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Villa Marina - Who Is It For?


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I can see both sides of this.


Lots of people have made lots of very admirable effort to help the sidecar boys, and to raise cash for John McBride (travelling marshal badly injured during TT while performing is duties and still recovering in hopital in Liverpool).


This begs the immediate but admittedly off-topic question of why there isn't an official fund to provide immediate assistance in similar cases. Paid for out of TT funds, it should be available for relatives to travel to or with injured (or worse) riders at the time of the incident and to help with long-term financial problems arising from long periods in hospital and/or subsequent disabilities. But doubtless the organisers will say they don't have sufficient budget for this, which appears to be a morally bankrupt point of view from where I'm sitting.


Diverting the hospitality budget would be a start, and I'm sure the other riders (who all do it for love not money, so everyone keeps telling me) would be happy to see the start/prize money fund depleted by a sufficient amount to take proper care of injured riders.


Back on topic, however, I can quite see that the Villa management can see no reason why they and they alone should be required to donate £4,000 to a charity, no matter how worthy it might appear. And why this charity appeal? Why not everyone raising money for a good cause? And in the end, whose money is it anyway? OURS, of course, and do we all feel comfortable with making an extra contribution to this charity or any other without having the right to refuse?


Firstly there are funds that take care of any injured riders at the TT, MGP and S100, they provide very well both financially and personal. There is no need to have a separate fund for Nick Crowe and Mark Cox as all the assistance is available to meed their needs and the needs of the families FACT, there are plenty of other riders that are in a worse condition than these lads and have been helped all the way by the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund.


As for the Villa charging any fund to use the venue they have to by law and any waiver of this has to be approved by Tynwald, you will find that the Villa has offered the venue for this event at cost.

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Just a couple of points.

The gig has sponsorship from people wishing to help Nicky and Mark (as will become clear on the posters once they start going up).


The gig is being done because the people concerned (Nicky and Mark) are friends of various people in the bands... it has very little to do with them being sidecar racers. Just mates helping mates.. because they feel they can help in some way... simple as!


All people outside of the Villa are giving their time and skills free of charge because they too wish to help the lads out and be involved in the gig.


This isn't a charity, its a benefit gig to give financial assistance in a time of need to the people concerned and their families.


We're hoping that people will either attended because they wish to help the benefit or because they want to see one/both of the bands playing with full sound and lighting support... as well as helping out and having a good time.



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That's an interesting point, but even if it was a bona fide charity the Villa Marina should still charge it full price. Otherwise we would all effectively be being forced to contribute to a cause by stealth that we may have no intention of so doing, a cause that we may feel is unjust. And £4k is cheap for a venue like the Villa.


Oh god I need a lie down....I kinda find myself agreeing with KB!



I would agree. Working for a charity we've had quotes in the past for the Villa and it's not cheap even for registered charities so you have to sell the tickets to cover your costs before your make anything. It's a bit of a gamble so 4k - can they not get anyone to sponsor it like the Bike mags / shops or a local business? That usually is what some charities do to make sure they are covered but 4k....whooooo!

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... there are funds that take care of any injured riders at the TT, MGP and S100, they provide very well both financially and personal. There is no need to have a separate fund for Nick Crowe and Mark Cox as all the assistance is available to meed their needs and the needs of the families FACT, there are plenty of other riders that are in a worse condition than these lads and have been helped all the way by the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund.


I think Lee has missed the point. I was suggesting that there should be an OFFICIAL fund, paid for by the organisers of the racing, not dependent on goodwill and charity.


For the record (and from their websites) :


TTRA - "is the only Isle of Man registered charity in motorcycle racing for motorcycle racers."


ACU Benevolent Fund - "relies on donations. Can you or your club provide the cash to enable the fund to continue to support our less fortunate colleagues?"


These are both charities. FACT.

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Question is were Nick and Mark contracted riders for Honda UK Racing, the TT program has them as official Honda Riders. If its true then why are Honda not taking care of their employees as per employment laws. Honda are a huge company that have done well out of the TT so why are they not putting their hands in their pockets and sponsoring some of these events like the one to be held at the Villa. Another thing, are Honda the type of company that don't have their riders insured.

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Question is were Nick and Mark contracted riders for Honda UK Racing, the TT program has them as official Honda Riders. If its true then why are Honda not taking care of their employees as per employment laws. Honda are a huge company that have done well out of the TT so why are they not putting their hands in their pockets and sponsoring some of these events like the one to be held at the Villa. Another thing, are Honda the type of company that don't have their riders insured.



Because the term "contracted riders" means just that. They are not Honda employees.


And I'd be amazed if that contract didn't make them responsible for their own health insurance.

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Question is were Nick and Mark contracted riders for Honda UK Racing, the TT program has them as official Honda Riders. If its true then why are Honda not taking care of their employees as per employment laws. Honda are a huge company that have done well out of the TT so why are they not putting their hands in their pockets and sponsoring some of these events like the one to be held at the Villa. Another thing, are Honda the type of company that don't have their riders insured.


How are you so sure that Honda haven't helped financially in any shape or form ?


Or are you jut having wild stabs in the air ? ...



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Question is were Nick and Mark contracted riders for Honda UK Racing, the TT program has them as official Honda Riders. If its true then why are Honda not taking care of their employees as per employment laws. Honda are a huge company that have done well out of the TT so why are they not putting their hands in their pockets and sponsoring some of these events like the one to be held at the Villa. Another thing, are Honda the type of company that don't have their riders insured.


How are you so sure that Honda haven't helped financially in any shape or form ?


Or are you jut having wild stabs in the air ? ...




If they had of then why the urgent need to raise money for the riders and family

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Question is were Nick and Mark contracted riders for Honda UK Racing, the TT program has them as official Honda Riders. If its true then why are Honda not taking care of their employees as per employment laws. Honda are a huge company that have done well out of the TT so why are they not putting their hands in their pockets and sponsoring some of these events like the one to be held at the Villa. Another thing, are Honda the type of company that don't have their riders insured.


How are you so sure that Honda haven't helped financially in any shape or form ?


Or are you jut having wild stabs in the air ? ...




If they had of then why the urgent need to raise money for the riders and family


Jesus, you're dumb ...



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The Villa Marina will have a breakdown of cost as to why it is £4K, I know 5 years ago it was £2K with an extra fee for going past 2am.

Although I think it's excessive, I'm sure they will justify it.


A brass band concert doesn't use much security and would need some of the techie crew to put out and pack away seating/staging and be on hand to set up a static lighting state, minimal bar staff to cover mainly light refreshments and thats it.


On the other hand a Band gig or Dance Night would need a full security and bar staff turn out with glass collectors, stage crew/runners.. Crowd Barriers setup, lighting and sound crew, cleaners to clean up the spillages/vomit/empties etc


You could see how the price would differ between these two events, although I know for this event that a lot of people are giving up their time and resources for free, I know our company are going all out for this one!

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For my tuppence worth-the venue hire isnt too bad but does seem high in the grand scale of things until you take into account the infrastructure as has been mentioned regarding staff,lights,security,cleaning etc etc etc

Floyd has it nailed as far as I see. Its a benefit,a worthy cause a great idea and for those who like the music a way of supporting a good cause and having a good time. Well done the organisers(No not me!) The venue has been covered cost wise so EVERY ticket revenue will go towards the cause. Mates of mates. Well I would !

See you there. The production of the show alone will be worth the price!

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Out of interest if this was a bike show would you spend your money on this worthy cause or complain about the cost to hire the venue, my guess would be No, your only paying to attend the gig because the music suits you and its a possible piss up for those that now find that there is very little entertainment on the island .

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No, your only paying to attend the gig because the music suits you


And what, pray, is wrong with that. No doubt the organisers of this event asked themselves what would people pay to see that will bring in money for this worthy cause. I will be going and consider it a much better idea than paying some charity a tenner for someone to sit in a bath full of baked beans

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you will find that the Villa has offered the venue for this event at cost.


So did you just ignore my PM?


What do you mean by the above? are you claiming that the venue hire charge is cheaper than normal and if so what are those figures. What position are you in to suggest this?


I have no particular issue with the charge either way, but would appreciate you clearing this up as you appear to be in the know.



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