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Be Nice To The Temp!


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Just thought I'd share this little nugget of bile with you!


My daughter has just finished working as a temp with a local csp in their 'french' department. During which time she had the crappiest jobs, the people in the office did not speak to her at all, and only spoke french to each other, cleared their desks by loading up hers and then spent the days surfing the net. She was given no induction, no AML, no H&S - after 3 days she still hadn't been shown where the toilet was. But wait for it - when she asked to take her lunch hour outside the proscribed hours, she had to get 3 different people's oks - who didn't acknowledge her existence otherwise. Then to add insult to injury today the office sent out for pasties and left the empty box for her.


Today was her last day and noone could even be bothered to ask for her security card back, noone said goodbye, get stuffed or even where's my filing?


Before you ask, she didn't get the job via an agency, but through a friend who works in a different department. Probably cant get agencies to send people if my daughter's experience is anything to go by.


I've worked as a temp too and I know what its like to be treated like a piece of furniture, so I just thought I'd share this with you in the hope that tommorrow in your office you might say 'hi' to the temp because they are human too. :(

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What a terrible ordeal. Tonto, give your daughter a big hug for me for having to go through that.


I've worked in a place like that though, when I was starting out. To be honest, in order to 'fit in' with the 'in' crowd I had to take a similar attitude towards temps and new people. After the first time of being surly and unfriendly I felt awful. The new person turned out to be really nice and worked in the office for about 5 years. I always remembered how nasty I must have seemed on their first day. Even now I fell dreadful thinking how I treated them when they were new.


So . . . since then (20 years) whenever a new person comes into our office I go out of my way to make them feel at home, I really do. Maybe I'm looking for absolution.


I hate office bullies.

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After leaving a very stressful job, I opted to try casual temping for a bit of work R&R. I remember only too well the temp stint fom hell in Victoria Street.


No-one advised where the coffee machine or toilets were. Bosses and team leaders whatever they are floated past totally ignoring the new temp.


Hell. Your daughter has my sympathies.

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I'm a Team leader!


Better known as supervisors...




I always make temps feel welcome and they are usually nice people in an awkward situation


I do know people who don;t like them at all though.... no idea why

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No-one advised where the coffee machine or toilets were. Bosses and team leaders whatever they are floated past totally ignoring the new temp.


That's a terribly ignorant attitude from people who should know better. I don't suppose they bothered to show you the fire exits and explain the fire procedure either? We're only a small retail shop but anyone new helping out or starting starting full time gets an introductory pack of info and a tour around the place pointing out the tea room, toilets, fire exits, etc., and gets introduced to everyone

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It could be down to the by-stander effect.


Everyone else probably thought someone else was looking after her.


Not every office has the bubbly extrovert ready to take the newin' on board.


But there is, of course, the small matter of general benevolence and common courtesy.


I remember the temp days.

At the end of the last day, I'd hitch my jacket over my shoulder, wearing a rye smile, whistling the Littlest Hobo to myself, knowing my work here was done.

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i temped in england before moving to IOM. most of the temp jobs were absolutely horrible and pretty much the same as what your daughter experienced.


my second job, as a legal secretary, i was put in a corner of an office with the accounts department, not shown where anything was (toilets, etc) and not given any help whatsoever, not even notes of the person's job. i had to figure it all out myself by trial and error and made to feel like crap if i asked a question!! it was absolutely horrible and if i hadn't been so skint i would have walked.


i don't understand the mistreatment of temps - they are there to help you out!!

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There are advantages to being ignored as a temp. I did some temp work and only used to turn up to get my work sheet signed each week by the boss.


That worked fine for about three months until they spoilt it and asked me what department I was working in.



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