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So, what we're saying is that we're all a bit miffed coz the staff at the MEA got a 'pi55 up' on the firm at Christmas (and if you're like me, the PLC i work for gave me a bit fat 0 ) I gona keep an eye on the local rag, there's bound to be more jobs going there, i just might apply for one. Staff appreciation has to be a big + in most places! Who cares if they're £300M in the red, people will always need electicity, so there will always be people employed there, no matter who runs the place, be it MEA, IOM PLC, or Scotish Power.

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I gladly stand corrected then PK - just seems a huge salaried establishment cost outside of Athol Street.


But I guess if you're factoring everything in, including the heat, light, imported American beechwood and leather furniture, executive relief, fat cat pension, company Lotus and Catherine Trammell, it's remarkably good value.



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To put it in perspective an "employee" head costs about $150,000 per annum when all the bits and pieces are put together.


In which parallel universe is that? And can someone teleport me there?



PK is spot on though maybe a little low for some industries. Our loaded labour rate in 2000 (my last year as an employee before retirement) shows a MSS (Member of Scientific Staff) with a loaded labour rate of £135,000 in the South East of GB and £115000 in Ulster.

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Thanks for that Rog as I often wonder how we stack up.

But I guess if you're factoring everything in, including the heat, light, imported American beechwood and leather furniture, executive relief, fat cat pension, company Lotus and Catherine Trammell, it's remarkably good value.

Sorry mate but that's just for a European Operation grunt. Workers Councils in places like France mean that their costs are going to be a lot higher than Portugal for example so that is our average figure for base calculations. It should be born in mind here that as a techie it is mandatory for me to have complete and utter contempt for the bean counters. They simply put up barriers preventing us buying the latest toys that admittedly we probably don't need (which really adds to their appeal btw) forcing us to be ever more inventive on our POs.


As for the Powers That Be things like their renumeration, share options etc have to be in the annual report so anyone can see what they are getting.


Catherine Trammell - some strumpet from daytime tv perhaps?

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At least the MEA party money was spent on Manx workers and went to local businesses. It concerns me when I think how much the Government throws away on official jollies around the world in an effort to look good.


I'm a charitable person but a Government who can afford to give millions of pounds tax payers money to international charity without the say so of the electorate can hardly condem the MEA's charity to it's workforce in recognition for thier hard work! :ph34r:

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Edited to add full information from Manx Radio


There was a surprise result in today's Legislative Council election.


Former Chief Inspector Dudley Butt was elected with 14 votes, but Dominic Delaney failed to regain his seat, after polling 10 votes in the secret ballot.


West Douglas MHK Alex Downie, who was also strongly tipped, polled 11.


Chief Minister Donald Gelling (pictured) topped the poll with 20 votes and was re-elected, along with George Waft who gained 17 votes.


Museum public services manager Howard Parkin received five votes.


A ballot for the final seat will now be held on March the 22nd and nominations close this Friday (March the fourth).


Mr Downie and Mr Delaney are both expected to stand again.

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