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[BBC News] Manx Grand Prix races will start


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Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture.

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture.

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture.



How may do you want?


Faroe Islands, Iceland, Bermuda, Cayman, Cyprus, Rhodes...


Most of these have better weather and the Only tourists Iceland have are Bellyup and the rest of his moaning depositors,


What will the IOM have if the races finish

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Christ, you don't for one minute believe I can change anything by posting on here do you :D


No, I don't. But I've observed a trait of yours that is to attempt to quash other views rather than counter them. It only seems to be when those views are connected to road racing and tourists, so I suspect you're just massively insecure about the future of your hobby.


I’m a supporter of the events, but I’m not a supporter of the accidents and deaths that continue to occur, when in reality, and in these modern times, we should be seeing vast improvements in this area of safety year on year.


I certainly don’t have the answer, but like many others, I will continue to follow and support these races and the bodies entrusted in improving the safety of such as it’s what I have done for years, and like smoking, find the habit hard to give up easily.


If you don't like the accidents and deaths, why don't you turn your back on road racing and support track racing instead? Serious accidents and deaths are far less common there. I suspect the adrenalin-inducing increased risk of death is actually the addiction that's hard to give up.

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What will the IOM have if the races finish


So your current thesis is that if the TT and MGP stop, the IOM will have no option other than to do a St Kilda type evacuation?


Get real.

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Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture.

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture.

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture.



How many do you want?



Channel Islands. Finance and tourism, some agriculture.

Isle of Wight. Light industry and tourism, some agriculture.

Scilly Isles Tourism and agriculture.



How may do you want?


Faroe Islands, Iceland, Bermuda, Cayman, Cyprus, Rhodes...







SO if these Island can do it then why cant the Isle of Man, Oh sorry it did once but lost it just like most things here

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If the races were to finish, what impact would it have on the Island.

Whatever hotels left now would close with the loss of many unskilled jobs, how will these loses be replaced.

Cafes, gift shops and other outlets that rely on making enough money during the races to see them through the rest of the year would close, more job loses.

How much would travel cost to and from the island and the cost to transport goods to the island would rise.

Tourism (What little we have ) brings fresh cash to the islands economy, a lot of that would be lost.


So its not just lives that are lost its livelihoods as well



So it's OK for riders to go on being maimed and injured, as long as none of our cafes have to close?

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Your lie -


It was a sick subject - It glorified the deaths as a form of betting.


It did not glorify death, it used an ingenious way to ask "We knew there will be deaths and injurys in this event, at what point does it become unacceptable". And there was no betting.


As a gentleman, I will not be stoop to your level, but suffice to say it was not a planned invasion, merely a pointer in the direction of the topic.


So you were lying when you posted -


for the record, I joined this site on the back of a request from one of your Mods who didn't like the way things were going back in 2007 with regard to that topic.


You're making a serious allegation about the integrity of one of the mods. That because he didn't like a thread but, presumably, had been out-voted on the thread's removal by the other mods and sought support from elsewhere. I find that hard to believe.

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If the races were to finish, what impact would it have on the Island.

Whatever hotels left now would close with the loss of many unskilled jobs, how will these loses be replaced.

Cafes, gift shops and other outlets that rely on making enough money during the races to see them through the rest of the year would close, more job loses.

How much would travel cost to and from the island and the cost to transport goods to the island would rise.

Tourism (What little we have ) brings fresh cash to the islands economy, a lot of that would be lost.


So its not just lives that are lost its livelihoods as well



So it's OK for riders to go on being maimed and injured, as long as none of our cafes have to close?



Just face it, as long as there a hole in Keyboarders Arse, motor sport will be the only attraction to pull in any tourist ££££££££££££££££ in the IOM

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It did not glorify death, it used an ingenious way to ask "We knew there will be deaths and injurys in this event, at what point does it become unacceptable". And there was no betting.


Dress it up as you wish! But on the back of that topic, wasn't there a death poll going on in a local pub. And wasn't it that, that was the main bone of contention?


So you were lying when you posted


No, I have never lied on here or on any forums full stop. In fact, lying isn't in my nature. But as you don't know me as well as you think, you wont know that will you!


You're making a serious allegation about the integrity of one of the mods. That because he didn't like a thread but, presumably, had been out-voted on the thread's removal by the other mods and sought support from elsewhere. I find that hard to believe.


The thread was still going when I joined up, and subsequently posted in it. So your assumptions here are wrong.


Not every member on here has your views, or mine for that matter, so live with the fact that your not unique.

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As with so many of these types of threads we spend most of it debating Keyboarder.

Yes, I'd noticed that. I think it's simply a classic diversionary tactic. Like Lee54 has quite clearly stated, it doesn't bode well for the future of the sport for these things to be discussed by people who actually care little for motorcycle road racing and have hitherto had actual details withheld from them, but nevertheless have a democratically related voice as to whether the Isle of Man should continue to hold them. Maybe one should admire to a certain extent those people who are able to divorce themselves from the ACTUAL consequences of what a fatal crash entails. And on the island we are used to just getting a snippet of information on the radio telling us of the latest casualty, but do we really think them through in the depth that they deserve? I do, but I think if a majority of people who had a vote on the island did, road racing would be consigned to history. Look at the uproar resulting from Manx Radio's report of 'unsavoury', yet accurate details from that sidecar thing in the Southern 100. And the silly response of all those sloping forehead Neanderthals on iomtt.com when somebody tried to open a discussion of Mr Moyle's comments regarding the wisdom of racing whilst having dependents. And that is but one incident in hundreds.

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Granted, but how about putting it across in a nicer way.


And yes, all this death and injury isn't nice, but the way it's discussed on here sometimes is very direct and graphic, and I would rather it be dealt with more sympathetically - And I don't mean brushed under the carpet before anyone jumps in on me.



the thing is if you dress it up in cotton wool it looses its 'danger' aspect. direct and graphic does show things in an unspun way whether 'they know the risks' or not.

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Dress it up as you wish! But on the back of that topic, wasn't there a death poll going on in a local pub. And wasn't it that, that was the main bone of contention?


The pub poll came before our thread.


This is old ground we've covering here. Someone posted a thread, lots of people didn't like it and the user requested the thread be removed. That's it, end of story.

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Perhaps it'll enter net lore.


The keyboarder maneuver.


Similar to The Kobayashi Maru test in Star Trek to describe a no-win scenario

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This is old ground we've covering here. Someone posted a thread, lots of people didn't like it and the user requested the thread be removed. That's it, end of story.


Exactly !!

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