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Farcebook Rage


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I can see how it happends people wear their heart on their sleeve, on facebook they express every emotion they feel, instead of telling a friend they are upset with them they put it on facebook for everyone to read, its attention seeking at its best/worse.

If you have a problem with someone tell the person dont friggen post it on facebook because you make both of you look like dicks when it could so easilly have been sorted in private.

I have someone on my facebook she not really a friend just someone i know and she is fast loosing it, she has had a very public falling out with some people and instead of looking like the underdog she looks quite daft!

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Facebook rocks...lol


Arrr I think to be fair the facebook crap IMO was just someone clutching at straws for an excuse for violent behavious, I mena if it had not been facebook it would have been her spreading verbal rumours etc or she read it in Manxforums..lol

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I have someone on my facebook she not really a friend just someone i know


Begs the question of why you have people on your 'friends' list that you don't consider to be 'friends'.

Is it not called net working!

Personally i have about 7 good friends who are my true friends through thick and thin, there are friends from long ago ie schools work places etc, then i have other friends who i may well go on a night out with then i have aquaintances, people who i say hello to in the street, people i know or a friend of a friend.

It would be very boring indeed if we all only had our true friends on facebook and it wouldnt be called net working i guess.

My son like most lads of his age has 300+ but i dont think they are all his very good friends as he doesnt seem to get 300+ birthday cards on his special day!

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And the word "hun" should be banned not just from facebook but from the world!!!



At last someone feels the same as me!!

Racists , what have those nomadic warriors of old done to upset you , so it'll just be plain old Atilla from now on then ? :P

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Can't blame facebook though really.. This place would be the same if people were actually made to post under their real names. How many times do you think Keyboarder would have been attacked? Or would they not post in the same manner?


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It's just a big penis measuring competition as to who can have the most "friends" like Ans said.


It's the fuckwits who send you a message saying "hey i have the same name as you, shall we be friends?". "Fuck off" is the answer.


I have had people from school who i didn't like and who didn't like me, asking to be friends. Why on earth would we become friends 15 years later, and why would i want to see holiday photos from someone i don't even know. Also, facebook recommending new friends - wtf is up with that??


Excessive users of facebook (meaning the people who update via their mobile phone) saying stuff like "Currently having a coffee in town" or "Heading off to the gym" need to seriously get a life.

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