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Ever Wondered What It Is Like To Holiday Here?


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First time I've seen Twitter and its just interesting to find an internet service that's even duller and more annoying than facebook.


I abhor facebook, it's vile. But I like Twitter, you are selective about who you follow, so someone talking about their daily ablutions is easily ignored. I like it because I've chosen mainly people I find amusing who pop up from time to time to say amusing things or point me to interesting links, suggest songs I moght like or show me cool images.


examples -







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Superficially that is what it seems. But facebook updates tend to be updated daily, if that, and be things like "Loaf is feeling sad today". A twitter tweet would be more regular and more likely to be "This is interesting..."


A better comparison might be certain threads on here ie Randomness, What has made you Laugh Today, Best of You Tube, What has Annoyed you Today.


It's each to their own, & I understad why some don't like it, I assumed I'd hate it, and didn't. Maybe the novelty will wear off but at the moment it os more engaging and less superficial than the fourm.

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Declan - I think I sort-of get what you mean. So the fact that it's less personal than Facebook means that you can choose to filter out people who spout crap all the time and just zero-in on what interests you - without offending anyone...

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Yes there's no need to recpricate a link - most of the people I'm following aren't following me, and most of those following me I'm not following. Obviously, there are people it is wise to follow - your wife or mother for example.


Boredom, it doesn't follow that it is nobodies talking shite. It could be somebodies talking shite! (skinnermike) The point is you choose who you follow and if they talk shite don't follow. It's like saying the Internet is all porn, when really you could spend all day on the internet and not see one breast. You could spend all day on Twitter and not read about one ham sandwich.

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Problem with growing old - I thought twittering was something to do with bird watching. Different colour of anorak apparently.

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I think if I arrived on holiday here having listened to the 'Isle of Ken' adverts (with the exception of the TT when at least a few places make an effort to deal with visitors and there is - usually - a few things on) I would be bitterly dissapointed and resentful having spent so much to get here - considering that I could be sunning myself in the South of France for about the same money from the UK.


In the face of SR prices, the DTL and all it's propaganda reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. They, and many in the government and civil service are kidding no one except themselves, whilst continually bitterly dissapointing many who would like to see tourism increase, including some that have bet businesses on it in believing the government hype about it.


Definitely time the DTL was merged with the DTI and the salary budget saved (£250K P/A) used for something more useful such as a few more decent annual events.


Tourism here needs an injection of realism, but, moreover, the sea transport link here needs to be nationalised (with operations outsourced) to protect not only the tourism/visitor industry but us locals too.


Every time I travel on the SR I feel that I've been mugged and someones has had a hand up my jacksey. I feel suckered and used.

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IMHO, the best thing about Twitter is that you choose who you want to follow (receive updates from) and can just filter out the people who are boring, spammy or just annoying. I used to keep track of a bunch of RSS feeds which is where I used to keep up to date with what's going on around me, now I just use Twitter.


Some news feeds I follow:


http://twitter.com/bbcnews - BBC


http://twitter.com/TelegraphNews - Daily Telegraph


http://twitter.com/iom - Manx News


Some interesting folk I follow:


http://twitter.com/andybeal - SEO/Marketing guy - some interesting stuff here


http://twitter.com/Orli - Tech Geek (she's based on Israel so some interesting personal tweets too)


http://twitter.com/jowyang - Web strategist (used to work with Forrester till last week)


Actually I follow a pretty large group of people, but the great thing about Twitter is that you get a snippet of what these people tweet. You can't be watching what's going on 24 hours a day, but if something important is going on, it tends to get repeated, so surfaces to your attention.


The other great thing about Twitter is that tweets are limited to 140 chars .. means people can't waffle on ;)


Owen - http://twitter.com/OwenC

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In the face of SR prices, the DTL and all it's propaganda reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. They, and many in the government and civil service are kidding no one except themselves, whilst continually bitterly dissapointing many who would like to see tourism increase, including some that have bet businesses on it in believing the government hype about it.


I have to agree with you here. I would feel so cheated having spent hundreds of pounds to get here to find out what a complete rundown dump Douglas is. Then if you hire a car you can get out and discover what complete dumps Peel and Ramsey are too. And that Castletown is currently closed. In fact a complete seaside tiphole like Blackpool does not look too bad in comparison to here and at least you can drive there for a few quid and there's entertainment laid on.


I have always believed that the DTL are totally deluding themselves with all these adverts and marketing strategies because we want regular visitors not people who come here once and realise that they have been conned and then tell all their friends how crap their experience was.


Its also very sad that our government boasts a multi billion capital expenditure programme over the last 15 years and yet outside of the TT course you can't even find a decent road to drive on or anything to do once you get here.

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In the face of SR prices, the DTL and all it's propaganda reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. They, and many in the government and civil service are kidding no one except themselves, whilst continually bitterly dissapointing many who would like to see tourism increase, including some that have bet businesses on it in believing the government hype about it.


I have to agree with you here. I would feel so cheated having spent hundreds of pounds to get here to find out what a complete rundown dump Douglas is. Then if you hire a car you can get out and discover what complete dumps Peel and Ramsey are too. And that Castletown is currently closed. In fact a complete seaside tiphole like Blackpool does not look too bad in comparison to here and at least you can drive there for a few quid and there's entertainment laid on.


I have always believed that the DTL are totally deluding themselves with all these adverts and marketing strategies because we want regular visitors not people who come here once and realise that they have been conned to and then tell all their friends how crap their experience was.


Its also very sad that our government boasts of a £5bn capital expenditure programme over the last 15 years and yet outside of the TT course you can't even find a decent road to drive on or anything to do once you get here.

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In the face of SR prices, the DTL and all it's propaganda reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. They, and many in the government and civil service are kidding no one except themselves, whilst continually bitterly dissapointing many who would like to see tourism increase, including some that have bet businesses on it in believing the government hype about it.


I have to agree with you here. I would feel so cheated having spent hundreds of pounds to get here to find out what a complete rundown dump Douglas is. Then if you hire a car you can get out and discover what complete dumps Peel and Ramsey are too. And that Castletown is currently closed. In fact a complete seaside tiphole like Blackpool does not look too bad in comparison to here and at least you can drive there for a few quid and there's entertainment laid on.


I have always believed that the DTL are totally deluding themselves with all these adverts and marketing strategies because we want regular visitors not people who come here once and realise that they have been conned to and then tell all their friends how crap their experience was.


Its also very sad that our government boasts of a £5bn capital expenditure programme over the last 15 years and yet outside of the TT course you can't even find a decent road to drive on or anything to do once you get here.


You mean its not like it is in the video :) ?

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In the face of SR prices, the DTL and all it's propaganda reminds me of the story of The Emperor's New Clothes. They, and many in the government and civil service are kidding no one except themselves, whilst continually bitterly dissapointing many who would like to see tourism increase, including some that have bet businesses on it in believing the government hype about it.


I have to agree with you here. I would feel so cheated having spent hundreds of pounds to get here to find out what a complete rundown dump Douglas is. Then if you hire a car you can get out and discover what complete dumps Peel and Ramsey are too. And that Castletown is currently closed. In fact a complete seaside tiphole like Blackpool does not look too bad in comparison to here and at least you can drive there for a few quid and there's entertainment laid on.


I have always believed that the DTL are totally deluding themselves with all these adverts and marketing strategies because we want regular visitors not people who come here once and realise that they have been conned to and then tell all their friends how crap their experience was.


Its also very sad that our government boasts of a £5bn capital expenditure programme over the last 15 years and yet outside of the TT course you can't even find a decent road to drive on or anything to do once you get here.


You mean its not like it is in the video :) ?



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