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[BBC News] Manx Grand Prix races will start


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Yep, I just added that to my previous post.


And yes, very small change considering the risks they take!!


I'd like to know the cost of increasing that voluntarily above that provided within the entry fee - This might give an indication as to why additional fundraising is required, if it's cost prohibitive??

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I find it hard to believe that any one would enter the race with the basic level of insurance offered as standard.


I would like to see either a requirement for adequate private cover, or in a ideal world adequate cover supplied as part of the entrance fee.


Also how do they value the loss of more than one limb higher than death? What rational do they use?

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insurance costs - estimate a ballpark figure for the £10k deaths + £20k injury

say 300 riders/year TT + 200 MGP - using previous years expect at least one death (current rate averaged over all 100 years is nearer 3/year) + 1 serious injury(probably 3x this in reality)

thus each rider needs put £60 into pot to cover these costs (adjust pro rata for true death/injury rates as averaged over say last 5 years)

A young man with family + mortgage needs at least £100k death benefit - serious injury probably means loss of income + high costs to adjust house for disabled living - probably need £50k-100k ? as wife (assuming she still stays - divorce rates for young stroke victims for example are apparently quite high) will find it difficult to cope with full time job + care - a single person needing simple attendance costs £10k/year at least, triple this for more serious needs.

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Riders have the basic insurance included in their entry fee, they are also encouraged to take out further cover which is available at the race office for a reasonable cost and pays out a hell of a lot more than most insurance policies.


As to the statement, ever increasing death toll at the TT that's not true riders get away with injuries a lot more than they used to due to the increased safety measures, and more will be put in place in the future.


If the races were to finish, what impact would it have on the Island.

Whatever hotels left now would close with the loss of many unskilled jobs, how will these loses be replaced.

Cafes, gift shops and other outlets that rely on making enough money during the races to see them through the rest of the year would close, more job loses.

How much would travel cost to and from the island and the cost to transport goods to the island would rise.

Tourism (What little we have ) brings fresh cash to the islands economy, a lot of that would be lost.


So its not just lives that are lost its livelihoods as well

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No, you are right, it didn't, but how also is it as Declan states " A Low Point " for the Forum ???


It was a topic that was discussed and removed, but it's removal had nothing to do with me. END OF


The misrepresentation of a perfectly reasonable thread, the subsequent removal of that thread, the lies from the TT crowd (lies that you perpetuate in this thread), the conduct of Chris Kinley in the way that perfectly harmless thread was spun, the macho bollocks from the TT crowd, that the person who posted the thread was bullied into removing the thread (and I think left the forum) that is why it was a low point.


And you aledge that was started by a mod from here organising a forum invasion? Or is this one of your little fictions?

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I can remember a few years ago when the ACU were in charge of the TT they tried to insist that in order to be issued with a media pass applicants would have to hold public liability insurance for 1 million pounds, this was not only to be for the pass holders protection but also to cover any rider who might collide with them.


I think this was also to weed out some of the many press pass applicants who didn't really qualify for one. I think they once said there were 30 applicants for every mile of the course. I was pleasantly surprised to find we already had the necessary £1mil cover so could continue

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Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture.

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture.

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture.



How many do you want?

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Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture. Better weather and facilities, cheaper travel and close to europe

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture. Easy access for tourist and industry

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture. Based on sheep shagging I expect And no cars thats you lot fucked



How may do you want?

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Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture.

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture.

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture.



How may do you want?


Faroe Islands, Iceland, Bermuda, Cayman, Cyprus, Rhodes...

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