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Unfair Jusice


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In the UK exceeding the speed limit by 30 mph brings an automatic (hem hem) 12 month ban.

Erm, no it doesn't. Doubling the speed limit is seen as an automatic ban in most cases but the punishment has always been at the discretion of the court.

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In the UK exceeding the speed limit by 30 mph brings an automatic (hem hem) 12 month ban.

Erm, no it doesn't. Doubling the speed limit is seen as an automatic ban in most cases but the punishment has always been at the discretion of the court.


You're not playing the game!!!! PK has stated something blatantly untrue as a fact on a forum and, therefore, it is now undeniable fact, regardless of how completely made up it is. If you have paranoid delusions where everyone is a member of secret societies which are all out to get you, then you sometimes have to make up 'facts' so that everything fits into your twisted view of reality.


It HAS to be the freemasons behind it all, not just the simple fact that one bloke got done for speeding on the motorway and the other got done for dangerous driving after being filmed by a cop on a small road overtaking on the brow of a hill. No, it's all the masons I tell you!


Another 'fact' from PK was when he said he wasn't going to post on this forum during the school holidays - that was an absolute fact and not at all totally made up tosh.

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In the UK exceeding the speed limit by 30 mph brings an automatic (hem hem) 12 month ban.

Erm, no it doesn't. Doubling the speed limit is seen as an automatic ban in most cases but the punishment has always been at the discretion of the court.

You're not playing the game!!!! PK has stated something blatantly untrue as a fact on a forum and, therefore, it is now undeniable fact, regardless of how completely made up it is. If you have paranoid delusions where everyone is a member of secret societies which are all out to get you, then you sometimes have to make up 'facts' so that everything fits into your twisted view of reality.


It HAS to be the freemasons behind it all, not just the simple fact that one bloke got done for speeding on the motorway and the other got done for dangerous driving after being filmed by a cop on a small road overtaking on the brow of a hill. No, it's all the masons I tell you!


Another 'fact' from PK was when he said he wasn't going to post on this forum during the school holidays - that was an absolute fact and not at all totally made up tosh.

So I now have TWO internet stalkers on here, is that some kind of record? What sad lives they must lead...


It's not quite right BigDave but only in that it's not about doubling the speed limit, it's about exceeding it by 30 mph. So if you are clocked doing 60 in a 30 limit then you are up before the beak for the automatic (hem hem) 12 month ban. Unless you can afford this character of course. I would hope that even the most intellectually challenged on here would be able to figure out that excessive speed in a 30 limit is a lot more dangerous than excessive speed on the UK's safest roads, although the dreadfully gauche efforts of my two stalkers does make me wonder.


The penalties are in "The Sentencing Guidelines" and I just can't see how a magistrate could let Mr Bentley off the hook on such a pathetic excuse, "guidelines" or not. I wonder why he has...

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Don't flatter yourself with the internet stalker bollocks. I've responded to you all of once. Ever.


There is no such thing as an automatic ban of a particular length so where you think the 12 months comes from I don't know. Usually it's not exceeding 12 months though.


Magistrates have guidelines for considering bans on a motorway, and they start at 14 days (which I'm told is the norm for doing up to 100 mph) increasing in severity with speed, usually 28 days, 56 days, 70 days and 12 months.


I also know a couple of people in the UK who've been done on motorways for going over the ton. I seem to recall both of those were 28 days.

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There is no such thing as an automatic ban of a particular length so where you think the 12 months comes from I don't know. Usually it's not exceeding 12 months though.


I also know a couple of people in the UK who've been done on motorways for going over the ton. I seem to recall both of those were 28 days.

The 12 months is in the magistrates sentencing guidelines for 30 mph over the limit. So if you're caught doing 100 on a UK motorway then the magistrate should give you a 12 month ban unless there are very mitigating circumstances. Because if they don't then threads like this one start appearing on internet forums and it get's good press coverage, especially if you are very rich or a politician or some other minor celebrity. There is also the variation allowed in your speedometer. So if you're doing 100 you may well end up with a ticket for 98 mph i.e. below the 12 month threshold. Mind you, it's not unknown to get a 12 month ban for exceeding by 7 mph, as happened to a mate of mine. It cost him his job as well.


Don't flatter yourself with the internet stalker bollocks. I've responded to you all of once. Ever.

Don't flatter yourself as I wasn't referring to you. I like the way 'censorship' is after my posts because of his well thought out and highly accurate pronouncements about me. Particularly the way I should work for the police if they weren't on my paranoid delusional list of 'people out to get me'", how I am a "cynical loner with an irrational distrust of establishment and authority" and best of all how I am "hiding" behind my "pathetic anonymity".


Marvellous stuff!

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The 12 months is in the magistrates sentencing guidelines for 30 mph over the limit

It actually isn't at all. What you've done there is make something up and pretend it's a fact.


Here's the actual magistrates courts guidelines. Link.


Actually, despite your ascertations that the person involved was treated leniently, it doesn't seem that he'd been treated any differently to any other motorway speeder, both in guidelines and with previous known cases.


Oh, and if you quote me and then go on and describe another two nameless persons as stalkers, it's reasonable to assume you're accusing the two posters you've quoted.

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Well found - I couldn't be arsed to look but I sit corrected, maybe times have changed... BUT it's still a lottery and that's the problem. And I STILL don't see how Mr Bentley got away with it when my mate didn't. I mean, his defence consisted of "I forgot the UK speed limit was 70 miles per hour..." Yeah, right...


My other internet stalker, who someone once so succinctly and accurately described, is:


..... that prick Tugger.....

See posts passim. Although I'm not entirely blameless for his obsession.

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Well found - I couldn't be arsed to look but I sit corrected, maybe times have changed... BUT it's still a lottery and that's the problem. And I STILL don't see how Mr Bentley got away with it when my mate didn't. I mean, his defence consisted of "I forgot the UK speed limit was 70 miles per hour..." Yeah, right...


My other internet stalker, who someone once so succinctly and accurately described, is:


..... that prick Tugger.....

See posts passim. Although I'm not entirely blameless for his obsession.


Sorry, been a bit busy out in the real world over the past few days, but was just catching up on the weekend news and caught this hilarious exchange. I haven't got much time to join in just at the moment, but just had to say I very much enjoyed P.K. having to admit he had just totally made something up - proving what we all already knew - and I also very much enjoyed the irony of P.K. complaining he has 'internet stalkers', revealing a deep rooted paranoia, and then dismissing my suggestions he has deep rooted paranoia. Wonderful, wonderful stuff.

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