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I've been asked by a friend if i could find out where to get information on a group

its an old one :rolleyes: lol.... then again he's old :P


He's looking to find out information about a group call Bees make Honey... ( stupid name i know)


If anyone one can help i'll be greatful as he's doing my nut in... lol :lol:




Nutnut :P

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Bees Make Honey were one of the very first bands to play on the fledgling pub rock circuit, having been inspired to come to the UK from their native Ireland by the seminal Eggs Over Easy, who were possibly THE first.


Why should this be of any significance today, I hear you ask. Well, the answer to that is that Bees Make Honey, who, of course, have long since split up and faded away, are the subject of an excellent two-cd anthology newly released on the Acadia label entitled Back On Track.


CD 1 consists of 13 songs recorded live with the second disc containing 14 tracks recorded in the studio but mostly not released previously. The recording quality of the live stuff is not especially brilliant but the anthology is nonetheless a significant document, in your Online Groover's humble opinion, of course, because it reflects the quality and diversity of material that your average pub rock band had to have its repertoire. The live disc, in particular, contains a typical mixture of covers and originals, with styles ranging from country rock to rock and roll, rhythm and blues and Tamla Motown with all sorts of other influences scattered among the playlist.


Bees Make Honey were far from the greatest of pub rock names but they were certainly one of the most honest and hard-working and it's truly great to see such a band being remembered through a contemporary release, for which the people at Acadia should be congratulated. Your Online Groover doesn't suppose they expect this item to sell enough copies for a gold disc, but nonetheless urges his many thousands, sorry, hundreds, er, well, dozens then. Hang on, I'll start that bit again: Your Online Groover urges both his readers to go out tomorrow and purchase a copy of this excellent item, preferably from Henry's Music in Station Street, Burton's finest independent music emporium and specialist in period rock'n'roll. End of free advertisement.

Excerpt from http://www.burtonmail.co.uk/entertainment/...lumnid=20031105




Try a search on "bees make honey pub rock"

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