship with the Crown Dependencies including inter-departmental liaison and coordination; and,


iii) What, if any, changes are required, in terms of either policy or practice in order to improve the Ministry of Justice's management of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies?

It seems to indicate IMO that William Wallace is off on a one man crusade that is not related to the work of the Justice Committee and his pronouncements are self-serving attempts to get some press coverage.

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It seems to indicate IMO that William Wallace is off on a one man crusade that is not related to the work of the Justice Committee and his pronouncements are self-serving attempts to get some press coverage.

Yes, that looks pretty clear. I earlier emailed the four Conservative members of the committee, asking them to clarify the remit of the project, but I think this answers it for me. I did wonder whether the committee actually had the authority to consider constitutional changes, particularly in view of the UK Government's clear announcement earlier this year that it had no intention of doing so.

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It seems to indicate IMO that William Wallace is off on a one man crusade that is not related to the work of the Justice Committee and his pronouncements are self-serving attempts to get some press coverage.


Yes, that looks pretty clear. I earlier emailed the four Conservative members of the committee, asking them to clarify the remit of the project, but I think this answers it for me. I did wonder whether the committee actually had the authority to consider constitutional changes, particularly in view of the UK Government's clear announcement earlier this year that it had no intention of doing so.


The truth probably being that he or a good friend of his may have lost money in KSFIOM and he's just a tad pissed off and decided to rattle his sabre whether his remit permits him to do so or not.

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It seems to indicate IMO that William Wallace is off on a one man crusade that is not related to the work of the Justice Committee and his pronouncements are self-serving attempts to get some press coverage.

Yes, that looks pretty clear. I earlier emailed the four Conservative members of the committee, asking them to clarify the remit of the project, but I think this answers it for me. I did wonder whether the committee actually had the authority to consider constitutional changes, particularly in view of the UK Government's clear announcement earlier this year that it had no intention of doing so.


Out of interest did you get an answer from any of them?

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Certainly this has been debated many a time before on here, but could we stand on our own 3 legs as an independent nation??


financially - uncertain, seeing as over 50% of our income comes from reciprocal VAT agreement with UK, our nation would be a lot poorer, with the consequent knock on effect on services etc


politically - would think we'd be in a reasonable position to try, but would we have to expand the government even further to encompass international relationships that supposedly the UK looks after now?


economically - apply for direct EU membership? Surely there must be a minimum size, means trade restrictions lifted but adopting euro, VAT? tax strategy?


defence - erm..


healthcare - erm...


energy supplies - this is a critical matter in my eyes, if the Island could become energy self sufficient this would be a HUGE step towards true independence - hydroelectric dam at Sulby as was mooted on here before has to be a winner.



what a complex issue....


but wouldn't it make fantastic headlines?


Isle of Man Declares Independence from UK Crown.


Where ARE you King David?


financially we would be fine, although we would have to re structure the VAT arrangement.

politically we would be fine, talk less dog poo and more economic policy

defence we would be fine, we are in the heart of the british isles, the uk government could not allow us to be invaded, lots of uk residents live here too and the manx assisted in two world wars, died, and housed german pow.

healthcare we would be fine, we would pay for uk services as we do now, everything else is covered as is now

energy supplies, we would be fine, we currently export through the cable more than we import. for the record a hydro electric station exists to the sulby river - been there for 20+ years and its shite - bring on wind turbines


on the iom we are not in recession, house prices are still rising. enjoy!

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