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Treasury Responds To Finance Sector Job Losses

Albert Tatlock

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A place with huge caravan parks around entertainment complexes, some form of huge theme park, cheap booze and fast food, and a subsidised low cost travel link the England, Ireland, and Scotland, in short what most people want, a place at least no more expensive to get to than The West Country, and ideally cheaper.


Doesn't work for Blackpool, and people would have to go past there to get here.


I think you're being over-dramatic personally.

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What would I do?


I would be looking at tourism to be the potential growth sector but tourism not based on the unquestionably beautiful Island as the selling point, I would be looking at going down market and consequently the mass market in order to attract money to the Island.


The question is would the majority of people on the Island be open to the idea of developments of the size and nature that would be needed to move the Isle of Man from ‘the place to flourish’ a concept long past its opportunity, to THE Holiday Isle.


A place with huge caravan parks around entertainment complexes, some form of huge theme park, cheap booze and fast food, and a subsidised low cost travel link the England, Ireland, and Scotland, in short what most people want, a place at least no more expensive to get to than The West Country, and ideally cheaper.


It could work --- if the Powers That Be and the NIMBY faction don’t get their way.


For now work permits for people to take local vacancies?


Only as a last resort.


your not drunk are you

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A place with huge caravan parks around entertainment complexes, some form of huge theme park, cheap booze and fast food, and a subsidised low cost travel link the England, Ireland, and Scotland, in short what most people want, a place at least no more expensive to get to than The West Country, and ideally cheaper.


Doesn't work for Blackpool, and people would have to go past there to get here.


I think you're being over-dramatic personally.


It’s actually been working very well for Blackpool this year insofar as the holiday camps are concerned, it’s the day tripper trade that’s suffered along with the boarding house trade and in both cases down to the weather.


In the East it’s been a spectacularly good summer season, especially in Yarmouth where the holiday camps have done a bomb. The weather has been a bit better than in the West, but not all that much.


Same with the smaller holiday camps along the whole Norfolk coast. The availability of low cost accommodation combined with laid on entertainment and places to go when it rains has proved a real winner. The amazing thing is how so many people in the camps head for the nearest covered swimming pool when it does rain!


I really do think that ‘stay-cationers’ are going to prove to be a real money spinner if the market provides what they want, and the Island is in a wonderful position geographically and opportunity wise to develop a stay-cation market.


Provided that it’s NOT based on what used to be, it’s NOT aimed at the top end of the market, and people on the Island decide that prosperity is more important than pretty views.


The other aspect of tourism, one that seems to have been forgotten, is the way that tourist cash flows far more readily into the whole population as a result of the tourist industry being so labour intensive.


That and the spin off business that results to provide and service the tourist trade.


Tourism in Britain has started to change and will continue to do so. Holidays on ‘The Costas’ will become out of the reach of the majority of people who went there in the past as Sterling falls, cuts come in, and the prices in Europe increase as they already are starting to.


Undercut the prices, give the buggers something to do when it rains, something for the kids to do, and cheap booze and food, and it’s a guaranteed winner. Just as long as it’s not ruined by the silly Steam Packet, that MUST be made an integrated part of the whole tourist industry infrastructure.

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Just as long as it’s not ruined by the silly Steam Packet, that MUST be made an integrated part of the whole tourist industry infrastructure.


and thats where your plan falls down!!!!


think is who u going to get to work in your low skilled jobs,

i still think your mad, but its a nice thought

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It’s actually been working very well for Blackpool this year insofar as the holiday camps are concerned, it’s the day tripper trade that’s suffered along with the boarding house trade and in both cases down to the weather.


Undercut the prices, give the buggers something to do when it rains, something for the kids to do, and cheap booze and food, and it’s a guaranteed winner. Just as long as it’s not ruined by the silly Steam Packet, that MUST be made an integrated part of the whole tourist industry infrastructure.



I agree with you, but I think that's not the 'cheap chips and booze' plan you outlined originally. If the Islands got a future for tourism, it's providing a better quality of experience that's worth the cost of getting here, or providing specialist attractions that nobody else does nearby.

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Buy apples at ten pence each, sell them at fifteen, sell a thousand.

Buy GOOD apples at 50 pence, sell at 75, sell a hundred.


You're not going to sell 15p apples if there's a guy nearer the punter also selling the same apples at that price. To entice people over, you need a reason, we cannot compete with British resorts on cost alone, because we've always got the extra cost of travelling here.

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Buy apples at ten pence each, sell them at fifteen, sell a thousand.

Buy GOOD apples at 50 pence, sell at 75, sell a hundred.


You're not going to sell 15p apples if there's a guy nearer the punter also selling the same apples at that price. To entice people over, you need a reason, we cannot compete with British resorts on cost alone, because we've always got the extra cost of travelling here.


I agree that there needs to be a discriminator but that discriminator can be cheap booze, it’s a tremendous draw line for people as would be a low rate of VAT.


With the withering on the vine of the Common Purse agreement there is a strong argument to consider breaking all economic ties, especially since the changes in the arrangements regarding access to the UK NHS have come about.


As for costs, to get from (say) Birmingham to (say) Cornwall is now a very expensive deal indeed, especially with petrol at around a fiver a gallon.


To get from Birmingham to Liverpool is far less, and with a bit of ‘pile ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap’ approach on a ferry service the additional cost of a sea crossing need not be the silly price the Steam Packet charge. In fact a ‘not for profit’ government run thing should not be lightly dismissed.


Personally I believe there is a pressing need to ‘think outside the box’ because what is in the process of taking place certainly is outside of the box of what has been.


Maybe it will take things to get significantly worse before realisation sinks in that a radical, and I mean radical, change is needed. The pity would be if that realisation takes place too late.

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Personally I believe there is a pressing need to ‘think outside the box’ because what is in the process of taking place certainly is outside of the box of what has been.


Maybe it will take things to get significantly worse before realisation sinks in that a radical, and I mean radical, change is needed. The pity would be if that realisation takes place too late.


Amen to that, the problem being is that there is no one here with the sheer ability to think outside the box and be radical.


Dithering is the default here.

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Personally I believe there is a pressing need to ‘think outside the box’ because what is in the process of taking place certainly is outside of the box of what has been.


Maybe it will take things to get significantly worse before realisation sinks in that a radical, and I mean radical, change is needed. The pity would be if that realisation takes place too late.


Amen to that, the problem being is that there is no one here with the sheer ability to think outside the box and be radical.


Dithering is the default here.


Sorry, I don't agree.


There are some very capable people on the Island, but it's the dullards like ‘Docker’ Downie who put their fat behinds on the seats those people should be sitting on that is now going to be such a hindrance to progress.

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Fair enough, I'll rephrase.

The problem is that there is no one here with the sheer ability to think outside the box and be radical due to talentless fuckwits getting in the way.

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Fair enough, I'll rephrase.

The problem is that there is no one here with the sheer ability to think outside the box and be radical due to talentless fuckwits getting in the way.


I think the people with the ability and talent are there, but I do agree they're being held back by, as you put it so well, the presence of too many talentless fuckwits getting in the way

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Clichés like "think outside the box" are just bluster.


The world economy will continue to offer opportunities for serious minded intelligent people who follow trends. As it always has, whatever happens.


There is no future for mass tourism on the IOM.

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The world economy will continue to offer opportunities for serious minded intelligent people who follow trends. As it always has, whatever happens.



For people who SET trends,

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