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Why Are Women So Proud Of "multi-tasking"

Dr Lecter

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Reading the newspaper while having a shit.... does that count as multitasking?


Only if you're jerking off at the same time.

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An interesting article on multitasking.


It would appear that the statistical evidence suggests that in fact there is little difference between females and males - but that women may be more accurate when they multitask due to a larger "corpus collossum the area of the brain that handles communication between the two hemispheres." Some interesting comments from the article:


An example of a negative impact that divided attention or multitasking can cause is when someone’s attention is stretched as in “divided attention,” memory is negatively affected.


Dr. David Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, claims that multitasking can actually slow you down (Seven, 2004). He says that through research he has discovered that the more complex activities a person takes on, the more time it actually takes in the long run.


Meyer is also in agreement with Arden that when you are multitasking too much, you can experience short-term memory problems or difficulty concentrating.


Richard Pew and Anne Mavor co-author a book about human and organizational behavior and how it applies to military situations. They stress the importance of divided attention and multitasking when in battle. They explain that these processes “are ubiquitous in combat operations.


Dr. Glenn Wilson (2005) recently performed a study for Hewlett Packard to explore the productivity of multitasking. What he discovered is astonishing. The average worker’s functioning IQ, a temporary qualitative state, drops 10 points when multitasking. That is more than double the four point drop that occurs when someone smokes marijuana.


Interestingly, the functioning IQ drop was more significant in men participating in the multitasking study by Wilson.


According to Dr. David Meyer (2003) the genders are fairly even in their multitasking abilities. He says that, “The two sexes typically come out about the same, on average” (Shellenbarger).


Dr. Marcel Just, Director of the Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging at Carnegie Mellon University agrees with Meyer. His studies on brain mapping, with participants between the ages of 18 and 32, show that women only score higher when asked to listen to two things at the same time (Just, 2001). In every other cognitive tasks pairing, there are no statistical differences. His conclusion is that men and women are equally productive with multitasking (Mahany, 2005).


The implications from this study make the case that women are more detail oriented, meaning that they pay closer attention to the little things, like listening for the word “you” in the songs. However, women also hold their own in regard to production while maintaining a detail oriented perspective.

What is not clear from Brandy R Criss (what a name) is whether she also did psychological profiles of her test participants which would have a big impact on the results.


Possibly multitasking is not an advantage after all?

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Possibly multitasking is not an advantage after all?

Women seem to think it is, I've lost count of the number of times I've had that argument thrown at me in a futile attempt to make me feel inferior. It's just another womens lib myth, why are so many women still trying to prove they're superior when we're basically the same. I don't go round trying to prove men are better than women, that's so pathetic.

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Well now you've got an answer.


It has been demonstrated through psychological research that when either men or women multitask they suffer from memory loss and significant short term drops in functioning IQ. It would also appear that there is very little difference in the ability of men and women to multitask but women may mulitask more accurately.


IMO a lot of the difference between individuals in their ability to multitask (both male and female) is a personaility and upbringing issue not a gender one. There also seems to be some indication that males are better at understanding the 'big picture' and females the 'detail'. Both are important.


Males should not let themselves feel a sense of inferiority from the debate (nor should females) as all of us are better at some things than other people are. Just need to do what we are good at and let other people get on with what they are good at. Effective division of labour....

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But men can develop female tendencies through beer consumption and we're NOT talking moobs here. It's been common knowledge for a while now that beer contains female hormones and excessive consumption can alter the male of the species.


To test the theory Professor Brubaker from the Institute of Studies fed a ten man control group eight pints of beer each over a two hour period. Professor Brubaker than noted that 100% of the men gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became overly emotional, couldn't drive, failed to think rationally, argued over nothing, had to sit down whilst urinating, lost all interest in sex and refused to apologise when wrong.


No further testing is planned...

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Reading the newspaper while having a shit.... does that count as multitasking?


Only if you're jerking off at the same time.



Whilst thinking about Carol Decker snogging Clare Grogan in a bath of baby oil and ermmmmmmmmm ohhhhh.



I can't multi task for long :(

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