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It seems that the MEA has settled in nicely as the latest red rag to irritate the members of Tynwald.


Tynwald Question Paper


Mrs Hannan is questioning the qualifications required by the CEO. I have wondered at those required by Tynwald and Keys members too and have, sadly too frequently, decided that the only traits required are those that would warrant a clip around the ear from their mother.


She's also questioning the salaries paid and can they vote themselves an increase whenever they choose! This is surely not too far removed from their own behaviour?


She is also questioning the MEA staff's Christmas Party.


She is also questioning was wine free?


She is also questioning was transport available?


She is also questioning what raffle prizes and how much?



Scrooge seems alive and well and living in Peel.



So, to have a balanced approach, I have a few questions too.


How many freebie Christmas meals are eaten by Keys and Tynwald members (and wife/husband/partner)?


How many free other meals are eaten by Keys and Tynwald members (and wife/husband/partner)?


How many free rides in taxis, limousines, planes, boats, travel experiences etc have Tynwald and Keys members (and wife/husband/partner) received during the past three years?


How many complimentary bottles of wine, perfume, theatre seats, MEA or any other raffle prizes, books, videos, cinema visits, corporate goodies, governmental goodies, complimentary parking spaces, same used by wife/husband/partner and hotel rooms paid for by us and shared by wife/husband/partner?


Oooh, I bet these questions are never answered.

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How many free rides in taxis, limousines, planes, boats, travel experiences etc have Tynwald and Keys members (and wife/husband/partner) received during the past three years?

Oooooo, Ooooo, Oooooo and exclusive usage of non schedule buses from Peel when unable to read a timetable.

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I work for the MEA.


As an employee I feel insulted that Mrs Hannan is asking questions about parties when she and her Tynwald colleagues hold a massive banquet on the evening of each Tynwald day. I understand it previously has been held at the Golf Links Hotel. In addition there is the Garden party for the rich and infamous to indulge in cucumber butties etc. That is invitation only. Street cleaners and other peasants are excluded!


Also for the Tynwald ceremony the Manx Government invites various free loading parasites from other celtic/viking countries to attend as guests. IE; Norwegian royalty and officials (basking shark killers).


You and I pay for all of that!


Oh and lets not forget that the Manx Taxpayer funded the visit by the Chinese Ambassador last year resulting in "OUR" MHK Peter Karran being thrown out of a reception because he dared offer the Ambassador a letter of protest about China's illegal occupation of Tibet and attrocities the Chinese have committed on Tibetans.


And let us not forget Downie's visit to China followed up by Strix exporting jobs there after receiving Manx Government grants from the DTI. God have we paid for all of that!


Sorry the word "GRANT" is not politically correct at the moment eh?


So in view of that I see nothing wrong in the MEA giving the staff a free Christmas Party when one considers what they have contributed over the years in maintaining and repairing power supplies in all weathers.


Hazel Hannan is throwing a big smoke screen to escape from the fact she is a member of a parliament that does not have the respect of the people anymore.


The Isle of Man needs a general election now!

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As far as I am aware, each department has to keep a record of gifts - though how a member of the public could gain access to that is another thing. Perhaps an MHK could do it.


The department where I worked we were not allowed to keep anything except the manky calendars Bridson&Horrox used to bring round. Everything else was noted in a book, put in a locked cupboard and then given to Hospice at the end of the year. I never saw any wine or other nice stuff at all, in order for someone to give us a box of chocolates the person had to open it and eat one before we were allowed anything. Sad but true.


Now, I know that a)not everyone does this and b)not everything makes it to the book in some departments, but I just wanted to say that there are some civil servants out there doing their jobs quietly and honestly and who see colleagues in other departments having dinners on the tax payer and perks that others can only dream about - but where I worked it was definitely not allowed. The only time a spouse accompanied a civil servant was when they payed full whack.


Perhaps it would be possible to look at Government Accounts and work out from this by department who is spending what on whom etc... Again an MHK could do that.

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I work for the MEA.


As an employee I feel insulted that Mrs Hannan is asking questions about parties when she and her Tynwald colleagues hold a massive banquet on the evening of each Tynwald day. I understand it previously has been held at the Golf Links Hotel. In addition there is the Garden party for the rich and infamous to indulge in cucumber butties etc. That is invitation only. Street cleaners and other peasants are excluded!


Also for the Tynwald ceremony the Manx Government invites various free loading parasites from other celtic/viking countries to attend as guests. IE; Norwegian royalty and officials (basking shark killers).


You and I pay for all of that!


Oh and lets not forget that the Manx Taxpayer funded the visit by the Chinese Ambassador last year resulting in "OUR" MHK Peter Karran being thrown out of a reception because he dared offer the Ambassador a letter of protest about China's illegal occupation of Tibet and attrocities the Chinese have committed on Tibetans.


And let us not forget Downie's visit to China followed up by Strix exporting jobs there after receiving Manx Government grants from the DTI. God have we paid for all of that!


Sorry the word "GRANT" is not politically correct at the moment eh?


So in view of that I see nothing wrong in the MEA giving the staff a free Christmas Party when one considers what they have contributed over the years in maintaining and repairing power supplies in all weathers.


Hazel Hannan is throwing a big smoke screen to escape from the fact she is a member of a parliament that does not have the respect of the people anymore.


The Isle of Man needs a general election now!


They are of on another Jolly soon, Several of the MHKs are to visit the Far East, the trip is expected to last three week +. just in time for the big race season

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Heh, I wish I'd archived the thread on Manx.net where certain people in this thread heavily criticised my own workplace for holding a party. Those same people are defending their own. Both hilarious and typical.

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