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Science ponders 'zombie attack'

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If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.


That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada.


They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures.


And next week, how to deal with the Borg when they turn up.

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I for one welcome this much needed study into what is an inevitable scenario. It shows the speed with which a zombie plague could spread throughout the world if procedures are not effected to halt it. Governments worldwide need to work with the scientific community to formulate a rapid response global plan for the time when this plague strikes.


Personally, in the absence of any government initiatives, i have my own well rehearsed zombie apocalypse survival plan, and a survival kit ready at all times. I urge you all to do the same.

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I for one welcome this much needed study into what is an inevitable scenario. It shows the speed with which a zombie plague could spread throughout the world if procedures are not effected to halt it. Governments worldwide need to work with the scientific community to formulate a rapid response global plan for the time when this plague strikes.


Personally, in the absence of any government initiatives, i have my own well rehearsed zombie apocalypse survival plan, and a survival kit ready at all times. I urge you all to do the same.


I 2 boom sticks & beer?

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I 2 boom sticks & beer?


And a 4 month supply of Hog Lumps.


a year or two with out sun light,

= no crop's no animal's & no 4king power,

flesh eating times a head,



it's Survival.


Bravo! You are surely among the loftiest devotees of Helicon.

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