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Commentary To Relieve Boredom Of Horse Tram Trips


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Really do these committee's sit round and just have to have ideas for ideas sake.


"She said that while she thought a lot of people had travelled on the horse trams this year, there was nothing for them to do, especially as the driver and the conductor were at the far end of the tram.

'They look so bored – if they had something going on it would keep them interested,' she said.

Committee chairman Stephen Pitts said he thought a running commentary was a 'good idea' and hoped it would be popular with residents and visitors."


Nothing for them to do? It's a horse tram FFS just enjoy the journey, and just what sort running commentary will there be? Looking to your right is another Apartment block, to your left is the pumping station to the sewerage works connected to the IRIS scheme, oh look more apartments, oh and here we used to have this but it got closed down, and then there was this but that was closed down too.

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Really do these committee's sit round and just have to have ideas for ideas sake.


"She said that while she thought a lot of people had travelled on the horse trams this year, there was nothing for them to do, especially as the driver and the conductor were at the far end of the tram.

'They look so bored – if they had something going on it would keep them interested,' she said.

Committee chairman Stephen Pitts said he thought a running commentary was a 'good idea' and hoped it would be popular with residents and visitors."


Nothing for them to do? It's a horse tram FFS just enjoy the journey, and just what sort running commentary will there be? Looking to your right is another Apartment block, to your left is the pumping station to the sewerage works connected to the IRIS scheme, oh look more apartments, oh and here we used to have this but it got closed down, and then there was this but that was closed down too.

Ladies and gentlemen - there`s a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, the hilton, a guest house, a guest house, a chav vomiting in the gutter, a guest huse, a guest house..............................

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Perhaps they should hand out sudoku puzzles to keep from being bored on the boring horse tram on the boring prom. Or perhaps the driver could start a game of "I went to market". Or if they want to splash out some cash, some TVs on the back of the seats playing constant episodes of Jeremy Kyle to feed the short attention spanned buffoons with drivel to stop them being faced with 5 minutes when they're brains might have to actually think of something all by themselves in case they realise how inconsequential their lives are and they attempt to end it all by jumping off into the traffic in mass suicide attempt.

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Really do these committee's sit round and just have to have ideas for ideas sake.


"She said that while she thought a lot of people had travelled on the horse trams this year, there was nothing for them to do, especially as the driver and the conductor were at the far end of the tram.

'They look so bored – if they had something going on it would keep them interested,' she said.

Committee chairman Stephen Pitts said he thought a running commentary was a 'good idea' and hoped it would be popular with residents and visitors."


Nothing for them to do? It's a horse tram FFS just enjoy the journey, and just what sort running commentary will there be? Looking to your right is another Apartment block, to your left is the pumping station to the sewerage works connected to the IRIS scheme, oh look more apartments, oh and here we used to have this but it got closed down, and then there was this but that was closed down too.

Ladies and gentlemen - there`s a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, a guest house, the hilton, a guest house, a guest house, a chav vomiting in the gutter, a guest huse, a guest house..............................



Unbelievably this site gives me some laughs.

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Perhaps they should hand out sudoku puzzles to keep from being bored on the boring horse tram on the boring prom. Or perhaps the driver could start a game of "I went to market". Or if they want to splash out some cash, some TVs on the back of the seats playing constant episodes of Jeremy Kyle to feed the short attention spanned buffoons with drivel to stop them being faced with 5 minutes when they're brains might have to actually think of something all by themselves in case they realise how inconsequential their lives are and they attempt to end it all by jumping off into the traffic in mass suicide attempt.



The only time I'd want to be stuck behind/alongside the horse tram ( mass suicide jump off horse tram)! Buses don't have any entertainment en route except the types that travel on them, a worldly experience in itself.

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Instead of dullard Planitariums and lecture theatres. How about the Christmas Lectures do an 'On the Road' theme.


Love the Christmas Lectures.


Dr J Clarkson PhD on the future of transport.


Get the old double decker tram back up and running, fit the old TV crew in there. Job's a good'un.


Wooot wooh!

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That's the best example of borough council mentality busy work I've seen in ages.


The thing is it's self perpetuating: they impose naff recorded commentaries on the horse trams and then have to schedule an emergency committee meeting on why people now look bored and annoyed. A few more numbskull solutions to problems which never existed later, and they're looking into how to entice more people onto the horse trams after everyone, including the horses, refuses to go anywhere near them. And so on.


Hand any town council a Rubick's cube, and they'd spend nine months discussing how to approach the problem, conclude that the best solution to the eponymous three-dimensional riddle is to paint every surface the same colour, and then triumphantly announce that they plan to launch the same strategy Island wide in an effort to combat conundrum induced fatigue (CIF) amongst children. Then, just for good measure, they'd commission a seven page pamphlet advising parents that such toys have corners and that children should only play with them whilst under constant parental supervision and wearing saftey goggles and thick mittens, the latter of which having been soaked in an antibacterial solution. All at great expense of time and money and to the benefit of no one except grumpy old bastards like me who like to moan about these things. God bless them.

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Have I got this right?


We lavish time, money and energy on the Horse Trams, one of our four tourist attractions (MER, Steam Railway, Laxey Wheel), and now we're admitting that people need something to keep them interested while riding on them in order to stop them getting bored?


Put the horses out to grass, save all the money, and speed up traffic on the prom.


They can go and be bored somewhere else.



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I quite like the idea of making changes to things based on how their customers faces look at the time. Perhaps they should provide blindfolds and soothing music and words like "There there, it'll all be over in a minute" to people on rollercoasters? Make their faces look less terrified...


Besides that, would the measure of success be expressions of amazement, awe and wonder on the faces as they hear "And as we pass the now troubled RBSI bank, where we move onto the open space, propped up buildings and temporary car parks where once-successful hotels used to be.."

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Although the idea is not original it is worth doing, and doing properly.


There is a plenty of interesting history along Douglas Promenade which unless it is pointed out most people will simply not know about especially visitors.


I would suggest that perhaps even a tour guide doing a commentary, which would allow a bit of interaction with the passengers.

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Douglas promenade has a great deal of history, and that's the point, that history is now pretty much all gone. We have a museum if people want to see and hear about what things used to be like down there. Putting a commentry on a horse tram is the least important thing to be considered by the town council if it were doing its job properly - and it raises a few important points.


Tourism has gone and won't be back, and the promenade is now being allowed to be put to 'best use' by whatever developers think it is worthwhile making a profit from building apartments or flats down there. There seems to be little overall planning coordination, and so the multicoloured mixed-design mish mash continues...with the awfully untidy site of summerland at one end and a few nice gardens at the other. In-between the promenade road links them - containing at least 2000 potholes, bumps and trenches.


Time we reclaimed the promenade and planning control and coordinated planning, put the trams on a single track and maybe even route them to a pedestrianised quayside, repaired the promenade road, and geared a large section of land on the south end of the promenade for redevelopment as an expanded town centre (perhaps with government supported compulsory purchase), and all with adeqate parking. Douglas (and Douglas Town Council) gets relatively little new money in (it's all from rates) and can only now prosper and develop the town and desired facilities from monies raised from new businesses and town commerce.


This failure to address the obvious is putting us on the same kamikaze road as Ramsey - and just look at what has happened there since the tourism money dried up. Silly ideas like horse tram commentries are just attempting to plaster the front of a building when it is clearly falling down.


Douglas is currently being led to disaster by the least of us.

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