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K.os Theory

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So we all know they exist but no-one dares admit they are one.


I've just received the following from a good friend of mine who still doesn't believe he's a fanboy ( I'll let you guess which side of the fence he's on )...


"Here are the reasons as to why PS3 is better for all you DARK side gamers on the other side:


ps3 is free to play online


- xbox 360 costs £4 a month


ps3 bluetooth headsets


- only 2 types of xbox 360 headsets - WIRED!


ps3 looks good


xbox 360 lol looks like a brick lol


ps3 controllers have built in battery


xbox 360 you have to pay for a play and charge pack - unlucky!


ps3 graphics are better

Xbox 360 is like using a ninento - cartoony! Where's Mario Kart????


Need I say anymore!!"


I'm trying not to get drawn into a debate over which is better but I'm struggling.


Just wondering if anyone will freely admit to being a Sony/Xbox fanboy?


I'll admit to being an fully paid up member of the anti-Nintendo brigade and that's it!


edited to add this gem of a response : "i'm sorry but you all have been brain washed and have gone to the dark side" :lol:

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Well. I must admit, I own three consoles and they're all good in their own right... (Tiger Woods on the Wii is fantastic!!...lol...) ;-)


I've had a look and can see a few flaws which I've highlighted below...


ps3 is free to play online


- xbox 360 costs £4 a month – which is reflected in the QUALITY of the online capability, response and usablity. I’d pay for the playstation online if was equally as good.


ps3 bluetooth headsets


- only 2 types of xbox 360 headsets - WIRED! - There is a wireless headset available. Here’s the link… http://www.game.co.uk/Xbox360/Hardware/Acc...reless-Headset/


ps3 looks good


xbox 360 lol looks like a brick lol – I agree. Lol… J


ps3 controllers have built in battery


xbox 360 you have to pay for a play and charge pack - unlucky! – Yep, but it’s not the end of the world. (It is a much cheaper console though. Only £129!!!)

ps3 graphics are better


Xbox 360 is like using a ninento - cartoony! Where's Mario Kart???? – The games are not cartoony. (Splinter Cell Conviction, Gears of War,…etc…). It is a very adult based console.


I personally like them both. The Playstation only games are maginally better, but the Xbox Online experience is second to non!!

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So we all know they exist but no-one dares admit they are one.


I've just received the following from a good friend of mine who still doesn't believe he's a fanboy ( I'll let you guess which side of the fence he's on )...


"Here are the reasons as to why PS3 is better for all you DARK side gamers on the other side:


ps3 is free to play online


- xbox 360 costs £4 a month


And Xbox Live has a lot more to it, plus DLC exclusives as a result of the small fee


ps3 bluetooth headsets


- only 2 types of xbox 360 headsets - WIRED!


Oh no, I’m plugged into my controller that is in my hands? Not really a great argument


ps3 looks good


xbox 360 lol looks like a brick lol


Completely subjective, I prefer the look of the Xbox, the PS3 looks like an even bigger prick lol!


ps3 controllers have built in battery


xbox 360 you have to pay for a play and charge pack - unlucky!


The PS3 controller hasn’t changed in 15 years, it is out dated and uncomfortable in m opinion


ps3 graphics are better

Xbox 360 is like using a ninento - cartoony! Where's Mario Kart????


For the most part that’s just wrong




Need I say anymore!!"


I'm trying not to get drawn into a debate over which is better but I'm struggling.


Just wondering if anyone will freely admit to being a Sony/Xbox fanboy?


I'll admit to being an fully paid up member of the anti-Nintendo brigade and that's it!


edited to add this gem of a response : "i'm sorry but you all have been brain washed and have gone to the dark side" :lol:


Unfortunately I end up being an Xbox fanboy but only because PS3 fanboys are so stupid, and refuse to see that the PS3 isn't that great as a games console, but they need to justify their huge out lay by making sure everyone knows why the PS3 is best.

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The thing is I have a few friends who have bought PS3's who already have XBOX360's and they tend to only use the PS3 as a blu ray player these days. As a games console they use the 360. Because the PS3 came out last they are always playing catchup. A bit like how the xbox1 was playing catchup with the ps2.


Xbox Live Arcade rules. I dont mind paying 4 quid a month just to have access to that to be honest.

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Xbox 360 Headsets , only 2 ?


What about the Turtle Beach range of headsets ? X1 , X3 & X4 even the cheapest option of these 3 is absolutely awesome.


Don't get drawn in Kym , all 3 consoles have their merits.


Just want to add on the graphics issue , I am amazed at how many of the PS3 games are only 720p.

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It comes down to the games vs the value for me. I'd love to have all three, but I can't justify the cost, so I've got a wii and a 360. That seems to cover the majority of the games I want to play for the best price. There's a couple of things I'd like on the ps3, but more on the 360, so that wins.


Realistically, the 360 and the ps3 are about level technically, with the 360 slightly ahead online and price, and the ps3 ahead if you want a blue ray player, don't have many mates online and the ability to upgrade the hard disk is nice.



ps3 is free to play online

- xbox 360 costs £4 a month


It is smart that the ps3 is free online, but the online play is inconsistent. I'd certainly rather not pay for online play, particularly as I'm a pc gamer and paying for something that's been free for so long feels weird, but the 360 online shit is simply fucking awsome. Every game is consistently good, be it online play, parties, leaderboards or achievements. It's all in there, no matter what my mates are playing at the time, I can still try to beat their scores at other stuff. It's brilliant, and well worth the dosh.


ps3 bluetooth headsets

- only 2 types of xbox 360 headsets - WIRED!


I like the fact that you can use bt headsets. I don't like the fact that because it's optional, it's got a much lower takeup than the 360 headsets. My 360 headset is wireless too, but it was expensive and propriatory, which does suck.


ps3 looks good

xbox 360 lol looks like a brick lol


Your mate needs a slap :)


ps3 controllers have built in battery


See that as a downside personally. Love the fact I can swap AA's between the wii, 360 and guitar hero controllers. Means I can have two on charge while the others are in use, and never have to use a cable charger.


xbox 360 you have to pay for a play and charge pack - unlucky!


Only if you want it.


ps3 graphics are better

Xbox 360 is like using a ninento - cartoony! Where's Mario Kart????


That simply isn't true. For most things the ps3 is slightly behind the 360 graphically, particularly for cross platform games, the devs will lead on the 360 and the ps3 has to suffer because of its unconventional hardware. I think the difference between them is so slight that it doesn't really matter though.


What has annoyed me in the past is the claims that the price difference is justified because the ps3 is so much more powerful, when that simply isn't true.


Surprised your mate forgot the reliability thing, the xbox's biggest failing. There's no excuse for how poor it is here, and I think it goes a long way to how good it is in other areas if people put up with that kind of poor reliability and still play it. I've had two sent back so far, the wii hasn't skipped a beat in that time, and my launch week ps2 is still used all the time (fekking sims 2! My kids wont let it go!) and hasn't ever failed.


I'll admit to being an fully paid up member of the anti-Nintendo brigade and that's it!


Aw, you're missing out of the best games of this generation. Silly boy!

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but Slim.... you're the biggest fanboy of whatever it is you are currently fadding with?


Then once you move on you turn on your previous fanboy target as you fanboy up your new love

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but Slim.... you're the biggest fanboy of whatever it is you are currently fadding with?

Then once you move on you turn on your previous fanboy target as you fanboy up your new love


It may come across like that, but I don't think it's fair.


I'm a noisy and enthusiastic advocate for my interests certainly, but I don't tend to move on from one to the next. Had a 360 for a long time, still like 360's. Been into gaming for most of my life, wouldn't call that a fad. My clan/guild have been together for 12 years, and we still meet regularly despite being spread all over europe, met em all last weekend, we had an ace lan.


Rode to school on my bike when I was 12, rode to my first job at the Happy Haddock Chippy aged 15 (sob!) and still ride to work today, though I have ramped up the competitive and social side of cycling a bit lately, did 80 miles today including a club run. I love walking, and do about two hours a day, I'm sure you've seen me strutting about, I wouldn't call that a fad. I've not always been a greenie, but it's something that I learned from the wife. Wouldn't say I'm faddy about it though, it's stuck.


Got my first computer in '81, and I've been into tinkering with them ever since. Got paid for my first bit of code in 84 (a game on the MSX), and I'm still writing.


Been posting on local forums since we created one one Beemanx, that's over ten years ago now, scary.


Been married for 12 years too!


Stuff like warcraft comes and goes naturally, you can't help but be heavily into them one day and dropping them like a stone once you tire of them, that's their nature.


I've definitely grown out of cars though, had a string of performance motors through my teens and twenties, but they just don't do it for me now.


Unless theres something else you had in mind?

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i think im in the xbox360 fanboy now, but used to be a ps2 fanboy,


had a ps1 then got a ps2, while me sister got an xbox.

have to admit the ps2 was better than the xbox, well i thought so (fanboy)


sister then went and got a xbox360 and well thats where i changed to the xbox, was better than the ps2, coulden afford the ps3 at the time

so ended up buying me sisters xbox of her and have never even thought about getting a ps3, maybe if i had the cash at the time i might well of got one but im happy with the 360 now so no point

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It seems in this day and age if you criticise or compliment one thing or the other then that labels you as a fanboy.


Saying that thought your mate is a spot on fanboy but also thick . :lol:


like slim said he missed some badd things about the 360. reliability is absolutely disgusting but also that stupid power brick that you have to jam in behind your av gear somewhere and the noisey smeg that it is. (im not buying a new one just to have it be quiet it should always have been quiet)


on the ps3 side ive been very disappointed mainly in the fact that most games on both systems just dont run as well as on the 360.

But its plain to see when coded correctly the ps3 can produce far more impressive looking games. uncharted 1, 2 and gt5. Nothing on the 360 comes close. But the amount of games at that standard on ps3 is far too low. Also the online side is not intergrated as well as it is on 360. Its getting better with trophys and being able to access the xmb in game to message mates , but its still along way off live.


so yeah all the consoles have their flaws but ive found its which one ive managed to best ignore the flaws that I prefer.

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