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The problem with the gulf of mexico is that while there's an awful lot of oil there, it's very deep and extremely expensive to extract. Peak oil theory covers this, with the price rising as the 'easy to access' stuff runs out. This can be viewed as positive as it makes alternatives more viable with a rising oil price and buys a bit more time.


While oil finds are good news, it doesn't mean we shouldn't look at alternatives. Supply isn't the only serious problem with hydrocarbons.

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Anyone see the hydrogen car on Top Gear? That looks like it could have real potential as a viable replacement for petrol/diesel. Just need to make sure that the companies that refine the hydrogen don't set up another bloody cartel.

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Anyone see the hydrogen car on Top Gear? That looks like it could have real potential as a viable replacement for petrol/diesel. Just need to make sure that the companies that refine the hydrogen don't set up another bloody cartel.


im sure i seen a something on sky about the whole hydrogen car thing. and while thay say yes its the best way to go. it will never happin because the main mineral/elerment that causes the reaction for the whole thing to work is one of the rarest mineral on earth,

someing like only like 6 million cars could be made.


or maybe i was dreaming :rolleyes:

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Just to put things in perspective the US consumes 7 billion odd barrels a year - and the world 40 billion odd. Sure its nice we've found 6 months more of the stuff for uncle sam not to bomb out of the arabs, but its small change in the grand scheme of things.

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