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Gov`t Spending Ridiculous


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Use your brain and learn to speak english. They have to stand £766 per house assuming 1 person per house which is ridiculous??? I dont believe the gov`t cannot ge a block deal on 20 properties for much less, if indeed they do not own 40 empty properties outright. Does this not just reiterate my point?? See above - you dont get much change out of £1500 for a central heating system, let alone a bathrom. Even more if the contractor knows the gov`t is paying. 20 x £1500 heating system x £1500 bathroom = £60,000. £34 x 20 x 8 months =£5440 return. Most people renting pay that in 6 months with income tax on top. Think about it before making daft statements!


so the goverment have to stand £766 per household say while thay knock the old ones down and build new ones, instead of fitting new bathrooms etc.

so 20x 766 per month is 15 grand odd

so u think thay will have new houses built when, o lets say 6 months, (more like 9-12 months)

so thats 15 x 6, so thats 90 grand,

so in fact thay have saved 30 grand allready by doing up the old houses

i can speak english vary well, but me grammer is shit o and spelling


My car is worth £500 tops. I have not been on holiday in 2 years (even then it was in UK) Ihave freeview and do not smoke - are you tee-total? I work a 60 hour week to support a family of 4. Sod off scrounger.


christ u work 60 hours a week and u still struggling. u need to find a better payed job, maybe retrain so u can get a job that pays well.

no not tee-total, but not far off it, prob drink maybe 4-6 times a year


im not a scrounger thanks, i work vary hard for what i have, lifes quite gd to be honest

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Use your brain and learn to speak english. They have to stand £766 per house assuming 1 person per house which is ridiculous??? I dont believe the gov`t cannot ge a block deal on 20 properties for much less, if indeed they do not own 40 empty properties outright. Does this not just reiterate my point?? See above - you dont get much change out of £1500 for a central heating system, let alone a bathrom. Even more if the contractor knows the gov`t is paying. 20 x £1500 heating system x £1500 bathroom = £60,000. £34 x 20 x 8 months =£5440 return. Most people renting pay that in 6 months with income tax on top. Think about it before making daft statements!


so the goverment have to stand £766 per household say while thay knock the old ones down and build new ones, instead of fitting new bathrooms etc.

so 20x 766 per month is 15 grand odd

so u think thay will have new houses built when, o lets say 6 months, (more like 9-12 months)

so thats 15 x 6, so thats 90 grand,

so in fact thay have saved 30 grand allready by doing up the old houses

i can speak english vary well, but me grammer is shit o and spelling


My car is worth £500 tops. I have not been on holiday in 2 years (even then it was in UK) Ihave freeview and do not smoke - are you tee-total? I work a 60 hour week to support a family of 4. Sod off scrounger.


christ u work 60 hours a week and u still struggling. u need to find a better payed job, maybe retrain so u can get a job that pays well.

no not tee-total, but not far off it, prob drink maybe 4-6 times a year


im not a scrounger thanks, i work vary hard for what i have, lifes quite gd to be honest

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I`m with the feeder if you speak english "vary well" imbecile. How much do you recieve in benefits a week? Seeing that the original post was not a slight at people from Pulrose, and only your ignorance has provoked a response, I think you need to look closely at yourself before having a go at people for being honest and hard-working. You try paying the suggested £800 per month rent, feeding, and clothing an entire family, paying utility bills, making NI contributions and paying your income tax without any government support (I recon this would take 30 to 35K per annum). You are obviously either a trust fund baby, professional benefits claimer, or have never lived in the real world. Your response to the above comments only serve to proove your small-mindedness.

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Just out of curiousity could one of the mods tell me whether Dr Lecter and SausageFeeder have the same IP address?

Ah mojo has something serious to say for once rather than the usual verbal diahorrea. Has someone rattled your cage monkey?

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I`m with the feeder if you speak english "vary well" imbecile. How much do you recieve in benefits a week? Seeing that the original post was not a slight at people from Pulrose, and only your ignorance has provoked a response, I think you need to look closely at yourself before having a go at people for being honest and hard-working. You try paying the suggested £800 per month rent, feeding, and clothing an entire family, paying utility bills, making NI contributions and paying your income tax without any government support (I recon this would take 30 to 35K per annum). You are obviously either a trust fund baby, professional benefits claimer, or have never lived in the real world. Your response to the above comments only serve to proove your small-mindedness.


o i do like a gd troll, its nice to have a nice new one on the forum :lol:


i never lived in the real world thats the one, ahhh bugger u found me out, :rolleyes:


and yes we know your with feeder im sure he feeds u pleanty of sasuage in the day :)


o and im sure there is a lot more ppl who earn less then 35k who manage to do all you say but with out the complaining and moaning about "its so unfair thay get this and that its not fair" yes kevin.

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I suppose the OP could ask a local MHK to provide some details to clarify what is being spent and how instead of making assumptions, but where is the fun in logical thinking.

Don`t think there`s an ounce of real logic on the entire site. You`re all mental. Trust me , I`m a doctor.

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