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Txts While Driving


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Yes, there's a danger people are being desensitised to this kind of thing, particularly the young that this is aimed at. Probably why this is so much more explicit than older car safety films. I don't think I've seen anything before that's specifically young girls though?


Yeah, for young people this is really not that shocking. Young people today are accustomed to staged violence and death, and differentiate between it and real life violence. We see depictions of people getting killed all the time in films in increasingly graphic scenes, but it is so commonplace that we unconsciously compartmentalise such scenes from reality. Because of that, films like this one do not have the same emotional impact as real events that they're meant to portray, but when we witness real scenes of violence we are no less shocked by them for having watched similar staged scenes in films.


A real life clip of a car accident or its aftermath that has both graphic scenes of the injuries that can occur, and some emotional content would have real impact on young drivers. In my misspent teenage years i once saw footage of the moments immediately after a car accident in England where a mother was screaming hysterically with grief over the body of her young daughter whose brain was lying beside her in the road.

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Yes, there's a danger people are being desensitised to this kind of thing, particularly the young that this is aimed at. Probably why this is so much more explicit than older car safety films. I don't think I've seen anything before that's specifically young girls though?


Yeah, for young people this is really not that shocking. Young people today are accustomed to staged violence and death, and differentiate between it and real life violence. We see depictions of people getting killed all the time in films in increasingly graphic scenes, but it is so commonplace that we unconsciously compartmentalise such scenes from reality. Because of that, films like this one do not have the same emotional impact as real events that they're meant to portray, but when we witness real scenes of violence we are no less shocked by them for having watched similar staged scenes in films.


A real life clip of a car accident or its aftermath that has both graphic scenes of the injuries that can occur, and some emotional content would have real impact on young drivers. In my misspent teenage years i once saw footage of the moments immediately after a car accident in England where a mother was screaming hysterically with grief over the body of her young daughter whose brain was lying beside her in the road.



I was driving back form Ramsey the other week and could only get reception off 1 station heading out of Ramsey, the show was talking to all parties of a car accident, in which a lady overtook a car and hit a car coming the other way head on. There was sadly a death in the car she hit.

The whole story was relade by occupants from both cars, the Police officer whom arrived on the schene first, Ambulance Driver/Paramedics etc.


I have to say this hit me really hard as well.

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I made my teenage son watch this and he tells me that they have been shown films like this at school when the fire brigade do their school visits, but to be quite honest it can be as hard hitting as you like but the minute they have left the room its almost forgotten, with the thoughts "it will never happen to me it will happen to someone else".


I got a text some time ago which didnt really make much sense so next time i saw the person who sent the text i asked her about it and she said "oh sorry about that i was driving", some people are selfish and they will do what they please without a single thought for others. This woman also drove home drunk one night (about 5/6 years ago now) crashed her car into a wall and walked home, no one was any wiser, she claimed on the insurance and of course no mention of being pissed, luckilly no one was hurt that time!

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the show was talking to all parties of a car accident, in which a lady overtook a car and hit a car coming the other way head on. There was sadly a death in the car she hit.


Did they use a Ouija board then?



I meant the occupence of both cars and a 3rd car that was following the car hit..


was hurrendous to listen too, and really sad. As the guy that died was in a car with his brother , whom also lost an eye and his brothers wife.


The interview should be played to all school children.

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I assume you mentioned this fact to the police and her insurers? If not why would she not just do it again?

I probably should have but i only found out about it months after the event, possibly after the insurance payout!

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I think the realisation by the driver after the accident of what she had just been responsible for was superb, and really did bring out the reality of an RTA.


I would like to see this style of graphic advertising, not only for texting, but speeding, drink driving and Indicating etc.


It is usually places like Wales, and Australia that lead the way in this sort of thing, shame the UK and IOM are to touchy feely to take the same direct approach.


Will have cost a bit to make, but what price on saving lives?

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It is usually places like Wales, and Australia that lead the way in this sort of thing, shame the UK and IOM are to touchy feely to take the same direct approach.

I agree with what you say and would add that the difference between here and Australia is not only advertising but also that other important ingredient, enforcement.

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Someone should give Ines a call and tell him there has been an accident 07975684902, thats who she was texting, actually it was Irek.. 07731168732.


Has anyone ever rang a number that has flashed up on very quickly. I remember when Phil Redmond's number was accidentally exposed on hollyoaks that way!

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It is hard hitting, and pretty effective but also quite an extreme situation - cars moving at high speed etc.


The adverts that have had an impact on me recently have been much more workaday - the one of the guys getting a pizza and not putting their seatbelts on, the kids walking along fooling about with their mobile phones and someone walks into a car, the guy drunk thinking he's a superhero and climbing some scaffolding only to fall off - I assume they are all on the internet somewhere, too busy to find them - I thought they were very effective.


People are most likely to text in stop and start commuter traffic - not bombing along on an A road. Sure it does happen and I imagine the advert was based to some extent on a real incident, or an amalgum of them, but the relative rarity weakens the impact. That is what gave the adverts made above their ability to stick in your mind - they were very mundane ordinary things that nearly everyone has done. People may text in their car, but "usually" it is on the busy commute pulling away from lights or whatever and far more "rarely" when doing 60 on the open roads.

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