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Shadow Complex!

K.os Theory

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That pretty much sums it up for me, I was a little dubious when I first saw it announced, I mean a psuedo 2D platform shooter along the lines of metroid and castlevania? Then I realised just how much I loved these types of game! Throw in the fantastic graphics and the voice talent of non other than Nathan Drake himself and by the time the demo was over I was purchasing the full game!


If you're looking for something a little different in wait for the AAA titles coming in the Autumn I can't recommend this enough, the pacing is brilliant, the gun play is simple but satisfying, the platforming mechanics work very well and the sense of progression keeps you wanting more and more.


I don't trust the girl at all, I don't know why but I think she's bad news!


Oh one last thing, I'm pretty sure the story is penned by sci fi legend Orson Scott Card ( he of Enders Game fame ).

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