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Half A Million Coffins


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A very good illustration of how conspiracy theorist nutters get a simple fact and make a stupid conclusion without any supporting evidence.


These are simply grave liners, they can be found here: http://ajdistribution.com/Burial_Vaults_-57372.html


Lots of people die every year who are in government care, they get buried, they need grave liners, they have to be stored somewhere. Just because there's 500k outside one city, doesn't mean there's this many outside every city.


This doesn't mean the government is planning to kill millions of people, and if they did, they wouldn't bury people in coffins, it'd be mass graves and bulldozers. It's a stupid conclusion and a very silly video.

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The last killer flu epidemic was an escaped experiment, why shouldn't the swine flu be? It would be very easy to get sucked into the population reduction conspiracy theories, I read quite a lot and often have to remind myself not to take too much notice of it all, if I did my mind would explode.

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The last killer flu epidemic was an escaped experiment, why shouldn't the swine flu be? It would be very easy to get sucked into the population reduction conspiracy theories, I read quite a lot and often have to remind myself not to take too much notice of it all, if I did my mind would explode.


The last killer flu pandemic was the Hong Kong flu in 1968, it wasn't an escaped experiment.


Why would your mind explode?

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Saw this recently and the story starts by saying that Georgia has 500, 000 plastic coffins...but read on...

Click here

and then

Click here 2


Whats going on and should we be concerned?


They're for if lots of people die.


If there's a flu pandemic.


Quite sensible really. If you assume they are going to bury them.


It lots and lots of people die it back to big holes and slaked lime....

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The last killer flu epidemic was an escaped experiment,


Er, no, it wasn't.


I read quite a lot and often have to remind myself not to take too much notice of it all, if I did my mind would explode.


I am of the opinion that it is only possible to believe this crap if your mind has already exploded. Too many drugs perhaps?

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They're for if lots of people die.

If there's a flu pandemic.


What makes you think they're specifically for a flu pandemic? There's 5 more than million people living in the Atlanta city region alone, so 500k isn't really that alarming in the scale of things.

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The last killer flu epidemic was an escaped experiment, why shouldn't the swine flu be? It would be very easy to get sucked into the population reduction conspiracy theories, I read quite a lot and often have to remind myself not to take too much notice of it all, if I did my mind would explode.


The last killer flu pandemic was the Hong Kong flu in 1968, it wasn't an escaped experiment.


Why would your mind explode?


I said epidemic not pandemic....OK so maybe it wasnt the last one but it was one, right? I read about things I cannot change or make better, why wouldnt my mind explode?

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I said epidemic not pandemic....OK so maybe it wasnt the last one but it was one, right? I read about things I cannot change or make better, why wouldnt my mind explode?


Help me out, when was this killer epidemic you're talking about?

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