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Guernsey Slated For Weaknesses In Government


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* Does not have a clear strategic direction or agreement on its strategic objectives and desired outcomes

* Lacks the structure for clear corporate leadership

* Has unclear and protracted decision making processes, with decisions not always being underpinned by good quality information

* Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place

* Lacks appropriate mechanisms to address concerns regarding the conduct of States’ deputies and staff


So many bullshit words and phrases in such a small space.


I would think that Guernsey has even more money than we have in our Government and Civil Service. Hey, why work for your living when there is so much cash floating about.


How many Government employees walk home with over £1000 a week on this little Island of 80,000?

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I am no government apologist as you all know, but my suspicion is that if we got in the WAO on the same brief we would come out very well


We have a five year plan and we folow it, we have committees which examine public expenditure and policy


We have a cabinet which does sort of function collectively


I'm not saying we are good because it is comparative, but that says a lot about Guernsey in my view


What none of the Crown Dependencies have is policy choice for the electorate at election time, at the end of the day that must be the first benchmark


Well we are talking post the MEA fiasco now so things have probably been tightened up lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...
* Does not have a clear strategic direction or agreement on its strategic objectives and desired outcomes

* Lacks the structure for clear corporate leadership

* Has unclear and protracted decision making processes, with decisions not always being underpinned by good quality information

* Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place

* Lacks appropriate mechanisms to address concerns regarding the conduct of States’ deputies and staff


So many bullshit words and phrases in such a small space.


I would think that Guernsey has even more money than we have in our Government and Civil Service. Hey, why work for your living when there is so much cash floating about.


How many Government employees walk home with over £1000 a week on this little Island of 80,000?


The answer is nearly 600:


Remuneration Band 2009/2008


£225,000 - £249,999 1/0

£200,000 - £224,999 3/1

£175,000 - £199,999 13/8

£150,000 - £174,999 12/13

£125,000 - £149,999 21/16

£100,000 - £124,999 34/28

£75,000 - £99,999 87/53

£50,000 - £74,999 591/413

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How many Government employees walk home with over £1000 a week on this little Island of 80,000?

Far too many I would say:


A reshuffle. What an excellent way to disguise award well-earned promotions.


Caught my eye from the Gov Accounts:


Remuneration Band 2009/2008


£225,000 - £249,999 1/0

£200,000 - £224,999 3/1

£175,000 - £199,999 13/8

£150,000 - £174,999 12/13

£125,000 - £149,999 21/16

£100,000 - £124,999 34/28

£75,000 - £99,999 87/53

£50,000 - £74,999 591/413


Even in these austere times that Public Servant Gravy Train just keeps rolling along and along. How heartening...

This made me laugh from the BBC:


Public consultation has been extended on two posts aimed at strengthening scrutiny processes in the Isle of Man government. Full screed here.


What "scrutiny processes"????? McLeod reported that Bell had "misled" Tynwald and he's still there! MEA!!!!!! Etc bloody etc - unfortunately...

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The answer is nearly 600:


Remuneration Band 2009/2008


£225,000 - £249,999 1/0

£200,000 - £224,999 3/1

£175,000 - £199,999 13/8

£150,000 - £174,999 12/13

£125,000 - £149,999 21/16

£100,000 - £124,999 34/28

£75,000 - £99,999 87/53

£50,000 - £74,999 591/413


That's disgusting. Anything over £75,000 is ridiculous.

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* Does not have a clear strategic direction or agreement on its strategic objectives and desired outcomes

* Lacks the structure for clear corporate leadership

* Has unclear and protracted decision making processes, with decisions not always being underpinned by good quality information

* Does not have effective systems of accountability and scrutiny in place

* Lacks appropriate mechanisms to address concerns regarding the conduct of States’ deputies and staff


So many bullshit words and phrases in such a small space.


I would think that Guernsey has even more money than we have in our Government and Civil Service. Hey, why work for your living when there is so much cash floating about.


How many Government employees walk home with over £1000 a week on this little Island of 80,000?


The answer is nearly 600:


Remuneration Band 2009/2008


£225,000 - £249,999 1/0

£200,000 - £224,999 3/1

£175,000 - £199,999 13/8

£150,000 - £174,999 12/13

£125,000 - £149,999 21/16

£100,000 - £124,999 34/28

£75,000 - £99,999 87/53

£50,000 - £74,999 591/413


Nearer 800 if I am reading this right! Bloody hell!

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Wow! Approximately £30m a year on people earning more than £50k a year each! I've tried googling to see how that compares to a local government servicing a similar population in England, but can't find any figures. Does anyone think the figure is reasonable compared to local government in the UK?

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