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[BBC News] Manx Grand Prix races will start


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You're making a serious allegation about the integrity of one of the mods. That because he didn't like a thread but, presumably, had been out-voted on the thread's removal by the other mods and sought support from elsewhere. I find that hard to believe.


The thread was still going when I joined up, and subsequently posted in it. So your assumptions here are wrong.



What assumptions? Are you even reading my posts? I fully accept that you signed up and posted in the thread before it was closed. I'm not really bothered about you and what you did then, it is what you've said in this thread about "a mod" that I'm concerned about.


You said that a mod, unhappy with the thread, encouraged you to sign up to this site to flame that thread. That, if true, is a serious matter and the mod in question is compromised. So...


1. did this really happen?

2. if so who was the mod?

3. do you have a link?

4. if not will you withdraw your allegation?

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Whatever Declan - Just leave it be, because you are on the wrong track as far as I'm concerned matey. I don't do witch hunts here or anywhere !!


Don't beat yourself up over it. Let it go and lets get back on track instead of sidetracking all the time!!


Just be thankful I didn't just come on board for that topic only - I'm now a Regular Member don't you know :lol::lol::lol::lol:;)

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You said that a mod, unhappy with the thread, encouraged you to sign up to this site to flame that thread. That, if true, is a serious matter and the mod in question is compromised. So...


1. did this really happen?

2. if so who was the mod?

3. do you have a link?

4. if not will you withdraw your allegation?


Christ, you should take up writing Fiction - It was mentioned to me in passing, and I joined up to air my view as I felt strongly about it. Nothing more and nothing less.


As said before, leave it be and stop getting all worked up over nothing!!

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So I made it up! It was me who wrote -


for the record, I joined this site on the back of a request from one of your Mods who didn't like the way things were going back in 2007 with regard to that topic.


Using your log in.

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As i've stated in another thread- im not convinced by this cry of ban road racing because of competitior deaths. As i stated- if unaffiliated with the rider how can that indivdual claim to have been effected in a negative way, peronally?They have lost nothing.

I personally think its a conveinent truth for the anti-tt brigade as it gives them a moral "cause" to shield their own personal dislikes of the event- mainly the inconveience it places upon their lives.

However assuming the anti brigade get their wish and its stopped-


Have people considered the whole picture when they cry for the end to motorsports on the IOM?

Like it or not people- they are the ONLY events that draw people in any size to the IOM.


Could they be replaced by other events? Could any "new" events draw in similar numbers without huge government expenditure(far greater than whats required to run the current motosport events)? Even the most avid Motorsport hater must agree its highly unlikely and unrealistic in the current economic climate


Therefore a cancelation of TT/MGP/S100/car rallies/2day trials would lead to mass loss of revenue for the IOM.

Would this lead to serious, possibly fatal effects for whats left of the tourism industy ? likely

Would the positive PR of canceling these events be outweighed by the negative PR from the loss of such iconic ,successful, popular and world class events? possibly

Would there be less money in circulation in IOM economy? certainly

Would this lead to less government revenue and henceforth leading to cuts for govenment departments that are alreday cutting back due to super tight budgets? Likely.

Would this cause public uproar when joe bloggs cant get his CAT scan at nobles as they cant afford to run the machine fulltime? or when public sector pensions are further cut due to lack of money in the pot? likely

Would the cancelation of these events further enrage the percentage of the population who believe the IOM has lost too much of what made it great? likely

Would the canelation of the events and associated leisure activities(bands/beer tents funfairs etc) enrage a population that is constantly complaining of the lack of things to do on the IOM? likely

Would other jurastictions be pissing themselves with laughter at us, as we extinguish one of the areas we we have a known and successful asset that is an advantage to us, as an island? likely

Would this be seen by many who believe this is just another step in the making the IOM another county of england, that happens to have a successful finance sector, nice countryside and not alot else?likely

Would many people be furious that selfishness, meddling, and nanny stateism has won the day? probably


In conclusion- yes a cancelation would lead to less deaths, and more to the point, i believe, less inconveince for a few weeks a year but........

i wonder how many have considered the other side of the coin

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So I made it up! It was me who wrote -


for the record, I joined this site on the back of a request from one of your Mods who didn't like the way things were going back in 2007 with regard to that topic.


Using your log in.


Well if you did, then I'll have to change my security settings ;)




In a nutshell, a topic was brought to my attention, and I joined up and aired my views.


Mods are just members with additional forum facilities, and are here to moderate the forums and keep things running smoothly - Right!!


Now as a member, a Mod can also have views on topics, and can also discuss these with other people etc. So if one such person decides - Hey, I'll have a look in on this topic, then so be it.


As I said before, the fact that it was mentioned, and the fact that I joined on the back of it, has no bearing at all on anyone. It wasn't a case of "get in there" and stir it up, but a case of my not liking what was being discussed, so joining up to have my say.


Now, I'm certainly not going to take this any further, and I suggest you accept this also, as I don't like witch hunts or pestering people who wont take no for an answer.

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There you go Declan, why don't you dash off and come back with a well thought out solution or answer to slieau dhoo's excellent posting above.


Surely that would be time well spent, rather than chasing me around this forum on your witch hunt !!

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I'm kinda with Declan here. I think a simple Yes or No response is needed for the following question:


Did a moderator of this site request that you join up to this forum?



I don't have to answer this question, And I'm not going to give you the pleasure.


I don't know who you two think you are, but this is tantamount to harassment, and you have no given right to pursue anyone in this fashion.

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Our government seem much more interested in the volume of extra income to be made than the lives lost each year which get cast aside as free advertising medium


As a taxpayer forcefully financing these events I can have as much say as I sodding well want, whether I race or not

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So, in a nutshell, you are saying that so long as there are tourists and revenue streams, we should accept the deaths that arise as a result? Without compunction.


Thats the thin end of a very large wedge....



Well if its ok for the Ski slopes then its OK for us.

How many motorists under 25 have been killed on Manx open roads in the last 12months

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