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Muslim Fanatic Wins Right To Call His Son Jihad


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When a human male becomes sexually aroused liquid bone plasma is transferred to the bloodstream from the cerebrospinal fluid via the hippocampus where it is transferred to the penis by the cardiovascular system and causes the penis to become erect.

Isn't that so-oo romantic?


Its also bull, but don't let that spoil the joke!


Rog, good reply! I thought you'd like it as it gives someone room to waffle that the ancient jews really did know something modern science only just descovered. I am totally unconvinced, but enjoyed the attempt - why homo sapiens and the spider monkey lost a baculum amoungst the primates is a wonderful detective story - I wonder if the same gene was independently lost in these two species - it has to be independently as chimps and gorillas have a baculum and are more closely related to us than spider monkeys.

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He gave Adam free will. Adam, was being tested to prove his worthiness to spend eternity in paradise.

But it is the quality and fairness of the test that is the point I am making, not what God was trying to find out.

She flew the coop ‘cos she refused to be subservient to Adam and was cursed by Big G because of this. In mythology she’s a storm demon, went on to wed Satan, and produced a myriad of demons

You know your mythology (with mentioning Amun-Ra as well, that was interesting). Yes I have heard a bit about Lilith. I think my friend actually has her as one his pantheon of gods he sort of worships. I wonder if she has links to Tiamet (I meant Ishtar) . Have to say, I think this woman had good sense!

I agree. But it ensures that the people are born believing they’re in debt from day one.

On the other hand it’s fun to explore isn’t it!

Well it certainly ensures that people think that there is something wrong with them - again in terms of Christianity it is a deeply immoral concept to have people believe they are dirty, incomplete, or tarnished. And in respect of owing a debt, it does ensure subservience.

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