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[BBC News] Changes planned for permit system


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There have been recent calls from the hospitality sector to relax work permit rules to help them attract staff.



I think there are other sectors where it's clear that we don't have the skills presently on the island

David Cretney, Trade and Industry Minister


But Mr Cretney said workers in the industry had commented that it was low wages and not permit rules that were putting people off applying for jobs.


Res ipsa loquitur

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in a way it is very discriminatory ( which i suppose the whole work permit system is anyway?? ). we only want to protect the better/good jobs for locals, but we are quite happy to let anyone one in to skivvey away in the menial tasks that are beneath us!! it may not be what gets said, but it boils down to it.

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It's the exact opposite isn't it?


Work Permits by their very nature are protectionist / discriminatory, but there is actually more scrutiny on the lower paying sectors at the moment. In effect saying that they believe there are suitable IoM workers out there for these jobs.

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It's the exact opposite isn't it?


Work Permits by their very nature are protectionist / discriminatory, but there is actually more scrutiny on the lower paying sectors at the moment. In effect saying that they believe there are suitable IoM workers out there for these jobs.


they know there are workers out there, but not really suitable as i suspect many of the workers are over quallified and have higher expectations for another job than what the job vacancies available are. but as suggested above, in an exaggerated way, too many bank managers who won't wait tables. but thats about it really. i doubt anyone can afford to live independently on the wages on offer with the cost of living over here. i suspect by blocking immigrant workers the government hoped that some folks would take a backwards step in the job market for less money, but once you are accustomed to a lifestyle and income (which for a single person with no dependents may not be so bad) you don't want to go back. but with a big mortgage?? wife and kids with friends and social lives and commitments, suddenly earning less than you need to stay where you are on the social ladder is not an option many people are willing to take, and i don't blame them.

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Is there an elelment about people having to adjust their expectations? Maybe the 'dip' hasn't been deep enough, probably hard to hear for anyone who has been affected.


Let's face it, people have had it reasonably easy for the past 20(?) years. Being able to walk into an office on 15k plus just because you can breathe and speak a bit. But those days are over and may not return in quite the same format.


Your bit about having mortgage etc, surely means that eventually people will have to start taking jobs they wouldn't normally consider. In my younger days I had to work whatever job I could get, the bills don't stop just because you are out of work. Benefits aren't that impressive are they? If they are, then we have a system which does not encourage certain people to partiicpate in the economy, which surely can't be right.


As for employers in retail / hospitality bitching at the tightening of permits, they must acknowledge the part that low pay and shitty working conditions play in the difficulty in recruiting staff.

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Is there an elelment about people having to adjust their expectations? Maybe the 'dip' hasn't been deep enough, probably hard to hear for anyone who has been affected.


Let's face it, people have had it reasonably easy for the past 20(?) years. Being able to walk into an office on 15k plus just because you can breathe and speak a bit. But those days are over and may not return in quite the same format.


Your bit about having mortgage etc, surely means that eventually people will have to start taking jobs they wouldn't normally consider. In my younger days I had to work whatever job I could get, the bills don't stop just because you are out of work. Benefits aren't that impressive are they? If they are, then we have a system which does not encourage certain people to partiicpate in the economy, which surely can't be right.


As for employers in retail / hospitality bitching at the tightening of permits, they must acknowledge the part that low pay and shitty working conditions play in the difficulty in recruiting staff.

Aren't you a goverment worker though?


Truth please.

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Your bit about having mortgage etc, surely means that eventually people will have to start taking jobs they wouldn't normally consider. In my younger days I had to work whatever job I could get, the bills don't stop just because you are out of work. Benefits aren't that impressive are they? If they are, then we have a system which does not encourage certain people to partiicpate in the economy, which surely can't be right.


I thought JSA benefit stopped if you refused 3 jobs (or something like that)!

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As for employers in retail / hospitality bitching at the tightening of permits, they must acknowledge the part that low pay and shitty working conditions play in the difficulty in recruiting staff.


but these jobs don't produce the profit to pay the staff 15 - 20k a year ( and remember the government boast about 25k being the average income!! so 15k is only 60% of average and even 20k is only 80%!! ) who thinks they are worth less than average?? the government would be better telling folks that the average wage is 12 or 14k, then everyone above that income level would feel like they were doing well or atleast in the same boat as the top earners. instead many know they are on less than average and think they shouldn't be. a Police constable is on less than average, you'd think they'd be on atleast average if not more.

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remember the government boast about 25k being the average income!!


Yes very good at boasting over here.


Every time something bad happens across a smug git spokesman will pop up and point out it isn't like that here and our circumstances are much better and spin the figures to make it all smiley and happy.



Why did airport figures pop into my mind when I typed that?

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£25,000 average is quite interesting when compared to over here:


The average in the UK (also known as the mean) is about £24,000 a year (about £463 a week).


Less well known is that well over half of the workers (about two thirds, in fact) earn less than average. This is because there are enough income centipedes - millipedes even - to pull the average well above what's typical


As far as the Permit Situation is concerned, then I experienced the system last year when I considered moving across in the Finance Sector. I'd taken time out due to the sale of a business, and having reached a point where I needed to return to employment, looked at my options. Due to my qualifications, I was informed that there wouldn't be a problem, and that it was the manual and menial areas that would be vetted more so as to give locals first refusal!!


As it happens, I decided to remain here where income in my field is higher than the IOM ;)

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As it happens, I decided to remain here where income in my field is higher than the IOM

A good decision in my opinion.

My son in law voiced a similar opinion regarding his particular field - IT.

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As it happens, I decided to remain here where income in my field is higher than the IOM

A good decision in my opinion.

My son in law voiced a similar opinion regarding his particular field - IT.



Mind, had the income been closer, I would have moved across !!

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Yes but you'd have to factor in all the additional costs of virtually everything here and balance that against the 'wonderful low taxes.'


This place is well overdue for a good hammering with the reality stick.

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