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Guernsey Slated For Weaknesses In Government


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Guernsey Press:


WAO delivers devastating report on States


A DEVASTATING verdict was today delivered on the States.


An independent report by the Wales Audit Office has revealed significant weaknesses in the way it operates.


‘The weaknesses are the product both of inherent, fundamental structural deficiencies in the way Guernsey is governed and individuals being unwilling to accept the discipline needed to make things work,’ said auditor general for Wales Jeremy Colman (pictured) in the report.


  • It concluded that the States:
  • Does not have a clear strategic direction or agreement on its strategic objectives and desired outcomes
  • Lacks the structure for clear corporate leadership
  • Has unclear and protracted decision making processes, with decisions not always being underpinned by good quality information
  • Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place
  • Lacks appropriate mechanisms to address concerns regarding the conduct of States’ deputies and staff


How would the Isle of Man rate on these points?

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The "Wales Audit Office" delivers a "DEVASTATING" report on an independent jurisdiction - The Channel Isles.


So wtf has The Isles operation got to do with a less than independent audit office like the "well-balanced" (chip on each shoulder) Welsh Audit Office? Did you answer "None at all?" Well done, that's the right answer. More overpaid "civil" servants with not enough to do to justify their inflated remuneration methinks...

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Guernsey Press:


WAO delivers devastating report on States


A DEVASTATING verdict was today delivered on the States.


An independent report by the Wales Audit Office has revealed significant weaknesses in the way it operates.


‘The weaknesses are the product both of inherent, fundamental structural deficiencies in the way Guernsey is governed and individuals being unwilling to accept the discipline needed to make things work,’ said auditor general for Wales Jeremy Colman (pictured) in the report.


  • It concluded that the States:
  • Does not have a clear strategic direction or agreement on its strategic objectives and desired outcomes
  • Lacks the structure for clear corporate leadership
  • Has unclear and protracted decision making processes, with decisions not always being underpinned by good quality information
  • Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place
  • Lacks appropriate mechanisms to address concerns regarding the conduct of States’ deputies and staff


How would the Isle of Man rate on these points?


I understand that Guernsey is a bit more feudal than the IOM and we've got the glossy policy brochures to prove it.

In recent years there have been some bad external reports on the IOM Education Department and Probation Service.

It would be interesting to have an overall review of government.

Maybe we would find out why they find it so difficult to make decisions.

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The "Wales Audit Office" delivers a "DEVASTATING" report on an independent jurisdiction - The Channel Isles.


So wtf has The Isles operation got to do with a less than independent audit office like the "well-balanced" (chip on each shoulder) Welsh Audit Office? Did you answer "None at all?" Well done, that's the right answer. More overpaid "civil" servants with not enough to do to justify their inflated remuneration methinks...


I don't understand either - would the Scottish Audit Office (if there is such a thing) deliver a report on the IOM? If so, devastating our not we should tell them to get stuffed, set up our own Audit Office and deliver a devastating report on whoever we feel like it (perhaps Jersey?)

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Possibly put to tender exercise and the Welsh Audit Office came back with the right quote. I think very many of the UK peripheral functions have been offering their services more widely as a means to broadening their experience and their sources of funding. Wasn't the National Audit Office reconstituted as something separate to the main government structure which would mean that they probably have funding issues.

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I am no government apologist as you all know, but my suspicion is that if we got in the WAO on the same brief we would come out very well


We have a five year plan and we folow it, we have committees which examine public expenditure and policy


We have a cabinet which does sort of function collectively


I'm not saying we are good because it is comparative, but that says a lot about Guernsey in my view


What none of the Crown Dependencies have is policy choice for the electorate at election time, at the end of the day that must be the first benchmark

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Is it a report which has been commissioned by the Guernsey administration?

Yes, by their Public Accounts Committee.

Well I'm surprised, I didn't know that or even guess at it. Not that the WAO "won" the business (we pay for them anyway so surprise surprise not their quote was the lowest) but more that if I wanted an external audit done public servants would be my last choice. Because it's public servants hiring public servants and if they have enough staff and time to do external work then there's far too many of them. In any event when are amateurs going to actually grasp the simple fact that cheap doesn't actually automatically equate to value for money?

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John, You wrote:

my suspicion is that if we got in the WAO on the same brief we would come out very well


Yet the Guernsey report stated:

Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place


As we do not have a Freedom of Information Act would a similar conclusion be made about the IOM?

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