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Muslim Fanatic Wins Right To Call His Son Jihad


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You don't like muslims, do you Rog?


I don't like Islam. There's a difference.

From the dictionary:

bigotry - intolerance toward those of different creeds or religious affiliations

I take it that means you freely admit you are a Bigot Rog


I don't like Islam either.


Many of its teaching are abhorrent in this day and age, most especially in its attitude to women and scientific progress.


But then again I don't like Christianity for the same reasons, or say Judaism.


In fact, I would go as far as to say that none of the teachings of any of world religions have got it quite right (with the possible exception of Glycon).


See above: it is possible to express legitimate criticism without being a bigoted idiot.


And hiding behind "I can be as prejudiced as I like against Islam and there is nothing wrong with it because it is not technically encompassed by the term 'racism'" has completely missed the point. Racism isn't something you can avoid with technicalities or some social faux-pas; rather it is an especially offense form of stupidity of which Roq is most clearly guilty as evidenced by many posts on here.


If you want a word for what you are, Roq, I would probably go with bigot or prejudiced or indeed just a moron. Of course, antisemitic is another good word, if you are going with technical interpretations and include all Semites. Oh no, hang on, what would be a deliberate misinterpretation.

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antisemitic is another good word, if you are going with technical interpretations and include all Semites. Oh no, hang on, what would be a deliberate misinterpretation.


It is no longer understood as being inclusive of all the semitic people so I wouldn't bother with that word.

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antisemitic is another good word, if you are going with technical interpretations and include all Semites. Oh no, hang on, what would be a deliberate misinterpretation.


It is no longer understood as being inclusive of all the semitic people so I wouldn't bother with that word.


It never has LDV that was my point.

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If that is the dictionary definition then I must be a bigot too in many respects. I hate Islam, Christianity, Judaiism and probably all other religions too. I tolerate people HAVING such beliefs, but I don't tolerate much more than that, and nor should anyone else who has sense. And these religions mean more than just keeping a belief to yourself, in respect of the former two they prescribe proselytising. At least the Jews don't do that.


But Rog did say he dislikes Islam, he didn't say he doesn't tolerate people believing in Islam.

Try reading a few of his posts, he has made it know they should be subjected to genocide

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Maybe the Germans should consider that anyone who wishes to live in their country and claim benefits...whatever..., should pledge allegiance to it under the banner of the countries national flag?

Stirred it up... Comments anyone?


I thikn they tried that once already.....it was a tad unsuccessful if I recall....

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Try reading a few of his posts, he has made it know they should be subjected to genocide


If you really can’t discriminate between Palestinians and Muslim people as a whole then I really would stick to the back pages of the Red Top press if I were you.


For one thing Palestinians comprise of Muslims, Christians, and more than a few atheists.


In any case the issue concerned what the Palestinians would, and should inherit if they ever did succeed in their stated aim of driving the Israeli people into the sea.


Around 30 odd thousand sq km of trinitite was what I think I proposed.

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A Muslim fanatic has caused outrage in Germany by winning a court battle to name his son Jihad – leaving the state to pay the costs of his legal challenge.




Maybe they could move him into social housing in Hohenschönhausen? A part of Berlin where the locals, shall we say, wear fewer beards...

I saw one side of the word Jihad which "should be explained as a misunderstood term meaning peaceful struggle against oneself".

And someones reply to that was "While Jesus died to save Christians and bring mankind to God, Muhammed conquered by and converted people to Islam by force, by the sword. So with Christ, there as a sacrifice FOR you... with the spread of Islam, it is a sacrifice OF you should you not adhere".


Don't you just love religion?

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Seems like a very one-sided understanding of Christianity and Islam. Besides what Jesus (if he was real and really was the son of God) did wasn't good, it was deeply immoral and stupid. At least in the view you're describing Islam is not as full of trickery.


' Besides what Jesus (if he was real and really was the son of God) did wasn't good, it was deeply immoral and stupid'




Why do you make that assertion?


That's probably worth a seperate thread in its own right.


Over to you.

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