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Muslim Fanatic Wins Right To Call His Son Jihad


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With that in mind having God represent himself as the means incarnate whereby man could, by believing in Him, taking on the responsibility to do his best to live in the way that Jesus taught and demonstrated, and accepting that by so doing he could also ‘wipe his slate clean’ of past sins how could there possibly be any immorality involved?

Taught and demonstrated? Do you think Jesus was a good role model - based on all he said and asked of the Isrealites? Was he not sexist, advocated slavery and for people to enrich themselves?

I think it immoral that a God could decide to wipe the slate clean of people who have done wrong, definitely. Appears to be like the earlier scapegoat thing.There is no requirement to ask forgiveness and provide redress to those wronged.


Why? That notional sacrifice was a part of the greatest news that anyone could ever receive! That there was a way to gain paradise and to live at peace with yourself, with your fellow man, and to do the will of God.

It is such a shame that all those who came before didn't get this opportunity, don't you think?

And what paradise is this? Heaven? Sounds like a terrible set-up to me.


That freedom of choice allowed man who was after all created in the image of god in more ways than one, to choose between good and evil.

The tree of knowledge? A choice offered to man in order for his free will to be tested.

But if man has free will but no knowledge of good and evil then is it right to punish him?


The ‘visiting of the sins of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation’ is not about great granddad being a bit of a lad and young Fred having the ‘Mark of Cain’ on him (though it might be thought that the way family reputations sometimes linger on the Island).

And what is original sin?

Anyway, we are touching on loads of different areas really. Even if you can argue that the Jesus was a good being somehow, his other representation - God certainly is not moral. Sounds like a tyrannical slavemaster to me.

Amongst lots of other things I don't believe any of the religious tripe because of the role and significance it gives to people.

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Taught and demonstrated? Do you think Jesus was a good role model - based on all he said and asked of the Isrealites? Was he not sexist, advocated slavery and for people to enrich themselves?


The Bible is a rather poor book to use to study Jesus from because of three reasons.


Firstly because it was assembled from a number of gospels that suited the needs involved in creating the roots of a religion that would work hand in glove with The State, many of which were written by people who were not contemporaries of Jesus. That state was the Roman Empire and it was Constantine who appointed the first Pope.


Secondly because the amount of the New Covenant that is actually the work and interpretation by Paul, someone who never met Jesus yet of whom it is claimed he worked from Devine inspiration and in so doing cobbled up a message somewhat different from the actual words and deeds of Jesus. (For that reason alone there is good argument for calling Christianity as it is understood Paulianity)


Thirdly because the words and deeds of Jesus need to be seen in context with his life and times especially in the way that what were in essence the lawyers had screwed Judaism as it was described in the Pentateuch to hell and beyond. His role in bringing the intent of Judaism back to the ‘Yid with the Lid’ is often not understood.


I think it immoral that a God could decide to wipe the slate clean of people who have done wrong, definitely. Appears to be like the earlier scapegoat thing. There is no requirement to ask forgiveness and provide redress to those wronged.


Perfectly true, but what would you do if one of your kids screwed up big time and showed no signs of changing because they had forgotten what the right way was?


It is such a shame that all those who came before didn't get this opportunity, don't you think?


Yea Gods. LDV, you’re giving an old Yid a hard time asking me to justify Christianity! Never mind, here goes!


To start with we need to get rid of the Christian invention of hell. Hell is a fairly recent invention and when Jesus spoke the Greek recording of the scriptures use the word gehenna which translates into something like ‘future punishment’ rather than punishment in the here and now.


In Luke 16 (Lazarus) although the word ‘hell’ is used in the Greek the translation is of the word ‘Hades’ which in Greek really means the unseen domain of the dead. It was the early Christians that added the fire and brimstone bits to it.


If anyone is really interested in looking deeper into this subject rather than watch paint dry here’s one place that is interesting.




That aside, the issue about them wot died BC is dealt with in the interpretation of Jesus spending three days ‘in the grave’ and it is held that during that time he redeemed the Rightous.


And what paradise is this? Heaven? Sounds like a terrible set-up to me.


LOL! Me too!


If I went there one thing’s for sure. I’d be bloody lonely!


But if man has free will but no knowledge of good and evil then is it right to punish him?


It was mans knowledge that he should not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge that represents original sin and that original sin took us from perfection into a world where we need the knowledge provided by Jesus in order to live lives pleasing to God and prove our worthiness to enter into the kingdom of God.


Anyway, we are touching on loads of different areas really. Even if you can argue that the Jesus was a good being somehow, his other representation - God certainly is not moral. Sounds like a tyrannical slavemaster to me.


Whatever he may or may not be, the absolute certainty is that he most defiantly is NOT the same as ‘Allah’.

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Other than the Bible and Jewish books there is very little reference to his existence. I can't imagine he was of much importance at the time


Perfectly true, but what would you do if one of your kids screwed up big time and showed no signs of changing because they had forgotten what the right way was?

Are you asking this if I was theist? If not, it is up to him what he does. You can advise him on what he should do or could do, that's all.


LOL! Me too!

If I went there one thing’s for sure. I’d be bloody lonely!

You'd have God, but if he was real, I wouldn't wish eternity with him on you. That's cruel.


It was mans knowledge that he should not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge that represents original sin and that original sin took us from perfection into a world where we need the knowledge provided by Jesus in order to live lives pleasing to God and prove our worthiness to enter into the kingdom of God.

But man didn't know why he should obey.

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Just realized that Roq is a god botherer. This explains a lot.

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Other than the Bible and Jewish books there is very little reference to his existence. I can't imagine he was of much importance at the time


Very true, that’s why the plagues of Egypt made such an impact. Did God create The Plagues? Or did a shrewd Moses explain natural phenomenon as being the will of God? I suspect the latter but whatever, it worked.


Perfectly true, but what would you do if one of your kids screwed up big time and showed no signs of changing because they had forgotten what the right way was?


Are you asking this if I was theist? If not, it is up to him what he does. You can advise him on what he should do or could do, that's all.


I’m asking the question of you as a loving parent.


LOL! Me too!

If I went there one thing’s for sure. I’d be bloody lonely!


You'd have God, but if he was real, I wouldn't wish eternity with him on you. That's cruel.


Not to mention the other company. Especially considering some of the mealy mouthed pieces of work who wear the devout religious nature for all to see!


It was mans knowledge that he should not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge that represents original sin and that original sin took us from perfection into a world where we need the knowledge provided by Jesus in order to live lives pleasing to God and prove our worthiness to enter into the kingdom of God.


But man didn't know why he should obey.


Man did not need to know. God had commanded man to do or not to do things.


(Don’t forget the answers that I give are to the best of my ability the ‘party line’ and not things that I personally believe or in some cases have much truck with)

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Man did not need to know. God had commanded man to do or not to do things.

Of course he needed to know. If he didn't know whether it is right or wrong to obey then how can he be expected to obey?



According to Genesis God had placed man in The Garden of Eden and told him to do as he wanted but not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.


It was only by eating of the forbidden fruit that Man realised there were things beyond those that he saw and it was that knowledge that allowed him to do the wrong things.


(OK, I know, but all I’m doing is putting the ‘party line’, I don’t buy it either)


Re Adam in The Garden ---


The story is told that man became lonely and asked The Lord for company. ‘Lord, give me company to ease my lonely hours’ he begged ‘Someone who will be a trustworthy companion, a friend, a help in adversity, a being that will love me and never legt me down’.




At this Adam thought a while and then came out with ---‘So what can I have for a rib?”

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Oh yeah I know. I am just asking how the God could have expected obedience from those who have no understanding.


Is that in the Bible, did God really offer to give him company if Adam offered something of himself? Why would God remove his rib anyway? What was the need? Amazing how Christian believe this stuff and actually think it is moral. An omnipotent god removes body parts to make another, its nuts.


And the Christian concept of original sin is just so awful.

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Check out this. I think Rog will enjoy it for some reason!


The article is wrong!


Human males DO have a penile bone but that bone spends much of the time in the liquid phase of matter and making up a critical part of the cerebrospinal fluid.


When a human male becomes sexually aroused liquid bone plasma is transferred to the bloodstream from the cerebrospinal fluid via the hippocampus where it is transferred to the penis by the cardiovascular system and causes the penis to become erect.


The unfortunate side effect of this is that the brain now slides into the spinal cavity and migrates to the pelvis where it settles for the duration.


This of course explains the very well known fact that when the bone is in the penis the brain is in the arsehole.

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When a human male becomes sexually aroused liquid bone plasma is transferred to the bloodstream from the cerebrospinal fluid via the hippocampus where it is transferred to the penis by the cardiovascular system and causes the penis to become erect.

Isn't that so-oo romantic?

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Oh yeah I know. I am just asking how the God could have expected obedience from those who have no understanding.


He gave Adam free will. Adam, was being tested to prove his worthiness to spend eternity in paradise.


Is that in the Bible, did God really offer to give him company if Adam offered something of himself?


Nah! It was just me being silly!


However there was supposed to be a woman before Eve, Her name was Lilith and she was created by Big G in the same way that Adam was but you need to trawl The Kabala to find details about her.


She flew the coop ‘cos she refused to be subservient to Adam and was cursed by Big G because of this. In mythology she’s a storm demon, went on to wed Satan, and produced a myriad of demons.


Why would God remove his rib anyway? What was the need?


There’s all sorts of Yiddish folklore but the story that I like says it was to remind Adam that his partner belonged beneath his arm for her protection, protected him from attack by being a part of him, and should ever be kept close to his heart where she belonged.


Amazing how Christian believe this stuff and actually think it is moral. An omnipotent god removes body parts to make another, its nuts.


Ah yes, nuts! There’s an old Yiddish saying --- ‘Az di bobe volt gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeyde


(If my grandmother had nuts she’d be my grandfather)


Not that it has anything to with anything but seeing the word ‘nuts’ it was just too good an opportunity to sneak in a bit of tradition to miss!


And the Christian concept of original sin is just so awful.


I agree. But it ensures that the people are born believing they’re in debt from day one.


On the other hand it’s fun to explore isn’t it!

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