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Police Given Permission To Steal From Cars


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UTV News


Look what they're up to in Surrey. Some things are almost beyond belief. And what I don't understand is how people in the community will take kindly to this.

Would you rather the thieves got there first, or for the Police to wait until the real thieves come along then nab em, but no if they did that you would be shouting entrapment. What is it you want ?

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" 'They're not stealing, so it's not an actual criminal offence,' said solicitor Julian Young. "


Are they not? So i could legally borrow items from someone's unlocked car to be collected later at my house?


I never lock my car because there is nothing valuable in it except maybe the cactus on my dashboard and i would not be happy for police to steal that.

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UTV News


Look what they're up to in Surrey. Some things are almost beyond belief. And what I don't understand is how people in the community will take kindly to this.

Would you rather the thieves got there first, or for the Police to wait until the real thieves come along then nab em, but no if they did that you would be shouting entrapment. What is it you want ?


If I had a car I would want nobody in it. Nobody has good justification to remove my possessions; and then make me prove my identity to have them back again. As well as that you have the inconvenience of it.

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UTV News


Look what they're up to in Surrey. Some things are almost beyond belief. And what I don't understand is how people in the community will take kindly to this.

Would you rather the thieves got there first, or for the Police to wait until the real thieves come along then nab em, but no if they did that you would be shouting entrapment. What is it you want ?


If I had a car I would want nobody in it. Nobody has good justification to remove my possessions; and then make me prove my identity to have them back again. As well as that you have the inconvenience of it.

If you leave your stuff open to view I known who I would prefer to take em.

Most people these days who steal from cars are drug addicts feeding their habit, you know the ones who pay your mates the drug dealers. ;)

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" 'They're not stealing, so it's not an actual criminal offence,' said solicitor Julian Young. "


Are they not? So i could legally borrow items from someone's unlocked car to be collected later at my house?


I never lock my car because there is nothing valuable in it except maybe the cactus on my dashboard and i would not be happy for police to steal that.

You could but you could also incur liability from damages/etc (deoending on which damages they incurred you would be liable for theft, if the property is taken for such a time that it loses its value) and if you got caught half way (or didn't make your intentions clear enough) you would have a job persuading people that you had full intentions to return possessions.

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No they are not stealing, there is no dishonesty and no intention to keep the items removed from the car.


Without these factors there is no theft


Fair enough, there is no intention to keep these things. I referred to stealing in the sense of taking something that isn't theirs. But let's calling it 'taking'. The issue for me is that such action is being taken.

I would like to know how they find out whether the cars are locked. I'd have to assume that they go to the cars and try and open the doors. Doesn't this set off the car alarms, in cars that are locked?


If you leave your stuff open to view I known who I would prefer to take em.

Most people these days who steal from cars are drug addicts feeding their habit, you know the ones who pay your mates the drug dealers. wink.gif


I'd prefer that the police had them too rather than anyone who was literally stealing them, but that's because I'd get them back. But that's not the point. The state has no more justification to open the door to the car and take whatever. And then it requires them to prove who they are to get back their possessions. What sort of cocked up way of dealing with crime is that.


Are most of these people drug addicts then? Oh well stealing from cars isn't so bad then...I have no problem as long as my mates can still sell the smack and crack. :)

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, surely they should have better things to do with ttheir time? If I read the Daily Mail (which I don't) I would be regaled with tales of how the police didn't come to interview a 90 year old widow beaten up for 10p until 5 days after the incident etc etc because their resources are so stretched. So stretched presumably because they were too busy nicking stuff out of law abiding people's vehicles.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, surely they should have better things to do with ttheir time? If I read the Daily Mail (which I don't) I would be regaled with tales of how the police didn't come to interview a 90 year old widow beaten up for 10p until 5 days after the incident etc etc because their resources are so stretched. So stretched presumably because they were too busy nicking stuff out of law abiding people's vehicles.


i would rather they lifted stuff on routine foot patrol and bend some tossers ear down the station than spent the time taking statements from the same muppet who is reporting the theft and then them having to waste more time dealing with it.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, surely they should have better things to do with ttheir time? If I read the Daily Mail (which I don't) I would be regaled with tales of how the police didn't come to interview a 90 year old widow beaten up for 10p until 5 days after the incident etc etc because their resources are so stretched. So stretched presumably because they were too busy nicking stuff out of law abiding people's vehicles.


i would rather they lifted stuff on routine foot patrol and bend some tossers ear down the station than spent the time taking statements from the same muppet who is reporting the theft and then them having to waste more time dealing with it.



Is it really up to the police to demonstrate that if you leave your car unlocked stuff might get nicked from it? That's the criminals job.


So, people want to take a calculated risk (bloody stupid if you ask me but that's their decision). I can just imagine some smug copper behind the desk "playing" with their "victim" when he/she comes to report their loss. Oh, "was the car unlocked sir/madam? that's really very unwise" and then after leading them on for half an hour finally reveal that their possesions are underneath the counter having been appropriated , possibly by the same gimp that is giving them a lecture.


Should be spending their time out catching real criminals if you ask me.

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