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Be Nice To The Temp!


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I remember the temp days.

At the end of the last day, I'd hitch my jacket over my shoulder, wearing a rye smile, whistling the Littlest Hobo to myself, knowing my work here was done.


You see, you were treated so badly because with that Ryvita stuck over your mouth, they couldn't see your lovely smile - you just came across as someone with the personality of a crackly low fat biscuit.




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Sorry - typed that in kick-ass parent mode last night!


I'm pleased that so many people have read the post - who knows, perhaps someone at said company might pass it on to the powers that be - hey wake up you have a personnel problem, Houston. Or should that be Paris?! Interesting that many people seem to have a good idea who it could be, although I couldn't possibly comment... zut alors mes copains..etc


I had intended to send the CEO an email stating my daughter's experience for the record - but she walked into a fab job this morning and is already been asked to join the car-share pool, 2 hrs induction plus a 'workplace buddy' until she's on her feet - and would be mortified were I to do so.


She did find the loo, but that isn't the point really. In the company where I work we have to jump through all kinds of hoops when anyone comes into the building, never mind a temp having access to all kinds of client information....


hey ho, their loss - with employees like that who needs a downturn in the economy?! :rolleyes:

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As if.


I could do you a random East Coaster insult if you like? Hate you to think I was name calling just for the sake of it.


Bad news Tonto - but not totally surprising.


It's only recently that I've discovered how bloody awful human beings can be to one another in the workplace. I would urge you to drop a mail or letter to the MD though. It's only when situations such as those you described are challenged that enlightenment may follow. It may be ok for your daughter now as she's happily gone on to better things... but tomorrow it may be someone else's daughter... and her mum might not care as much as you do.


And so it is allowed to go on.. and on.


So get yer pen out gal. :-)

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I'm not sure it matters how, why or through whom she came by the job? Why would Tonto writing a letter to the managing director get anyone into trouble? It's the treatment she received after she took up the appointment that needs to be challenged.


Or am I bein fick?

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I would have thought it better to inform the agency and let them make the decision about contactings senior staff. Depending on the company, and this doesn't sound like the most employee focussed one, they might just toss some irate letter from an aggrieved parent of a temp straight in the bin.


The other advantage of telling the agency is that they can add a note to the file and pre-warn any future temps of the situation.

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Can I just clarify.


Was this girl just temping or was it more of a work placement type situation where she actually took on the job with a career in mind.


If it was just for money then is there really any moral or social obligation to look after her?


It may not have been nice of them but I'm not sure a complaint would get far.


It maybe different if she is genuinely a potential future employee.

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