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[BBC News] Inmates 'adjust well' to new jail


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Well no doubt we do come from different places and have experienced different things. What you seem to be referring to are those unscupulous, immoral individuals who become drug dealers and then wait around schools AND who sell ADDICTIVE substances. And you also refer to those who dea in addictive substances, OTHER people choose to buy them, and become addicted - which is hardly good for community and society. But these examples are hardly true of all dealers. If I am to assume that drug dealer means those who sell illegal drugs, then it wouldn't it represent the majority of dealers.


The 'parasite' thing is getting a little silly. Why do you call them that?

The 'parasite' thing is getting a little silly. Why do you call them that?



a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.


Because that is what they are, LDV a drug dealer is a dealer of illegal drugs how can you differentiate, the immoral dealer as you put it is no different from the so called nice guys you obviously know, they all peddle shite for gain, and from sadly vulnerable people.

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Just as parasitic as many other forms of buying and selling. Dependence is something that is not restricted to drugs.


I care about the lives destroyed by them, but responsibility does not sit wholly or mainly with the dealers. They are sought by those who want these drugs. And there are reasons why people want them. I don't think being a dealer makes someone a bad person at all.


The thing is the primary motivation for drug dealers is money, and that normally supercedes any concerns they might have about the welfare of their customers. It's not that they're bad people really, but they are business people, and their main pursuit is profit.


As LDV says there are other forms of dependance which are just as destructive but perfectly legal, such as alcohol and gambling. A successful businessman in any area is unlikely to turn away a profitable customer - if pub landlords turned away alcoholics they wouldn't stay in business very long, likewise when i was working at a gambling establishment we were told never to turn away gambling addicts even when it was a clearly big problem for them.


The only difference is that those forms of exploitation of addiction are legal. Drug dealers we lock up. Lock up pub landlords? I don't think so.


So to relate this to the topic, i am pleased that the drug dealers are being treated well because their being in prison in the first place is a result of the government's hypocritical policies on drugs.

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a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.


Oh I see, so I see it is a matter of opinion then. Because drugs clearly have a use, they are used an understandable manner of escaping from one's situation or circumstance. But what IS bad is that such people become dependent and that so many feel a NEED to escape and to the extent that they do. In such a way, drug use is a serious problem in today's society, but it has to be asked why it has become so, why do so many feel this need or desire for drugs and why do they remain on them, and I don't just mean the physically addictive ones. Drug dealers aren't where the problem lies, but yes SOME do exploit the fact that people need to escape. My question would be what the society is that makes this person feel like this and where is the community that can respond to it? Why do you place the entire blame on the person who exploits it?


I don't know what a 'proper' return is, however.


Because that is what they are, LDV a drug dealer is a dealer of illegal drugs how can you differentiate, the immoral dealer as you put it is no different from the so called nice guys you obviously know, they all peddle shite for gain, and from sadly vulnerable people.


I do feel you have a very narrow understanding of what a drug dealer is or you are completely oppose any sort of drug (legal or illegal) use whatsoever. Do you feel that off licences and the people who work in them are parasites? And that their users as vulernable people?

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