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KSF Megathread 2


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That presupposes that the Manx government could sell bonds in order to fund any such bailout. Given the real state of the Manx economy the likelihood of such being the case is remote in the extreme.


The only real option for a government bail out of Manx banks would be for our government break the currency link with Sterling and “float” the Manx pound in its own right onto the world currency markets and go in for Quantitative Easing on an industrial scale. I can’t imagine that even the present useless incompetent shower of “yes” men we’re stuck with would be that stupid.


On the other hand, judging by their obvious incapacity to realise just what’s taking place around them let alone do the right and decent thing with respect to the subject of this thread anything is possible.


Herrin’ and prithers anyone? Ooops! I forgot, the herrin’ are all fished out. Bit like our useless MHK’s and the LegCo are for understanding and ideas. Less like herrin’ they’re for the most part just a load of kippers and most of us will know what THAT means.


Two faced and gutless.


Maybe its time to actually rename the House of Keys into the House of Kippers.

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Certainly, once you explain to other elderly people why the bank is repossing their home after being conned by the bank into a buy share mortgage that allows the bank to do this so as to give profits to the more well off investors. At least the KSF ones got some if not all of it back eventually , to take a high risk you chance paying the cost, thats life, get over it. Any way we was in the middle of shifting this useless thread to one of spooks religious debates, far more interesting talking about the zombie boy jebus instead of greedy savers



The majority of KSF depositors have got 51.5% back and will not get it all back .

Many have died .

Some have lost their houses completely.

Its not a high risk to put money into a bank - and most deposited into the Derbyshire Building Society before it allowed to be taken over by KSF under the uncaring eye of the FSC who granted a licence to KSF with no thought of the depositors.

The greedy IOM is happy to take peoples money

You are a real inventive for anyone to use your banking system ever again.

Enjoy your roll mops and spuds!

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That presupposes that the Manx government could sell bonds in order to fund any such bailout. Given the real state of the Manx economy the likelihood of such being the case is remote in the extreme.


The only real option for a government bail out of Manx banks would be for our government break the currency link with Sterling and float the Manx pound in its own right onto the world currency markets and go in for Quantitative Easing on an industrial scale. I cant imagine that even the present useless incompetent shower of yes men were stuck with would be that stupid.


On the other hand, judging by their obvious incapacity to realise just whats taking place around them let alone do the right and decent thing with respect to the subject of this thread anything is possible.


Herrin and prithers anyone? Ooops! I forgot, the herrin are all fished out. Bit like our useless MHKs and the LegCo are for understanding and ideas. Less like herrin theyre for the most part just a load of kippers and most of us will know what THAT means.


Two faced and gutless.


Maybe its time to actually rename the House of Keys into the House of Kippers.


The IOM government could have avoided the disgrace of the KSF fiasco and the suffering that it brought to so many people.


It could have taken a loan from HMG ( they would have probably given a low or interest free loan) - they had to be aware after the first couple of days that the bank was well funded.



It could have paid out the depositors and gained a tremendous reputation for fairness and loyalty to its depositors.


Instead of the one its has now.


A country that takes money from depositors loses it and ridicules them.

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A country that takes money from depositors loses it and ridicules them.

No. The island does not ridicule you or any of the other depositors.


We here just react to the guns blazing approach you have taken when you engaged in this conversation.

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Considering the bad behaviour of our government in general and certain individuals in particular over this matter it’s a wonder someone hasn’t come in literally with all guns blazing.


As a Manxman with my family tree on the island going back at least two hundred years I have never before been so ashamed because of what has taken place.



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Then say a prayer for them, IoM did not take their money HMG did, those who invested in KSF did it in the risk investment section not the banking section, any investment is , has been and always will be a risk as has been proven many times with various banks world wide, savers cannot and do not have the right to expect taxpayers to bail them out. If these investors had spread their savings into deposits below the limit they would not have losty a penny but instead greed took over so boo hoo.

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Then say a prayer for them, IoM did not take their money HMG did, those who invested in KSF did it in the risk investment section not the banking section, any investment is , has been and always will be a risk as has been proven many times with various banks world wide, savers cannot and do not have the right to expect taxpayers to bail them out. If these investors had spread their savings into deposits below the limit they would not have losty a penny but instead greed took over so boo hoo.


Do you understand what happened in this case? Apparently not.


What's more savers DO have a legitimate expectation for tax payers to cover the costs of a bank failure up to a certain limit. It is part of the law surrounding bank guarantees.

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A country that takes money from depositors loses it and ridicules them.

No. The island does not ridicule you or any of the other depositors.


We here just react to the guns blazing approach you have taken when you engaged in this conversation.





You are not even a manxman.


'You' have reacted in a dispicable way which reflects on the rest of the IOM.


Nicht gut mein sohn!

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Said it before and will say it again; whilst I sympathise entirely with your plight, Bellyup, what exactly would you like the posters here to do? IOMG has done all it can, given that it too seems to have been a victim of circumstance. I do not have your money and certainly would not be supportive of giving any more of my earnings to bailing depositors out. From the forecasts it would seem that depositors will receive a very substantial part of their savings, eventually. Barrack those who have your money, not those who don't.

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You really are a 40 carat plonker spook, the sooner you met your god the better.


The later you meet our Lord the better for you, unless you come to your senses. Salvation can indeed be found “twixt the saddle and the ground” but very often the mind will be on other things at that moment than one’s eternity.

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You really are a 40 carat plonker spook, the sooner you met your god the better.


The later you meet our Lord the better for you, unless you come to your senses. Salvation can indeed be found "twixt the saddle and the ground" but very often the mind will be on other things at that moment than one's eternity.

How can I meet a fictional character you wally, you cease brathing the brain dies, oblivion, endex, this body is no more, no after life, worm food, you are an ex humen, you bwalk no more, you become a decomposing composer, you are a vague forgotton memmory, just a bit of text left, no more rumpy pumpy, understand yet?

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You really are a 40 carat plonker spook, the sooner you met your god the better.


The later you meet our Lord the better for you, unless you come to your senses. Salvation can indeed be found "twixt the saddle and the ground" but very often the mind will be on other things at that moment than one's eternity.

How can I meet a fictional character you wally, you cease brathing the brain dies, oblivion, endex, this body is no more, no after life, worm food, you are an ex humen, you bwalk no more, you become a decomposing composer, you are a vague forgotton memmory, just a bit of text left, no more rumpy pumpy, understand yet?


And YOU are wrong. You have missed out your soul.

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You really are a 40 carat plonker spook, the sooner you met your god the better.


The later you meet our Lord the better for you, unless you come to your senses. Salvation can indeed be found "twixt the saddle and the ground" but very often the mind will be on other things at that moment than one's eternity.

How can I meet a fictional character you wally, you cease brathing the brain dies, oblivion, endex, this body is no more, no after life, worm food, you are an ex humen, you bwalk no more, you become a decomposing composer, you are a vague forgotton memmory, just a bit of text left, no more rumpy pumpy, understand yet?


And YOU are wrong. You have missed out your soul.

Give me irrefutable proof that this nobhead god geezer exists and I don't mean say because the bible says so, I want tangable, irrefutable, verifiable proof otherwise you are admitting yoyu are a lying tosser as we all suspect

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Give me irrefutable proof that this nobhead god geezer exists and I don't mean say because the bible says so, I want tangable, irrefutable, verifiable proof otherwise you are admitting yoyu are a lying tosser as we all suspect


You'll get all the proof you could possibly want within the next few tens of years.


Nothing is more certain than that.


Few tens of years? Or maybe within the next hour, none of us know when we will be called, but called we will be.

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