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Villa Marina - Who Is It For?


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But is this event actually for a registered charity? Funds may have been collected and donated in a charitable way but I do not think a Charity has actually been set up to help the two individuals. I think if the fund raising is to continue that would be a good idea.

That's an interesting point, but even if it was a bona fide charity the Villa Marina should still charge it full price. Otherwise we would all effectively be being forced to contribute to a cause by stealth that we may have no intention of so doing, a cause that we may feel is unjust. And £4k is cheap for a venue like the Villa.


Exactly what are all of the various 4Ks that they are making on various events being spent on? I have to admit it is a nice venue but nothing special compared to similar types of venues in the UK.

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And another venue is to help raise money for the side car lads, Manx radio reported that Nick was back home and attended the practices the other night.





Road Racing Legends next event is to be held on Friday February 05th 2010 comprising an evening with Carl Fogarty, James Whitham and Friends, at the Wynnstay Hotel, Oswestry.


Tickets are sold on a first come first served basis and the numbers are strictly limited to 350, all of which will be seated. Tickets are £20 each and go on sale 01st December 2009.


Road Racing Legends have also just launched a website that can be visited and viewed by navigating to www.roadracinglegends.org. We thank all our sponsors for their continued support and assistance in making these events possible.


This will be our 5th event and to date, we have raised £42,222 for various charities including the Manx Helicopter Fund, Rob Vine fund for private ambulances, purchases of wheelchairs for injured riders, Robert Dunlop Memorial Fund, Little Hearts Matters along with supporting local charities and hospices.


It is proposed that following our next event, a percentage of the proceeds raised will be donated to the Nick Crowe & Mark Cox fund to assist in the rehabilitation of passenger and rider.


We wish all the very best to the boys and their families and speedy recoveries to both Nicky and Mark.


The sponsors of the event next year will be Morris Holdings UK Ltd, Paperway, Morris Lubricants, Oswestry Waste Paper, The Wynnstay Hotel, Comtext Signs, Ocean Telecom. Footman James, Bonhams, Classic Racer, Red Torpedo, Michelin, Road Racing Ireland, Annsfotos, Ultra Clean, VMCC, Kate Woodhead Estates and OTIS Ltd.


Jamie Whitham six times British Champion and Sky Sports Commentator continues to be patron of the charity. His aims and objectives are to push the charity forward to raise further funds to support motorcycle charities.


The organisers of this, our 5th event are once again, Gwen & Phil Morris (Oswestry) and Sue & Colin Morris (Craven Arms).




Following an incident at Ballacob, near Ballaugh, in the sidecar race at the Isle of Man TT races on 10th June 2009, TT Champions and Honda Factory Rider’s Nick Crowe & Mark Cox are presently undergoing medical treatment in the UK and require urgent financial assistance to help with current and ongoing expenses.


Driver Nicky Crowe, 38, from Jurby, Isle of Man and passenger Mark Cox, 39 from Rochester, Kent were both been airlifted to Nobles hospital with significant injuries.


Nick and Mark were leading the race when the incident occurred on the approach to Ballaugh (17 mile marker), on lap one of the three lap race.

Both Mark and Nick, were ejected from the sidecar following a collision with what is believed to be a hare, sustaining serious injuries, and after being airlifted to Noble's Hospital they received full examinations and the necessary immediate treatment.’ The Sidecar race - the second of two Sidecar races of the 2009 Isle of Man TT - was abandoned following the incident.


Nick's injuries were so extensive that he has undergone four operations so far, one of which was to remove his lower right arm, as the damage to this area was extensive and was also causing issues for the recovery of some of his other injuries.


Following a transfer to Liverpool hospital, Mark underwent two operations in his first week in hospital, on his left leg and ankle. As a result of the injuries, Mark's left leg is four inches shorter than it should be and another operation is planned in the next few weeks that will hopefully lengthen his leg, although it is not certain this operation will be successful. The fractures to Mark's pelvis and right hip are now beginning to heal well, having been repositioned, plated and pinned, as is the case with his right arm as well.

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I can see both sides of this.


Lots of people have made lots of very admirable effort to help the sidecar boys, and to raise cash for John McBride (travelling marshal badly injured during TT while performing is duties and still recovering in hopital in Liverpool).


This begs the immediate but admittedly off-topic question of why there isn't an official fund to provide immediate assistance in similar cases. Paid for out of TT funds, it should be available for relatives to travel to or with injured (or worse) riders at the time of the incident and to help with long-term financial problems arising from long periods in hospital and/or subsequent disabilities. But doubtless the organisers will say they don't have sufficient budget for this, which appears to be a morally bankrupt point of view from where I'm sitting.


Diverting the hospitality budget would be a start, and I'm sure the other riders (who all do it for love not money, so everyone keeps telling me) would be happy to see the start/prize money fund depleted by a sufficient amount to take proper care of injured riders.


Back on topic, however, I can quite see that the Villa management can see no reason why they and they alone should be required to donate £4,000 to a charity, no matter how worthy it might appear. And why this charity appeal? Why not everyone raising money for a good cause? And in the end, whose money is it anyway? OURS, of course, and do we all feel comfortable with making an extra contribution to this charity or any other without having the right to refuse?


Firstly there are funds that take care of any injured riders at the TT, MGP and S100, they provide very well both financially and personal. There is no need to have a separate fund for Nick Crowe and Mark Cox as all the assistance is available to meed their needs and the needs of the families FACT, there are plenty of other riders that are in a worse condition than these lads and have been helped all the way by the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund.


As for the Villa charging any fund to use the venue they have to by law and any waiver of this has to be approved by Tynwald, you will find that the Villa has offered the venue for this event at cost.



So Nick and Mark are receiving help from the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund which is fantastic, but why do you seem to have a problem with all their friends and family, fellow competitors,fans etc raising some more money for them ?

I don't know what you do for a living and i don't care. but if you had just lost your living and nearly your life you would want every penny to look after your self and family. They were two of the bravest men around and you seem to be jealous for some reason.

Are you a famous person with no mates ? :angry:

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So Nick and Mark are receiving help from the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund which is fantastic, but why do you seem to have a problem with all their friends and family, fellow competitors,fans etc raising some more money for them ?

I don't know what you do for a living and i don't care. but if you had just lost your living and nearly your life you would want every penny to look after your self and family. They were two of the bravest men around and you seem to be jealous for some reason.

Are you a famous person with no mates ? :angry:

I think the point is that if I was living that life I would ensure adequate protection was in place to provide for my family and my treatment rather than depending on others.

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So Nick and Mark are receiving help from the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund which is fantastic, but why do you seem to have a problem with all their friends and family, fellow competitors,fans etc raising some more money for them ?

I don't know what you do for a living and i don't care. but if you had just lost your living and nearly your life you would want every penny to look after your self and family. They were two of the bravest men around and you seem to be jealous for some reason.

Are you a famous person with no mates ? :angry:

I think the point is that if I was living that life I would ensure adequate protection was in place to provide for my family and my treatment rather than depending on others.


And I think the point is that there's nothing wrong ith friends and family raising money for people in need, but there IS something wrong with an organisation which does nothing for them and OBLIGES them to do so.

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So Nick and Mark are receiving help from the ACU Ben Fund and the TTRA Fund which is fantastic, but why do you seem to have a problem with all their friends and family, fellow competitors,fans etc raising some more money for them ?

I don't know what you do for a living and i don't care. but if you had just lost your living and nearly your life you would want every penny to look after your self and family. They were two of the bravest men around and you seem to be jealous for some reason.

Are you a famous person with no mates ? :angry:

I think the point is that if I was living that life I would ensure adequate protection was in place to provide for my family and my treatment rather than depending on others.


And I think the point is that there's nothing wrong ith friends and family raising money for people in need, but there IS something wrong with an organisation which does nothing for them and OBLIGES them to do so.



The TT organisation does help any rider injured and all riders have to have insurance in place before they can compete or even start at any race meeting FACT


And the organisation takes out insurance to





This is the html version of the file http://www.scunthorpemcc.co.uk/files/ACU%2...mier%202009.doc.

Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web.





arranged by




A Division Of Lockton Companies International Limited


6th Floor, 19 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1FB





This is to certify the Auto-Cycle Union (‘ACU’) as Insured is indemnified in accordance with the terms of the Master Policy up to the Limit of Indemnity. The Policy has been issued by the Insurers to the Insured for the benefit of any Organiser, Affiliated Club, Promoter, Official, Sponsor, Landowner, Competitor or any other party acting under the authority of the Auto-Cycle Union in connection with the Business.






1. the ACU


2. the organising Local Association Club or Organisation


3. any Official carrying out duties at the Insured Event


4. rescue organisations or their personnel


5. the promoters and sponsors of the Insured Event


6. participants (and their pit or service personnel) authorised to compete in the Insured Event


7. Landowners being any person firm or authority whose permission is necessary for the holding of the Insured Event






12 months commencing 1 January 2009.






Worldwide subject to the issue of an ACU Permit or Certificate of Exemption of permit.






Public Liability: Legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to their property, including nervous shock or mental injury, obstruction, trespass, nuisance, interference, wrongful arrest and eviction


Including legal liability arising from the supply of food or drink or promotional material merchandise or souvenirs sold or supplied in connection with an Insured Event


Policy Limit: £30,000,000 (Thirty million pounds) each occurrence for Claims happening in the Period of Insurance


Medical Malpractice: Legal liability resulting from treatment given by any medically qualified person or persons acting in connection with an Insured Event


Policy Limit: £5,000,000 (Five million pounds) including Legal Costs for any Claim first made against during the Period of Insurance


Legal Costs:


Defence and legal costs in connection with a claim








Cover includes:


Legal expenses and costs in defending prosecutions under health and safety legislation


Legal liability for loss of or damage to officials’ and visitors vehicles or personal belongings


Legal liability for loss or damage to premises hired or rented for the purpose of the Business






Insured Event: is defined as any competitive or non competitive motor sport event (including any official practice qualification or training) taking place under a permit granted from the ACU, provided the relevant premium has been paid



Medical Services Personnel: The insurance requires that reasonable steps are taken to ensure any medical personnel are suitably qualified and members of the appropriate professional body, with their own Malpractice insurance. However the policy covers those volunteers (paramedics, nurses and junior doctors) who have no insurance for activities outside of the scope of their normal employment



Bikes Loaned or Hired to Participants: Some organisations (training schools etc) may lend bikes to Participants. Please note that liability in connection with motorcycles loaned or hired to participants by the organisers is NOT covered by the Permit nor the ACU’s policy. This risk can be covered but only at an additional premium – please refer to Lockton for further advice and quotations.



Landowners: The ACU Master Policy indemnifies landowners in respect of their potential legal liability to third parties following an accident in connection with an event for which they have allowed the use of their land. Landowner is defined as being any person firm or authority (including any circuit owner any local or county authority the Forestry Commission or any Minister or Ministry of the National Government) whose permission is necessary for the holding of the Insured Event as Principal(s) in any contract entered into by the ACU or any Insured



Cross Liabilities: Where more than one party comprises the Insured any claim by one Insured against any other Insured shall be treated as though the party claiming is not an insured party provided that the Limit of Liability shall not be increased as a result



Business is defined as the authorisation, promotion, organisation, running and participating in any Motor Sport Event and ancillary activities taking place under permit granted by or any exemption granted by or issued by Auto Cycle Union.



Participant is defined as a rider or passenger engaged in an Insured Event who has been granted permission to enter the Restricted Area.





Brit Insurance Ltd, QBE Insurance Europe Limited

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I wouldn’t have thought they would in the long-term, although considering the extent of the injuries and the length of time insurers can take to pay out I would imagine there would be a period where no one from the households will be able to work and so there will be very little income.


The argument then should be that the ACU cover the costs until such time that the insurers pay out.

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So why do they need extra funds?



We are putting on a gig to help out some friends. Many of us (people involed in the gig) have sat on the hedges and watched the boys racing, many have helped the boys racing.. as mates we are just trying to make things alittle easier for them. We could just send them a card with our best wishes and let the insurances do what they do.. or we could try and raise a bit of money, have a good night with people who like the music that's on and/or support the boys in their racing and friends who just want to be part of it all.


Lee.. stilling wondering what position your in to claim you know the arrangements between the organisers and the Villa and that its being hired at "cost".. implying its been discounted. (I will say it again.. I'm not concerned with the hire costs other than you seem to know something we don't).

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The Villa Royal Hall holds 1360 paying guests, at £10 per ticket £4000 cost to hire is cheap,


Out of interest how much has been raised to date



And how can they afford to run this at £6 per ticket at the same venue


Sounds Of The Cave

Saturday, August 29, 2009 Villa Marina Royal Hall

Music from the 60's 70's & 80's brought to you from Mike Reynolds and David Cretney. Doors open 9pm no admission after midnight. Tickets £6 Over 21's only

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I knew before posting that you wouldn't answer the question.


And how would I know the arrangement in place for the Sounds of The Cave?? You are the one claiming you know the deals that are in place.


you will find that the Villa has offered the venue for this event at cost.
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i have been to a show once and i will never go again. i went to see lee evans and for the half an hour interval that was the only time that the bar was open and i had planeed a good drink and a good night out. and it turns out that because its government runned all the bar staff only want to work for half an hour at the interval and get paid for a whole shift a bit like to DOT. lazy f0okers or what? if it was any where else in the world they would want to make some extra money of the bar & snacks. not in the isle of man . looks like a big wast of tax money 2 me. what a joke

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i have been to a show once and i will never go again. i went to see lee evans and for the half an hour interval that was the only time that the bar was open and i had planeed a good drink and a good night out. and it turns out that because its government runned all the bar staff only want to work for half an hour at the interval and get paid for a whole shift a bit like to DOT. lazy f0okers or what? if it was any where else in the world they would want to make some extra money of the bar & snacks. not in the isle of man . looks like a big wast of tax money 2 me. what a joke


I think it's because they don't want people continually interrupting the show by leaving their seats to go to the bar.

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i have been to a show once and i will never go again. i went to see lee evans and for the half an hour interval that was the only time that the bar was open and i had planeed a good drink and a good night out. and it turns out that because its government runned all the bar staff only want to work for half an hour at the interval and get paid for a whole shift a bit like to DOT. lazy f0okers or what? if it was any where else in the world they would want to make some extra money of the bar & snacks. not in the isle of man . looks like a big wast of tax money 2 me. what a joke


I think it's because they don't want people continually interrupting the show by leaving their seats to go to the bar.


ok then how come when i want to the 02 to see him there was beer & food and working staff that work . not just standing arund chatting .oh & the 02 is ran as a profit making a business unlike Villa Marina ..how much profit his the Villa Marina made? oh have a look at the 02 link this is how it should be run. http://www.theo2.co.uk/inside/bars-restaurants.html

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